Nigel Speaking LIVE at Hillsdale in 25 minutes

Nigel Farage "The significance of Brexit and the Trump victory"
Presented at Hillsdale college at 8 pm CST.
I will be sharing whiskey and cigars with him personally later.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks, I'm definitely watching this.

(It's 8pm EST, not CST by the way)


Are you part of the group that brought him to campus? If so, how much are you paying him?

Do you know if he's doing any other speaking engagements in Michigan this week? I'm in Ann Arbor.

Ask Nigel what his favorite beer/whiskey is.

No I'm not but I'm very close with the Churchill Society
Will do

Bump. The stream is live.

thank you komrad

This is fucking great

hey man, thanks for posting this. just wanted to say you're a huge faggot. kys. thanks.

fuck you

Yeah, he really has a larger-than-life stage presence.

anyone got stream?


Literally in OP

Dude is a fucking savage
"I doubt David Cameron would be remembered by history books in 200 years.... ouch, that was harsh wasn't it? Good."

Not working

It took about 45-60 seconds to load for me.

whats with that autistic comment by Woods(who?)

There is no such thing as a "military industrial complex", and there is nothing to compare military procurement to, therefore no way to say its wasteful

no idea
just a random image

I can't load the stream either, I think the site crashed

oh ok, how do i get this stream to load

no idea, I think the website crashed

shoulda hosted it on youtube, fking dumbasses

Conservatards not so good with technology

you're a special type of retard aren't you.

The author is Thomas Woods. There is such a thing as the military industrial complex, feel free to read a book.

You can compare military spending between nations, as well as to other goods government's spend which could be considered vital, such oil stockpiles, food, etc...