Where is Turkey kun???
pls respond
Where is Turkey kun???
pls respond
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Fuck japanese goodbye
Why would you like Turkey
Turkey and Japan are historic allies !
because this
t. expat
Thank you for the Ottoman Anime Japan
Turkey is Korea's friend, not Japan's.
Why is Turkey x Japan the superior combination?
Japan's flag has Red Sun over white background, while in Turkish one it has White crescent and star over red background
Its kinda POTTERY and i think it also symbolizing something in Shintoism iirc
We should have created pact against Russian Empire back in those days
sugoiiiiiii turkey-chan~
anime is shit and degenrate.
take red pill
we need to send anzu as diplomat.
Mind = Blow
>Tfw you only has a tricolor that means nothing.
sorry you lost my respect after killing samurays and inventing anime
Oh i know that, Nihon, i know that very well
But Anime and Manga are powerful medium that can influence and Manipulate people dontcha think?
Shit like that happens if your country is on brink of civil war
Also prepare for referandum thats gonna happen in april 16th
But Samurays turned into Corporations that makes cars and Animes?
Also first anime movie was imperial japanese propaganda film
only retards and 10years old child watch anime.
I truly don't mind Turkish people just don't go to japan,op2 of the 30 turk rpthat got in where rapists,then this and many other videos of duprug dealing and so,you can't behave like civilized beings so for your own sake and the sake of that friendship stay in turkey don't fuck up japan(it's the same with any muslim country,if you wanna be friends,don't spam them with your people who demand things and behave like shit)
Guess what?
World is becoming even more retarded because technology and communications literally do everything for them
As the poet says
"Anything Goes..."
You know, I read a book in which turkey, japan, and some other nameless country back stab the US in the future. Japan, I will be very disappointing if you do that.
Protip: You will end up losing.
Tell me more Mr eikaiwa teacher...tell me how japanese never watch anime or read manga while commuting
Dont worry Andalusian bro we cant go to Japan even if we wanted to now
what happen on april 16
i want turkey girl friend with big brest
anime about koksal-baba-chan when?
I did soccer when I was young.
nerds sure love to watch anime
but I am not such nerd.
do turkey girl like japanese man
this thread is so cute
I must say in japan turkey is seen quite positively,and Turkish people have also a good image of japan (most of the world less rapebabies and brainwashed korean,chinese have also that good image)so please don't fuck that image,for your own good,japanese are the nicest and best tourists you could ask for,if more Turkish go to japan and they start doing bad things...it might be over,plus in japan prison means you'll be working your time there
Referandum whether Turkey should embrace dictatorship or not
iirc, citizens that who are in foreign country could also vote, so yeah, prepare your riot police in case of civil war spillover
yes or no
which is good
Dude,I lived in japan for years,I saw salariman going to work and reading manga or watching anime everyday,also lots of people afterwork go and chill out at anion cafes or similar and people there ain't neets,they drink,smoke go out and party,saying anime or manga is for children is like saying movies or literature is for children,there is manga about any topic.
Personally i only care about the story not the drawings but still there are amazing stories out there worthy of being called literature and there is great anime like ghost in the shell that I can think of in a more positive light than most series in europe or america
Isn't it enough that you've blacked Greece?
Just dont leave her Takashi, i have family friend who is half japanese, half turk.
But his japanese father abandoned him after friend's mother died
because you went to loser's area.
these salary man are nerd.
and you too. fucking weeb
i am not takahashi
who is takahashi
Fuck off you're just a moron LARPing as a japanese enjoy your life,eat dick
Also if i go Japan i will go there for selling muh Olive oils
you are loser. all anime wathers are loser
deal with it