Why isn't it allowed to be cooked legally.
Because hillbillies tend to fucking blow themselves up
Most meth comes from Beanland.
How much would it cost for lets say my friend to buy meth equipment?
Depends on how rustic and dangerous he's willing to cook.
You can probably do it for a few hundred bucks but the likely hood of something blowing up or going wrong is rather high.
Let's say he's really careful at what he does.
Would accident percentage reach near 0?
Also he would be cooking it far away from "people"
The Jews fear meth because it allows the white man to reach their true potential. Meth increases productivity, intelligence and athleticism. The Nazis used meth to create Aryan super soldiers. That's the only reason it's illegal.
most people dont know most of the german forces were being given meth daily, this is why they fought like fucking berzerkers
>Why isn't it allowed to be cooked legally.
because it's meth..............................................................................
go to bed Walt
>couple hundred bucks
You seriously underestimate the ingenuity of junkies
Yeah if you got lab grade equipment and did your extraction and synthesis with a controlled laboratory procedure in proper protective equipment you can get your risk of going boom to zero.
I've heard there's a former chemistry teacher who cooks really good stuff. It's blue.
They call him Heisenberg.
if it was legal price would go down drastically ... CIA jew don't like that, they like to control price and market
I take adderall and have wondered about using meth but I probably won't.
First off, it's a drug that is manufactured or synthesized. It isn't like pot where you can literally just grow it. In that aspect, it's no different than making moonshine..there are specific regulations in effect that ban something like that from happening (even though it obviously does still) which are related to the protection of the consumer.
Second, have you ever been around anyone on meth? Have you seen a meth house explode or on fire in your neighborhood? I have. It's fucking awful shit and what it does to the entire community is horrible.
The pharmaceutical Jew already makes meth, they just don't usually prescribe it, it's like giving some asshole with spinal stenosis a script for fentanyl. Stupid shit usually ensures when you go for overkill
i dream about getting a desoxyn script but i know it will never happen and i will never ask.
it's a neurotoxin anyway. probably shouldn't try it.
Because if it's home made, then it's difficult to tax. You could issue meth-manufacturing licenses.
Honestly there is nothing wrong with meth, its only if its an ephedrine-based cook (as the majority of American meth is) then it has some negative effects.
Nothing wrong with heading down to Brighton with the lads, slamming some tina and getting noshed off by a cute young boy for 8 hours.
True, it's called Desoxyn. Rarely given out.
Cocaine even has uses during ENT surgery, but it's in significantly smaller amounts than what would make you feel any buzz or anything.
Literally wrong.
Most people know a guy who makes meth locally. It's not super hard to make. Hell. Living in the meth capital of the world (East TN, KY, WV) we had something like 1000 lab busts last year. And that's just busy.
Map related is lab busts by state.
>implying anyone uses cocaine as a local for anything but novelty
The precursors are legal in most parts of the world. The product is not
>It's a neurotoxin
So is adderall. Desoxyn doses are usually in micrograms if I remember. You won't accidentally give yourself Parkinson's if you don't act like a moron
It's like a super adderall.
Feels amazing but then you comedown and fiend for more or you'll feel like shit.
Also the issue is if you dose too much you'll easily be up for 2 solid days.
If you're gonna do uppers stick to adderall,vyvanse etc
not from what i've read. meth has a slightly different MoA that causes it to be neurotoxic to dopamine neurons, whereas adderall is not.
This. People get caught making it in Walmart bathrooms ffs.
Adderall isn't neurotoxic, that little methyl group makes all the difference when it comes to receptor binding activity
All Nobel Prize winners do meth.
At this point it needs to stay illegal just to keep Breaking Bad culturally relevant.
toxic fumes fuck up the whole area around it and make people sick
It's called adderal
what does meth feel like?
Just shake and bake and it's less than 10 bucks
But indiana makes the most meth
makes you feel invincible and like you can do anything at first but it can consume you and you become a slave to it
Juan Pordesto
adderall will only fuck up your heart if you don't use it as directed
meth will fuck up literally everything
East TN here, my sister cooks meth and is a pretty good example on why it shouldn't be legal.
