Is he right?
Is he right?
Seeing that most of the users were and are against Milo, I don't think that this tweet is accurate at all.
>says the people who defend the gateway depravity that is gay sex and trannyism
2 years tops and these guys will be full blown pedophile advocates
Yes, this website is made for degenerate anime paedos.
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt-right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement
Since when do we like a gay miscegenating kike? Of course he would be a fucking pedo too.
the majority of the posters here think milo is a faggot kike.
I first found Sup Forums after Googling "Disney Channel sexy"
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a botnet pedo.
Backbone? No.
But it was definitely here a lot in the past. I kinda forgot all about that shit but I haven't been th Sup Forums in a long time.
No, the only backbone Sup Forums literally ever had was anime, and even that came in to question now and again. Pedophilia was the backbone in as much as gore was the backbone.
>The backbone of Sup Forums for a long time was pedophilia
Yes, that's why this place got pedos locked up back in the day, obviously.
All the old charges weren't sticking so they dropped the pedo-bomb on Milo. And they will defend Lena Dunham.
Alright, when and how did Milo advocate for pedophilia?
Yeah, we have a lot of fun don't we.
Only people here that like this homo kike are JIDF shills.
>the alt-right
Literally the SJWs of the right
Just hate Jews and avoid degeneracy while preparing for the end of times, niggers
Sup Forums pedophiles
Tits or gtfo
>hate Jews
>avoid degeneracy
That makes you Alt-Right.
>Sup Forums is a botnet
>Sup Forums is a hivemind
I think that's Milo's idea. Get the Left to go full blown "OMG HE'S FOR PEDOPHILIA!!" when it isn't true, and then in 2 years, the Left will be for pedophilia. It's 6D chess at its best.
>living in a computer simulation
Wrong. Your consciousness DOES reside in a computer simulation but it's created by your brain using data from your sensory organs. Deal with it.
He didn't. It was all taken out of context
when did Sup Forums defend milo? Sup Forums just let him do his thing, like he has the right to, we didnt loot or burn his house down. Thats a libtard thing. Libtards condone pedos, and now they dont?
wait, what's happening in sweden again?
I thought the left defended this shit as an illness
>Sarah Rumpf
Sup Forums BTFO
Seriously though that's this about that kike faggot and paedophilia? I've been out of the loop the past few days.
cripplechan has too many loli threads, that's why i came back here after Sup Forumsharbor
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
or shemale threads
Sup Forums is magnitudes more pro trap/tranny than pro pedophilia.
How would you know? You've never been here before.
>get abused
>admit you like teen boipussy
>get lynched by left
>Sup Forums
Fucking /po/ at it again. You're ruining our good name you bastards.
>it's 6d chess
sure buddy
fuck rumpf and fuck white people
Wtf I love pedos and worship satan now
Ban my website please im a danger to my own mind and yours
Defending? Nah, Milo should kill himself.
Just look through the threads and see how many people are pro and how many people are contra Milo.
> hint: Milo is a fucking cocksucking faggot kike.
>Sup Forums
The fuck is that?
Considering Sup Forums was taken over by them after the election it doesn't make much sense.
Destroy Rick Wilson
Don't give a fuck about Milo but this is clearly a psy-op.
What did Milo say anyway?
Everyone who ever advocated this faggot was a leftie shill. There is no alt right and none of these degenerate e-celebs represents anyone here
he made excuses for it in a specific situation
his faggot fans keep saying it's out of context but it really isn't
this video is pretty good he talks about how milo is a performance artist and he comments on this whole pedastry is okay thing. not really worth watching except that he calls milo a performance artist... its like, duh. he is a boogie man the media can call a hate speaker and leader of the alt right. i hate how he bullies people in the Q&A of his talks. the gamergate thing was never a worthy cause so i generally don't like the fact that it was a feeder into the alt-right. we need more 1488, less gay nigger loving kikery.
He said a priest fucked him when he was 13 and it felt good, I didn't see him promoting paedophilia tho...
Stay out of it. It the media is blaring it, it's fake news.
If he said that he literally needs to kill himself
Anime never used to be a thing on here. Paedophilia was only ever posted for shock value though, you're right.
Trannies have been a stalwart of Sup Forums (Sup Forums at least) for at least 4 years now and it's pretty annoying desu. The 'quality' of this site has gone so fucking far downhill. Barely any cool shit happens anymore.
