Milo Tries to Defend Himself and youtube immediately delists the video and warns against sharing it if you click on the...

Milo Tries to Defend Himself and youtube immediately delists the video and warns against sharing it if you click on the like button. How 1984 is this shit?

The video no longer appears on his channel. You have to know the direct link to see it now.

Other urls found in this thread:

REVEALED: Man behind MILO Pedogate

Evan McMullin
>Goldman Sachs
>UN Refugee Resettlement Officer
>Council on Foreign Relations

He realized he fucked up by playing the victim. He explicitly stated he was not abused in the Joe Rogan podcast.

WTF is "unlisted" mean???

It doesn't show up on search engines.

Not defending Milo but first that black CIA guy on Maher than that Mullen CIA guy. Seems like they got a real boner for him.

what a faggot


People failing to understand how Youtube works ITT

How is this offensive? I don't even understand why you would censor this?

This is fucking ludicrous ... while has actual pedophile authors. An "oops" video is censored?

You can hate the guy - but this is fucking chilling.

There's a narrative and you're not allowed to hear the other side of the story. Sorry.

Click the like button and you get this message retard.

>This video is unlisted. Be considerate and think twice before sharing.

We full on 1984 now

That's the standard message you get for any unlisted video. You can try it yourself, upload a short video and set it to unlisted, proceed to like it. You'll get the exact same notification.

Why would he unlist his own video after a short period of time though? (((someone))) did this clearly

Never said he unlisted the video himself, just that the notification isn't anything special just in place for this particular video.

Stop posting semi-retarded facials of him. Nobody thinks he's good looking.

This will just make him more popular. The time has come, the old gaurd is meaningless, they obviously don't know it yet.

That's literally just the message that every unlisted video has. Unlisting videos is something the content creator does, not jewtube.

You seriously think they would just unlist his video? How retarded can you be?

Maybe he was abused before he was 13 in a different instance?

>You seriously think they would just unlist his video? How retarded can you be?

you seriously think they wouldn't? How retarded can you be? Youtube is owned by google and lobbied the fuck out of obamas presidency.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that unlisting a video does nothing. He can still share it, everyone can still see it. Why would jewgle even fucking bother unlisting a video? Literally all it would do is give Milo something to expose them for. They didn't shadow ban it, it's visibly unlisted.

Come on dude, get real.

Go to his channel... it doesn't appear. You can only share it if you have the direct link to the video. They basically made the video a chain letter to keep people from seeing it.

Your logic is he made a video but he doesn't want as many people as possible to see him defending himself. That's beyond retarded. All youtube would do is deny even if they are guilty and idiots like you would believe it.

Are you pretending to be retarded or something?

It doesn't show on his channel because it's unlisted. Unlisting a video is an option channel owners have when uploading.

It's designed for people who want to upload shit like family videos for their friends to see but not have them be public on their channels or searchable through their search engines.

It's literally a core feature of the website not some fucking conspiracy. Come on burger get your shit together.

I find it weird that he unlisted it as well.

But jewtube has the power to just shadow ban it. Why would they publicly change it to unlisted and suffer the backlash if Milo goes "oh hey I didn't set it to unlisted google did that wtf?"

milo is a boy hungry faggot who needs to be put down for the safety of white children everywhere.

Fuck all this shit. His words are really being taken out of context majorly.

Alright I'll bite.

Who is this and why should I care.
>inb4 quick rundown

Hardmode: make me care

gr8 b8 colgate

they fucked up with his video options, he needs to change them back

Thread Theme.

This is the definition of character assassination. now we're watching how it plays out real time on the internet. i think it'll backfire on the media.

interestingly, this exact strategy was written in david brock's shareblue leaked manual. its not gonna work.

>clicked like button
>see the warning

They should be considerate and think twice before we end up sharing some fuckin bullets.

I'm not living in a 1984 high tech cyberpunk gulag

any unlisted video does that, you need the link to see it

media hit job confirmed
we may not like him, but if we want him gone, we have to rid him on our own terms, not the lefts.

There is no defending degenerates here
Fuck off Shartblue

Wow look guys, ShariaBlue is now claiming we're Shartblue.