Why would you want it to be? Meth is def one those drugs that need to be illegal. Meth heads are THE biggest pieces of shits on the planet. Every meth head I know is fucking sociopath
Because it is illegal.
I'm on 20mgs a day am I good? I don't abuse my script.
I used to make the stuff.
Shake and bake is cheap and so easy a retard could do it. The problem these days is buying Sudafed (you can only buy one box per day)
How did you get your script?
Because its pretty much the worst thing ever.
Scourge of white civilization.
If you use meth you must turn in your whiteman card. You have been demoted to untermensch.
Just see a GP or have your psych look at your CV health regularly. Stay active, don't eat like shit, adderall won't fuck you up as much as a family history of CV problems will.
ask your doctor not some idiot online
Come up to my level, faggots
Always this
Nice try DEA.
Jk, Google 'shake and bake meth'. Got you senpai.
youll be fine i used to take it in school at a higher dose
>buying russian drywall/plumbers caulk/.5% modafinil pills
but it is.
methamphetamine is a cII prescription medication in the US. most people have little difficulty in finding a provider to write a script.
You know methamphetamine is a prescription drug in America right?
Good luck finding a pharmacy to fill it though. I knew someone who actually got a script and couldn't find any pharmacy could fill it. This is in a major city as well.
modafinil/(R)-modafinil is the only drug I can speak well of.
should be available over the counter tbqh.
Because it helps fund the shadow government so they need to keep control of the supply.
It's even harder to find a pharmacy to fill it. I knew a guy who somehow managed to get prescriptions to heavy, obscure drugs, and he couldn't find a pharmacy that had it. This is in the 4th largest city in the US.
Coordinated posting?
Remember what happened in ancient Asia? Drugs'll fuck ya up, lad.
agreed. it pretty much is anyway.
my dude, the pharmacy I work for can get it next day.
main issue is likely getting an insurance company to pay for it. but I can absolutely understand a pharmacy not wanting to be stuck with 70 remaining unused tablets.
i used to have a hard time sometimes to get my adderall filled when i was on it
also my dad has diabetes so he needs syringes and you can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass that shit is getting treated like a heroin junkie just for buying insulin syringes
It's so destructive. Not only on the users but where it's made.
There are labs that make a compound like meth, but isn't dangerous to make, isn't addictive, and won't ruin your life.
They were found to be in Pre-workout drinks like "Craze" which is gone now. After more testing I'm sure it will be the new caffeine.
Your dad was part of the perception problem, he needed to pick em up like he was doing absolutely nothing wrong and no one would've cared. He could've even been obnoxious and talked about his diabetes. Or stalked up in bulk when he got his insulin. Or used an autoinjector
NZ here. Currently in our second meth epidemic.
All dealers should be gassed.
Yeah pressurized flammable gas inside a soda bottle sounds like a fool-proof plan.
consider getting him switched to an insulin pen.
a pharmacy is much more likely to sell pen needles without a script than syringes. the insulin itself is usually more cost effective by volume too.
It looks so yummy. Like those sugar crystals on a stick things.
Shake and bake is the nastiest shit you can make. Dude spend five minutes reading rhodium archive and you can make pure [anything] with great yields and explanations as to why shit works. Some even have step by step and some even have pictures.
Don't do drugs though, especially methamphetamine. Much better drugs out there including amphetamine derivatives that aren't (nearly as) neurotoxic as shit like methampethamine nor compulsive redosing.
Stimulants should be used for work not play. Don't be an idiot drug abuser.
It is? Just release the Gas as it gets too much for the bottle to hold. If you can't make a dent in it with your thumb then you have too much and need to Release the pressure
Went to doctor. Was diagnosed with ADHD since a kid but was bright enough to coast through school. That ended when I stopped being a NEET, and realized I couldn't sperg out like I was when faced with needing a job, so I got on adderall.
Yeah I usually eat beforehand to stay safe.
kek thanks for the life lesson
*smokes BTH* Shake and Bake is more fun than the Birch Reduction method. Not that I make the stuff anymore
>Honestly there is nothing wrong with meth
Highly addictive
Destroys the addict's teeth.
Destroys the addict's brain.
The process of making it is dangerous, even in a lab setting.
