What the fuck is happening?, why is there many Milo threads, what did he do?

what the fuck is happening?, why is there many Milo threads, what did he do?

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try clicking on one of them nigger

He diddled one too many kiddies.

dude's a pedophile or at least a pedophile advocate


What is the point of this thread when you can find out yourself?

was about to post this

d-does sage work when posting images? :o

>why is there many Milo threads
Why do you think chilebro? we're being raided hard by shariablue faggotry

I'm alt-right

Where are the FUCKING good mods ???
Do NOT click on any milo shill threads. Shareblue is paying shills a fucktonne

coordinated media campaign

don't worry, doesn't matter

also sage

Shills are out in full force cause they think that Milo is the leader of the "alt-right" and that we all congregate here and that Milo losing somehow hurts us. Most of Sup Forums hates him.

>what did he do?
he proved his /our goy/-ness

and people figured this out now? wooo big shocker that a sodomite and degenerate homo would be into other weird crap.

this is the problem with exploring sexuality as a woman/degenerate men, it always borders into damaging areas. look at what young girls can do, excluding crazy shit like double penetration and gangbangs you still are left with the imaginary BBC, older daddy types just to name a few. all of which you are not or not yet. given that you are bound to run into a girl after she's experienced these crazy things you will never be the sexual vocal point because she has already compartmentalized it, doesn't matter how alpha, ripped, hung, big or goodlooking you are. her sexual escapades are reserved for low risk strangers and men who appeal to their novelty and fetishes. you might be in the stratosphere regarding SMV and it will make her crush hard but none of that will matter, you are now an even bigger risks. all these things compound the problem that you can't have meaningful and manually satisfying sex with girls in relationships because they don't allow it. you are to much of a risk to lose, to ordinair, to perfect in their minds. the vulgarity of a black half beast turns her on not because he's a better sexual mate, but because he isn't and this triggers her 'im such a dirty slut' complex.

this is the result of female degeneracy, you end up with girls you can only bang because the moment you end up committing to one she's gonna keep her cards close to her chest, it takes very good game to let them out. even then you will never appeal to her nasty side because you aren't nasty, you are hot. that's not to say you won't turn her on, but it will be different and your girlfriend will be doing nastier shit with the old fag pricks and nignogs of society.

this concludes right back into submissive/gay male sexual degeneracy because it's mold-able like a womans. straight male sexuality is a conquest

milo got a hit piece against him just like pewdiepie. he said he liked getting raped as a child so the left is saying he's a pedophile.

shills are in full force because they think Sup Forums is a pro milo board or something.

also reddit is probably to blame somehow.

We're on ShillCon 0, the maximum overshill

Genuinely never even clicked a link about that retard before. He just looked like some daytime tv asshole - but apparently it's a really big deal that he's a pedo or something and the "ALTRIGHT" is basically dead in the water now.

I don't know when they're going to learn how to actually fuck with Sup Forums but it they look especially embarrassing today. Shekels in the bank though, can't take that away from them.

Congrats, that was the most uninformed comment in this thread so far.

Everyone on the right outside of retarded cultural libertarians on rebbit hated him. Milo was always a fucking degenerate, a Jew, and this new pedo thing comes as no surprise.

Plainly incorrect. There was OP for a start.

Take your brain aids back to facebook nigger.

Honestly having no information > literally bullshitting.

he a good boy. he dindu nuffin

We got confirmation that he's a degenerate pedophile. We knew from the very beginning of course, but it's just now come to light. And now Shareblue is paying shills to make a million threads an hour, in order to defend him, stating that he's our ally or that he's based. If they knew anything about this board, then they would know that this same tactic didn't work the first million times, and it won't now.

I've never seen shilling like this, they're worried about something. Have we gotten too powerful?
It's like hundreds of shill threads and HURR LEFTISTS ARE TAKING Sup Forums BACK I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN DURR

it's a coordinated thing. milo is a huge fag, but these paid internet people from CTR or whatever the fuck are here making tons of posts to create a narrative that "alt-right" sympathizes with the fag.

I don't understand what you're trying to say. I provided "no information", so I am to suffer your downsyndrome for a couple of posts?

(((They))) got to his publisher and are running a shill op at the moment.

Milo is a kike faggot nigger lover but he's not a pedophile. Shareblue can go fuck itself

Here's a gestalt: you're making blind guesses based on vague background knowledge that provide absolutely no insight whatsoever.

Friend, I'm not sure you

a) understand what the fuck is going on here
b) understand where the fuck you are