/ADS/ Anti Deep State - Get a better image edition

Last straw for me. I came here because reddit is circle jerking, but this is the last time I watch a career assassination and not do anything.

The coin is spinning on the table, and we get a chance to decide how it falls. I can't meme, I don't have a shit ton of followers, but I can write. FBI user says get to work. I aim to get to work.

I vote we keep pushing Sweden. Anyone down to put something together?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=evan mcmullin

Hive mind. I just made the same topic >>>/113579127/

Where do we go from here? We need a big hit


Don't need a big hit, need traction first. Let's keep this alive long enough to get some eyes.

We need a black guy with a red armband and Christmas tree logo to go out into the streets of Sweden and start beating on white kids.

It's the only way.

The one freaking time it's actually the jews, and you miss it.

This guy was banned after Coulter retweeted him. Deep-state control is real.

Someone hop in ptg and see if we can get anyone


All right, big hit. Thinking we tie sweden's situation with "fairness", everyone denying sweden's situation is coming from fairness for the refugees. I'm thinking fairness for the women raped

Equal opportunity rape? Everyone should be raped at festivals?

Or we could go with Milo, anyone else know of some high profile things that have been cancelled? "SilenceMilo, Silence Gays"

Did you try a reverse image search on that guy? He looks like a diddler.

That's McMuffin buddy


What's a mcmuffin?

Y'all gotta get outta the forest so you can see the trees.

It was widely thought around here, before pizzagate, before milo, or any of this was being talked about... that "they" would soon start pushing pedophilia as the next progressively acceptable thing.

These are not coincidences. This is the beginning. I don't fully understand it either, but the conversations have been started.

lmgtfy.com/?q=evan mcmullin

It's not hard to figure out, normalize pedos an everyone's off the hook. Free kids for everyone who like 'em. Why else islamify every country?

Is that mcmuffin ?


Do it.

They've been pushing it hard over here in Britain as long as times existed, it's not new just the next level.

Yeah, I get it, the banks and CIA are in sweet hot ass bed together, doesn't mean a thing. We know what's going on well enough, the point now is to start a counter offensive. It doesn't have to be based in reason or fact, it has to be more personal and hit hard and close to home. We're redpilling by fighting their basic assumptions, not with reason

I see two avenues of attack. Milo opened the doors with his interview on Mahr, they've shown their own hypocrisy, or we push the already trending sweden angle. Any one got a preference?

Clearly the cia is trying to indirectly hit Sup Forums by hitting Milo, but they erroneously assumed we give even the slightest fuck about the kike. We don't care about leaders.

The deep state really is sort of checkmated when it comes to Sup Forums. If they somehow btfo this site we all just move. If they make moves against alt right leaders Sup Forums just continues to meme like they never even existed. If they crack down on Sup Forums users they'll inadvertently redpill millions of normies by violating free speech laws.

Also more and more of Sup Forums is learning about the occult, something which has allowed the deep state to have a huge advantage prior.

Tbh the top dark occult guys should already know it is over. My guess is they are desperately trying to invent an ai to gain total control, but they wont do so in time before the memes gain control of the normie minds.

The golden age was foretold, there is no point in fighting it you dirty cannibalistic faggots.

>Reply to Thread No.113580401
No, but there's opportunity here, between Milo and pewdiepie, they GROSSLY over extended. We should exploit it. It isn't for anyone's sake, it's punishing a stupid ass move on their part.

If we punish them we give them a pattern to exploit.

We simply be. That has always worked. The more we try to become ordered the less our egregor works. Thus this thread itself is probably a cia shill thread trying to order Sup Forums

Our Lord Kek works in mysterious ways.

Praise Kek! Praise Eris!

Name a shill that's posted this many times. And go simply be somewhere else faggot, I'm looking for someone who can put some images together.

>he bought into the Sup Forums controls the world meme this hard


I'm actually buying into this theory that the milo thing is a cover up for the russian ambassador assassination.

Develop please

Through kek the combined might of our collective autism becomes reality. You are right to fear it.


its to give an excuse/option/portrayal should the justince department target the possible for harming our nations children imo.

Trump has very few allies. I'm getting the vibe he stepped into the hornet's nest on accident. They hit him on two fronts on the same day: Remove one of the few methods of legit contact he can have with one of the few remaining nationalist states.

Let me put it like this, an ambassador from a country we're pushing for war with was just assassinated. In ordinary times, that would raise a metric shit ton of questions. Since it's to start a war though, we don't want to dig to deep. We want to bring it up in a week or so when we have better control of the news cycle, otherwise, we're the most likely culprits and the antagonist.

Democracies don't declare offensive war.

They don't want it in the public consciousness is what Im trying to say. They want to antagonize russia in such a way no one remembers.

SHADILAY, kek guides us!

Read the book

Legacy of Ashes and redpill yourself on CIA shinanigans

New shilling tactic, I guess. Sad.

Are you talking about the ambassador that got akbharred in Turkey or did I miss something?

Isn't this already old news? If it weren't for the memes I would have forgotten about it

dont become discouraged by the politcal astroturfing

Support Trump and hope for the best

It happened today:

meme magic is real, user. You're on the right track.


Kek has spoken

See what I mean?

Holy Fuck. Mixed it with all the threads about Milo which proves your point I guess


And if "meme magic" is to be believed, the new tactic is to lull us into a sense of security, so like I FUCKING GOD DAMN SAID, IT'S TIME TO GET TO GOD DAMN WORK.

>the new tactic is to lull us into a sense of security
We were only pointed in the right direction, user, we still have to do the footwork.