The aftermath of making it leaves behind very toxic chemicals, which is why a house that was used as a meth cook usually gets demoed and hazmat called in to clean up.
You're speaking out of your ass, because you don't know how it's made, and how it effects people.
I'm really curious about this, do either of you have any sources for this claim?
I know it's a little late to reply, but I'm REALLY curious.
Syringes are incredibly easy to get. I get them all the time for hobby related stuff, and nobody treats me like a junky. These days I buy them off amazon, they're not illegal and people use them for all kinds of non-medical reasons. When my mom had cancer I had to get some wide-bore ones for using with her feeding tube, the pharmacy never blinked when I asked for them (they're behind the counter because of shoplifting by junkies).
Anyone who works at a pharmacy can spot a junky a mile away, there's no way your dad has ANY issues getting needles for diabetes. Stop being a faggot and making shit up.
Or bought them off Amazon. Hell, if you can show a script for insulin, I bet a pharmacy would give you a free needle in an emergency, they're not expensive.
You don't need a prescription for needles. You can go buy as many as you want, right now.
Go ahead, more business for me.
t. Stroke center neurologist
Ex-dope dealer here (ask me anything and yes, I know I should be gassed for deliberately helping my own race devolve)
In retrospect, this is probably the most destructive drug I've ever come across. I swear it's was like poor roaches sold their souls to the devil for more crank the second they came down for the first time.. I've never tried the shit, and I always saw the people I dealt to as honorary niggers (I sold PCP to actual niggers because it has the highest margin for profit of any drug in my area believe it or not. Anyone who says niggers are the only ones who manufacture and distribute PCP has never met a cartel beaner )
dumb fag i meant when i go for him i get treated sometimes like a junky
my state board says no. depends on location.
No, you don't. Stop making shit up, faggot.
Pharmacists usually won't sell needles to junkies regardless
You can buy them from Amazon right now. No state restrictions.
sell me opiates
because you are a slave and you will damage state property
I was up for a sold 30 hours or more on vyvanse. I'd also Masturbate for an extended period of time if the day allowed.
Hitler's doctor gave him cocaine, meth, amphetamine. And yes they gave soldiers meth.
Imo we can give them to dying persons and soldiers.
youre retarded
Average methheads...
>The Jews fear meth because it allows the white man to reach their true potential. Meth increases productivity, intelligence and athleticism. The Nazis used meth to create Aryan super soldiers. That's the only reason it's illegal.
Nah, it's fuckin disgusting and degenerate, Bubba Dean Joe...
Simply untrue. Some stores might refuse to sell them (which is dumb, clean needles means less hep c and other nasties being spread) but it's not a law or rule that everyone follows.
Hell, most big towns and cities have legal needle exchanges, anyway. Getting needles as a junky is not hard.
That's all you got, faggot?
Go larp in another thread, faggot.
Yeah I've fallen into that trap before. Took 3 once on a lark and was up for 45hours. Absolutely cannot get started wanking on the stuff or you won't leave yourself alone. I've found it's really not a good recreational drug unless you have some means of knocking yourself the fuck out. It's just active in your blood for way too long. Absolutely fantastic for productivity and attention when used as directed though.
stores will refuse to sell them if they think you are a junky and you are here pretending like it never happens
Partially true.
"During World War II, methamphetamine was sold in tablet form under the brand name Pervitin, produced by the Berlin-based Temmler pharmaceutical company. It was used extensively by all branches of the combined Wehrmacht armed forces of the Third Reich, and was popular with Luftwaffe pilots in particular, for its performance-enhancing stimulant effects and to induce extended wakefulness.[133][134] Pervitin became colloquially known among the German troops as "Stuka-Tablets" (Stuka-Tabletten) and "Herman-Göring-Pills" (Hermann-Göring-Pillen). Side effects were so serious that the army sharply cut back its usage in 1940[citation needed]. Historian Lukasz Kamienski says "A soldier going to battle on Pervitin usually found himself unable to perform effectively for the next day or two. Suffering from a drug hangover and looking more like a zombie than a great warrior, he had to recover from the side effects." Some soldiers turned very violent, committing war crimes against civilians; others attacked their own officers."
US soldiers were given speed. Pilots are still prescribed speed, from what I've heard.