Faggots, neck yourselves.

Agreed. This is a conspiracy against our guy. People here don't understand loyalty or political strategy. We don't just dump our own because the MSM gets baited.

>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
Real out of context

Ya know it tends to work when the person you're slandering openly admitted it to a huge audience (of apparent pederast sympathizers because there's outrage now)

We've been saying he's a kike opporunist faggot for years, fuck off. The (((((aut right))))) would never disown this faggot even if he diddled their kids right in front of them as you can see from all the defenses of what he said regarding man/boy love

>Being loyal to an opportunist, antiwhite, race mixing sodomite
There is no loyalty to that which isn't loyal to you

Except the clips were edited and there were a few comments where he was talking about his own sexual abuse taken out of context.

I remember when the Left freaked out over Lena Dunham laughing about molesting her little sister in her biography.

Oh wait, they turned her into a hero and that book is still for sale with zero backlash.

it doesn't matter if he's an opportunist, the point is we get rid of him on OUR terms, not theirs.

Agreed. He's still useful to us. No one baits better.

je suis Milo

>gay jew is also a pedophile
simply shocking.


Then he would delete the video you no brained idiot.

Retard, Milo is weaponized faggotry that is so useful against the left they now are resorting to pedophile baiting to try to get rid of him.

This whole incident proves he's a powerful tool against the left. He's such a dangerous faggot to them that they're this desperate to get him off the board, and you want to give up this big gay cruise missile to a smear tactic no better than the Trump pussygrabbing tape?

You must be one of those cock-inhaling retards who wanted to dump Trump at every scandal because "WE DON'T WANT HIM ASSOCIATED WITH US!"

>This whole incident proves he's a powerful tool against the left. He's such a dangerous faggot to them that they're this desperate to get him off the board
Yes and he's completely not dangerous to us

No, this jewish man who is an open, anti-white race mixing sodomite, advocated for pederasty on a podcast listened to by a lot of dumbass normies and who parades himself as the paragon of all of our conservative values is completely not destructive to us.

>You must be one of those cock-inhaling retards who wanted to dump Trump at every scandal because "WE DON'T WANT HIM ASSOCIATED WITH US!"
If you were a leftist liberal, you'd be defending John Podesta because "HURRR HE'S WITH HER"

Milo Should Kill himself in that press conference live

Okay, I'm confused.
What exactly did he say? Is there a full interview? Because I only can find paraphrasing and soundbites.

i dont know how shills dont off themselves tbqhwy famalamalamamalam, i suppose they're not really human though, so you cant expect them to feel anything when they tell lies to try and destroy peoples lives.

sharia blue, i see you

>Yes and he's completely not dangerous to us

>If you were a leftist liberal, you'd be defending John Podesta because "HURRR HE'S WITH HER"

You must be one of those cock-inhaling retards who wanted to dump Trump at every scandal because "WE DON'T WANT HIM ASSOCIATED WITH US!"

Best news evar. Why?
>left hammers fullblown milo (like he hammers 13 yo's) thinking right will defend
>we burn him at a dildo stake and push further asking leftists why they are silent about mohammad raping a 9 yo, btfo never to recover
It's time to use Fullblown Milo for everything we can. If you don't like this plan get molested by Fullblown Milo. That's about all, FUCK MILO and peace out.

That only makes his comments worse.

He's only a danger because you consider a race mixing, white supremacist jew to be an accurate description of him and potential premise of future accusation

He's always pandered to normalfags who liked edgy shit
Somehow the media painting him as a Nazi is enough to get people like you jumpy, why the fuck?

Again, isn't this about him having sex with an older man?

There is no interview because it is a year old statement about him having sex with a 27 year old, when he was 17. This is fake news.

I think we might have dodged a bullet, here. He's been exposed as a fucked up pervert before he actually DID some creepy British pedo shit and was held up as the "alt right child rapist."


>How 1984 is this shit? literally deleted their pro-paedo articles so they could make an Anti-Milo post without getting called out.

It's very fucking 1984.

(((They))) don't want Milo telling his side of the story.

