>muslim ban failed
>taxpayers paid almost 12 million dollars for his shitty trips in last 30 days
>China cucked him
>no wall
>protests every day
>entire world is mocking him
>38% approval rating
I regret voting for him every single fucking day.
>muslim ban failed
>taxpayers paid almost 12 million dollars for his shitty trips in last 30 days
>China cucked him
>no wall
>protests every day
>entire world is mocking him
>38% approval rating
I regret voting for him every single fucking day.
Other urls found in this thread:
Same. But I'm actually pissed about his trips to the fucking "Winter Whitehouse" every weekend.
And he's been a shill for big banks and big business.
The fact anyone still defends him is beyond me at this point.
I voted Hillary
Real men were with her. Only little man babies voted Drumpf because they're scared of brown people and daddy grumpf said he'll make them go away.
At least the man children are starting to hit puberty now and realise she was the right choice all along
I know, I know its tough accepting that Hillary lost. It's tough accepting that the entire Trump family has a USS details everywhere they go. But you know what? Accepting a humiliating historical defeat is just part of growing up okay little CTR maggot? You'll manage sweetie.
I used to be a troll on Sup Forums in 06/07, but then I gre up and became a liberal with nuanced political beliefs. Also, Drumpfed is not my president.
Nobody said it would be easy, user. But you are a pussy if you give up just because it is getting hard.
Or maybe you're just a shill.
>having to reminisce all the way back to election day for the good feels
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
Sup Forums hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.
Kinda pathetic really.
You forgot this
i don't regret voting for him. he is creating chaos just like I wanted. I personally think he's incompetent, that's exactly why me and many other Sup Forumsacks voted for him. we're going to live in a period of real happenings, lads, finally .
ShariaBlue is really pounding away the keyboards tonight.
Aren't they remodeling the White House?
If Trump wins again in 2020, I will travel to america just to laugh in their faces.
I regret your parents' decision to create you, we have enough CTR / CREW / ShareBlue trolls as it is, please go fucking kill yourself, faggot.
best satire thread in a while good job goyim
T. Trumpturd
I sure would love a day without this kind of shitposting, Trump ruined this board
Then, don't buy shit from Mexico, you dumb fucking faggot.
There's nothing good coming out of that retard farm of shitskins anyway, so good riddance, put a 2,000,000% tariff on it all, I won't but shit coming from there now, and won't in the future, either.
No you won't. Trump is scared of brown people and you'll be banned from entering the country
We're banning niggers from entry in 2018 so you're out of luck. Barbossa.
nice alternate timeline fanfic
You guys shill for sony as well? What the fuck?
if a migrant doesn't rape and kill you first
I'm just relieved Flynn is gone and crazy people can now own guns. Things were getting scary there for a minute but at least Trump fixed those.
>38% approval rating
This is how we can tell you're not a real Trump supporter, shill. His approval ratings are only that low if you use MSNBC as your primary source of news.
t. nerd virgin
Like your vote even mattered. Lmao
I regret nothing !!!!
i dont regret it at all
Didn't you post exactly this thread yesterday around this time?
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Fuck off serbshit, you aren't even white
Nothing says intelligence like paying $1800 to live with 4 people around negroids
I regret not voting twice for him
>implying Mexican importers won't have to eat the 20% tax and keep their prices the same as they had previously been otherwise they'll lose buyers to American and British goods of a higher quality at the original price
>Implying you can resist our delicious tortillas
lmao. enjoy paying 10 dollars for 'em, nerd
Why the fuck would you regret voting for Trump knowing that Hillary was worse? At most, blame the ones who stop him for disrespecting your democracy