>bluepilled af
>happy with friends, family, college mates
>be alpha an score with quite some women
>don't care about other races and don't see any form of propaganda
>after many years i finally get together with my crush
>started to get redpilled
>gf moves out and start losing contact over time
>break up
>don't care still can easily score with some qts
>time passes
>get more and more redpilled
>haven't had sex in almost a year
>haven't kissed a girl in months
>haven't held hands in months
>can't enjoy 99% of entertainment because of the blatant propaganda
>either forced to keep my mouth shut to avoid losing friends or lose it and start arguing when they say bluepilled shit and end up cutting contact with said people
>pretty much forced to go to college, study and go back home to shitpost on /pol every single day
>life is colorless, cold and dull now
>There's simply no reason to wake up now
>not friends to go to laugh or share my problems
>no gf that will tell me how much she loves me and how she loves to spend time together
>no girls to pump and dump to at least feel some kind of contact
>no movies or games to watch or play because the propaganda is unbearable.

I want to go back to the simpler times /pol.

>I want to go back to the simpler times /pol.

You were never in simpler times. You just didnt know the truth back then.

its time to take the weebpill.

I always ask myself if waking up was a blessing or a curse.

Prepare yourself for the inevitable downfall of civilization faggot

I know, but there is any way i can jist go back to those times?
Is there any way i can learn to ignore all of this and just live happily? Foolish about what's really happening?

>pump and dump
You are a nigger. Kill yourself.

Well done you broke the conditioning. Welcome to truth bomb general.

Its time for a mix of alcohol and Xanax.

lol Sup Forumstsd
but frreal I know this feel exclusively in the sex department, haven't had sex in months,
last chick I talked to I sperged at cause she was from detroit and was denying the high crime and overall shittyness so I got all autistic on hur ass

>>can't enjoy 99% of entertainment because of the blatant propaganda

This is horseshit. You can paint, read, exercise, hike, solve puzzles, etc etc etc. There is plenty of entertainment in life that does not get "ruined" by "propaganda".

You're obsessing. It's perfectly normal, nothing to be alarmed about, but you really ought to actively change things if you are this unhappy. Force yourself into new patterns, new experiences, new activities. You'll be OK.

Why do you want that?

Because it feels better? How about you be a fucking man and stop with this pollyanna bullshit.

sucks for you
I've been in the gravity chamber, senpai. Needing human contact is the ultimate bluepill

Congratulations on being brainwashed by neonazis and then wondering where your life went wrong?

God why is there so many leftybrits you guys suck cock

>not using your knowledge to redpill the normies.

Is it a jello dog?

Is it really inevitable?
Always used protection familia
Alcohol used to be enough, but now it ain't working anymore
I know i try to not sperg out but simply the fact of being redpilled takes you very far down in the autism spectrum
Thanks man, i'll try, at least i now have more time to study more, i'll do my best to become the best at my job
I just miss those times, i feel nostalgic
How did you came to terms with being alone?

wow, are you me? except i have accepted it's too late to go back, full steam ahead bro

I feel like CTR uses brit proxies now to sow dissent among us

>being brainwashed by neonazis
must be fun making shit up to fit your small world narrative

Humans, even the most anti-social desire contact with other humans. Kissing, hugging, holding hands, laying pipe...whatever the case may be.
You want advice? Here's my plan
Find an escort. Pay a broad to hold your hand and listen to you bitch. As long as she's on the clock, she's agreeable. You're probably lacking charm so unless you get a prostitute, you'll probably not get your dick wet.
Talk to your fellow Sup Forumsacks. We may hate each other but we hate everyone else more.
Tolerate the propaganda. Can you change everyone's minds? God forbid! The foolish will remain foolish. You don't have to enjoy their entertainment for the same reasons.
Just stop caring because you can't change anything. Stop being a whiney bitch.

Fuck off, Cypher.

what? dont be a faggot
you get used to the redpill life. you will eventually see why it is superior and why it makes you strong. dont give up

also make sure that fucking dog watches you slit its gut open and pull out its intestine. make sure he is watching when you do it bro


>>life is colorless, cold and dull now
Many of us go through this phase. Take the iron pill. Lift weights. Get /fit/. Read books. Expand your understanding of the world. Realize fucking sluts is degenerate and bad for you. Build your life to support a wife and family. You can become the paragon your society needs.


You'll get over it, you'll learn to stop giving a shit and just say what's on your mind, fuck being politically correct.

Find a conservative girl and work slow. Hell, I got my girl to question the official Holocaust story after only five months and I met her at a community college. She thinks i sperg from time to time and makes fun of me for saying "I have the documents" for things but she generally agrees whit me and doesn't think I'm actually crazy. I'm writing a book using redpilll thread screencaps under a pseudonym to do something productive and fightback against this shit.

I lived in La Paz for a year. Sweet Christ, those Andean mountain troll Che acolytes were extra blue pilled. I feel for ya, hombre.

can't give a shit

2nding Lifting weights, read, write, paint, play an instrument, etc find a constructive nondegenerate hobby. Also there are plenty of films with no or very little propaganda, just watch older films and/or more obscure/indie films. Watch old Shaw brothers Kung fu movies and learn a martial art or something. And casual sex isn't degenerate, it's human nature to want to spread your seed. Don't actually impregnate anyone though.

I know know why god has left us here to rot.

you're here forever, just try to make the best of it.

>using user to ghostwrite your "book."
You're welcome for my material user.

You can't put the truth back in the box.

It's not about being aware and miserable vs. naive and happy. You were not actually happy before. It's about adapting to the new way of thinking and living your life accordingly. TV seems like blatant propaganda? Good, it makes you stupid anyway, read books instead, good books.
Can't have sex with random sluts? Probably you lost your "smoothness" (degenerate attitude) when you realized how worthless they are. Great. Now look for girls who aren't lile that to treat properly.
Autistically screeching your friends away? You're like people who first become athiests autistically screeching at Christians. Calm down, become knowledgable, and learn to have a calm articulate discussion to convince the, subtly overtime and act like a fucking human. Hide your true power level.

You've bought into the propaganda for so long you never truly learned to be a man, you have to become one, become disciplined and lead a life worth living. It's like you just walked straight into AP Calculus from middle school geometry and complained it's not worth trying. Take it slow.

No, we use leaf proxies.

Try to fix all the real issues in society so that future generations don't have to suffer the way we do.. Stay strong user, fight for what you believe in.