>Ya know it tends to
youre knot from around here

Milo can eat his nigger aids and die. If you fucking faggots post another pro milo thread I swear to God i hope islam cuts all your heads off.

It's not the left's terms. It's the spooks' terms.

>supportive of a literal parasite pedophile

Please don't damage Sup Forums's reputation by associating with Donald Trump.


they fear his power

anyone who tells them yes you demcorats are wrong and makes fun of them!

Hillshills are propping him up. They're supergluing this motherfucker to us.

>That flag.
Nice VPN you got there FBI user.

>we have to rid him on our own terms
Being against pedophilia isn't one of your "terms", apparently.


Lol Jewtube newbies don't realize how few clicks a video will actually get without Jewtube putting it on the recommended videos list or letting you search for it. You'll get 1/50th the views if that.

After seeing Sup Forums today, I thought Milo was DONE.

But then I went online, looked at social media.
Then I talked to real people that I knew, I thought for sure they would be anti-Milo.

But you know what is weird?
They actually said "it was a joke"
or "He wasn't talking about pedophilia, he was talking about gay culture"
or "The media is up to their smear campaigns again"

I really was amazed. I thought for sure the public would be full-speed blast on hating Milo and dropping him. But I think with all the talk of fake news and character assassination getting around, the "at first glance" at this people now think of the lying press just trying to take out another conservative voice. Thank god most of these people didn't actually look into it, because what he said was pretty bad.

I think Milo is going to be fine. When I was looking at Sup Forums earlier I was very certain that Milo's career was fucking stone cold DEAD.

The conditioning has been officially broken! Sup Forums was just getting shilled to a ridiculous degree.


Lena Dunham agrees.

If pedophilia is the one thing that would make someone not like milo, that is a problem.

The walls still getting built beaner

This is a straight up hit job. Milo has thick skin so he'll be fine. No libshit will ever accept what he says anyway, this was just a way for them to have a buzzword to throw at him like they do everyone else. They couldn't' attack him for being gay so they needed SOMETHING. This was it.

Clever, but I'll fight for Milo. He makes too much sense.

Why would you fight for milo? what are his principles?

>banana man actually is defending Milo on his podcast
I think Milo might bounce back truth be told.

Anything that is against the insanity of the left is moral, as far as I am concerned.

>defending himself

well then he's already lost.

This game isn't about defense, it's all offense. Milo needs to double down on the shitposting mockery, and just keep doing it for as long as it takes. It's what he's good at and what he likes to do.

guaranteed victory if all you do is not take them seriously and just laugh at them.

He needs to just retweet everyone of their articles juxtaposed to laughing anime girls with the tweet "Can you believe this shitXDXDXD?"

context faggot.

Nice try shill

Image related. Milo really sounds like a pedo huh?

This happens EVERY fucking time a video gets unlisted. Same shit happened with some random Trump videos. Tech illiterate retards think it's a big conspiracy.

He is just an entertainer. He is nothing. There are men with principles, men who fight for the ultimate morality, that which enables the success of our race. Milo is not one. He is a jewish cock gobbling faggot, who is also a pederast. Simply shocking. I had no idea.

You can delist your own videos, y'know

>our guy
>our own
literally never the case

Milo does whatever he can do to get a shekel. He is not a nationalist. Why is he good?

Why would Milo unlist his own video. The fact this happens every time they do it shows it's a programmed tactic they use. The fact their platform does this at all is 1984 as fuck.

>media creates alt right
>media makes milofag face of alt-right

Come on shills, we saw this the instant you threw him up. Just because you were patient doesn't mean we didn't see it coming, fuck off

I don't care if he isn't a pedo, I have had problems with him for some time now.

why would he delist this one though? also so can admins at youtube

do we have proof that he was a pedo outside of a media hit job? If you present proof that he diddles or shows interest in minors I will drop him like a rock
innocent until proven guilty you fucking beaner

Maybe he wasn't referring to this timeline when he was on Rogan. Did anyone even bother to think of this?

>>media creates alt right
Fuck off
>>media makes milofag face of alt-right
he disavowed the Alt-Right himself.

I don't know why he would, just making the point that it isn't automatically a plot by jewtube just because something is weird.

Here's that video