Any details on how he died? No surprise that ABC abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/russias-ambassador-united-nations-dies-nyc-64-45614567 isn't even touching those details.

Yeah, according to zerohedge "heart condition". Going to go out on a limb, and call it an enlarged heart.

Otherwise, perfectly healthy, no history. Not the first time we've seen the MO.

Was he still alive when he reached the hospital? Wouldn't be hard to make sure he never left after he entered.

Also, has any autopsy been done yet? Would think Russia would demand to be the ones to conduct it.

No idea, brb with what info I can find

Alright so here nytimes.com/2017/02/20/world/europe/churkin-russia-ambassador-un-death.html?_r=0 they're reporting that the autopsy is going to be conducted tomorrow.

It's obvious that this is the deepstate's offensive against the so called 'alt right' in response to pizzagate.

It's a tarbaby psyop. The arrests are coming very soon and they want to politically spin the arrests to blame the whole shebang on republicans by establishing confirmation bias on normies through the milo scandal

This is why Tapper has gone overtime on virtue signaling anti-pedo tweets all day.

Expect more 'alt-right' personalities to get mired in pedophilia setups and psyops.

It's tough to tell whether the deepstate is burning their assests with this or if they are taking out opposition....

Several contradictions. Huffpo says he died at his desk, which leads me to believe he was rushed somewhere before he died. Either the Russian Consulate or nearby hospital

Wow. The way this is worded (mostly ripped from zh) thefreethoughtproject.com/churkin-russian-ambassador-dies/

>Died at his desk

That's a way to start a war right there.

Yah, this is all shady as fuck. The shills have been pushing a lot of anti-Russian sentiment and now the Russian ambassador dies on US soil. They really want to get a war with Russia going asap.

The last was from sputnik sputniknews.com/russia/201702201050877665-russian-ambassador-churkin-dies/

I'm bad at digging. How do we verify some shit?

Oh, the key detail that clued me in was "He died working up to the last" which is ODDLY specific.

SHIT. If that autopsy turns up something fowl, would the US play ignorant? Trump would be forced to go to war...shit. shit. shit.

I doubt Trump or Putin will go for it, both seem to be aware of the deep state's intentions. The MSM will no doubt start pushing hard for it though and try to convince the public to demand for war.

Ok, Ok, Ok. So, someone tell me I'm full of shit but:

Let's say it's fowl play. Let's say the autopsy turns up something. Putin believes that Trump has no way to control his own government.

Putin defensively goes to war, or cracks down, or starts something nasty. Trump's in a position that he either goes to war with Putin to protect our sovereignty OR he does nothing and the press eats him alive. That's pretty damn close to a checkmate, and with MILO in the news, everyone distracted, the narrative that the russian ambassador is assassinated doesn't hold water. It sounds like a cop out.


Trump is a genius. He says something some vague but on point and the media lies about it all day, meanwhile "Sweden rape" explodes on Google.

He is a living red pill.

That's EXACTLY what I'm saying. A democracy requires the people to go to war. 1/3rd of the country is convinced russia is a thing. This could freaking work man, it really could.

It would take just ONE offensive (or percieved offensive) move by russia, and BAM. It's happening

How do we stop world War 3 now? :/

Trump's a genius, but if the deepstate + MSM went for a hail marry, they could pull this shit off. Fear is the NUMBER ONE motivator of war, we would just have to be afraid enough of russia to start one. This could do that. We got to find some shit, videos, audio, images, anything we can find

I think enough people at this point have lost faith in legacy media that they wont be able to sway public opinion enough to make it happen. They bungled 9/11 enough that people are going to suspicious of any big happenings.

Not to say that we shouldn't still be trying to redpill the fuck out of as many people as we can though.

Maybe, but if there's a real, ACTUAL threat, skepticism goes out the window. Not saying your wrong, just saying fuck risking that.

Actually, I'm full of shit. He was rushed to a hospital and was rushed to "a manhattan hospital" where I'm assuming he died, so... didn't make it out of the hospital

This is how they're going to play it:

>>According to reports, Trump and Churkin had last met in 2013 when Trump was in Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant. That 2013 visit is when the alleged events of the infamous dossier involving urine took place.

from deathandtaxesmag.com/319171/russian-ambassador-un-vitaly-churkin-has-dead-64/

Are they trying to paint it like Trump was silencing him?


>Churkin was 64 years old. The cause of his death is unknown.
>Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador says Churkin became ill in his office at Russia's U.N. mission on Monday and was taken to a hospital, where he died.

I don't we're going to hear much more until the autopsy tomorrow unfortunately. What I want to know is who found him in his office, and if he had any visitors prior to that.

We try and convince as many people as we can to keep a level head and look at everything under a microscope.

Do we get codenames?

I got dibs on aLone Wolf

Lovin all the skepticism I'm seeing in the comment sections of these articles.

Wouldn't that make you a tripfaggot though?

He was steadfast in alleging Isis was being funded through turkey, so that's actually a tripple whammy:

>>Take one of the few means of communication with russia
>>killed on american soil
>>one less voice of reason in the UN

Many offtopic comments and threads created to slide important ones. Don't fail for kikes tricks Sup Forums

I honestly, will bet a moderate sum of money that it will be "heart enlargement" or something. The articles I'm reading are "Cardiac" in nature

This is getting slid hard, bump.

If the thread dies I'll make a new one after we get some more details.

I can't find anything else. I'm not a digger, need some other anons :/

Same. Gonna wait until some more info surfaces on this story before making a thread. In the meantime gonna help out with keeping the Sweden stuff trending.

bump for graet justice

Contradictions are important, usually means that it wasn't planned well enough and they don't have their narrative together on it