But Sup Forums is still pretty decent if you ignore the shills and faggots. Some reasonable debate and great for quick news.
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
>/our goy/
/our goy/
Benjamin Fischbein!
The alt-right has been saying Milo was a degenerate faggot and shouldn't even be considered a part of the movement since he first issued the term out of his mouth. Nice fake news, faglord.
Why's that, then?
Pretty funny you all fell for the leftist tactics of destroying the only people standing up for nationalism,
IE: Richard spencer. Milo. Next will be alex jones.
Stupid faggots are basically trying to destroy us. Cernovich as well. You all are fucking retarded you are destroying our movement
Guys, I've been hearing about this guy Sup Forums a lot lately. Just who is he?
this, funny how our enemies prefer a "they support a pedo" narrative to a "they believe all gay jews are pedos because they're homophobic bigots" narrative
You have a 1 in 5 chance of stumbling upon real child porn on Sup Forums however most of the times I've actually seen it was either on Sup Forums or /gif/. The color leaves out of my body every time I see that shit.
No one is defending him on 4/pol/ and 8/pol/.
It's worth noting that Salon deleted their pro-pedo articles recently.
Cripplechan removed the pedo boards after Codemonkey came, but there are still sick fucks who post there.
Honestly mate, I cannot fucking believe that a government organisation called 'correct the record' exists. That blows my mind. No hiding it. So blatant and open about the fact that they are 'correcting' people's thoughts.
And these cunts proudly displaying the fact they work there? Weird.
Just obscene.
I agree that it's most likely total bollocks but I just wanted the quick rundown. I assume he said something about fucking kids.
>inb4 Bogdogoggs
I never cared for Milo but suddenly I feel the urge to defend him.
If you guys want to meme something, cite the fact that Salon deleted their pro-pedo articles under the Milo hashtags.
yup hes right
Technically, they're anti government now.
the nytimes one still up
Nah mate, nobody on here gives a fuck about Milo Kikopolous.
He's a jewish queer who cares more about his ego and bank balance than anything else. He spends his time sucking off niggers and trying to 'troll' 16 year old girls. He's pathetic.
Yeh I'm sure he pushes some people to the light but I couldn't give a single fuck about him.
Spencer has some merits but seems like a cuck deep down. Alex Jones is enlightened but has nothing to do with ethnic nationalism.
They are doing damage control, Salon has deleted these articles
Don't. He's a stupid opportunistic sodomite who used others to make himself ascend to the top until he shot himself in the foot. You don't need parasites who do damage to your movement in the long run. Fuck him.
Not gonna lie, former MILO voter here. This is hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get near the juvenile detention center.
Liar, I don't defend Milo
Adolf Niggler?
Archive it before they delete it like Salon.
If you saw what he actually said, he made valid points.
>Hurr durr no one under 18 can consent to sex
Fuck off. I've been fooling around with chicks since I was 12, and when I was 11 this chick would have me suck on her nipples. She was early 30s, and each breast was about the size of her head. Only downside is now I have a fetish for something extremely rare.
lmao can you even imagine this being your reality
Anime never used to be a thing on here.
What, Sup Forums used to be pretty much nothing but an anime site. Hell, Sup Forums started off as "Anime Random"
When Breitbart fires him will they turn into fake news too?
OP, he's right because Right Wing closet fags were jumping for joy to get one of their own to support the Republicans only to have it blow up in their dumb fucking faces by backing a pedophile HAHAHAHAHAHAH
HA. This. Nice to be reminded of that, cheers.
Purely an anti-democratic, anti-America propaganda group now. Should probably be shut down.
>Only downside is now I have a fetish for something extremely rare.
Nipple vore?
Sup Forums is loli/trap/bestiality central
Of course they'd support Milo
This has shill operation written all over it. I'm having problems finding ANY of the pro-pedo articles that used to exist for shitholes like Salon, Buzzfeed, etc. Even WSJ had some and I can't find them. This is clearly an operative attack to force the faggot into the underground.
>Sup Forums
Try readit
That makes you a human being.
Never interrupt your enemy while they're making a mistake. The easier they reach false conclusions, the harder it is to find and tackle us.
Sarah Schulman is a novelist, nonfiction writer, playwright, screenwriter, journalist and AIDS historian, and the author of eighteen books. A Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellow, Sarah is a Distinguished Professor of the Humanities at the City University of New York, College of Staten Island.