Now that Milo is gone, is Dick our new leader?

Now that Milo is gone, is Dick our new leader?

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How fucking pathetic.

his website is pretty good

yes because he generates more butthurt and makes libtards act irrational

That got guys such a fucking tool, the only person I dislike more is Talib Kweki. Their both a terrible public portrayal of respective races

>those fucking hideous moles on his face

No wonder he's got a shooped avatar from the other side.

Yea, This dick.

yeah but unlike milo they can't just throw out labels on him and then realize they don't actually stick

Id prefer He-man.

lefties are retarded for not understanding Milo was more important to anyone else

We can no leader, retard

we are an anonymous blob. they can't kill us

>no leader
tell me how that worked for Occupy Wall Street?

daddyship ended with Milo
is my
best friend

Please make this person the leader of the alt right.

They will try very hard.

Tell me how having easily identifiable cases worked out for gamergate?

Alt-right is a huge trap to discredit everything right-wing. Fuck Spencer. Fuck Milo. Fuck all alt right "leaders"

Only this Dick. Dick Masterson.


Milo and Spencer were working so well together

>you're a Nazi!
>actually, I'm a faggot pedo Jew
>huh, liberals are fucking retarded

>you're a Nazi! *chimps out*
>yeah, so what?
>huh, guess nazis aren't so bad

Spencer has always been our leader.

i don't know
he sounds like a milkdrinker to me

our leader is John McCain, that dude understands us and has our back


Controlled opposition

Nope. The leader of the Altright is Bronze Age Pervert, @bronzeageperv


The alt-right has no single head to decapitate but Spencer is at least the real deal and not an alt-lite cuck. If the media wants to pretend he's the Führer of internet Nazis then let them go ahead.

Should we fuck with the media and act like Jeb! is our leader???

Ann Coultre is literally a more masculine post-op Milo.

Why is she not /ourguy/?


>our leader

Spicer > Spencer

Gives me a sense of pride


>Letting yourself be led by a fag

Hey trs. Stop spamming.

ows was ran by non-white males

white males are just smarter and better than other people

Coulter has no sense of irony or self-awareness or humor, she just tries to win arguments with shrillness

Spencer left his hot based Russian wife for a nu-male.

bronze aged pervert is the true leader of the alt right.

He literally raped Maddox's ex girlfriend.

Isn't this the cuck who got btfo by some DYEL mangina leftie with one punch and then cried a lot afterwards?

He is literally numale-Right.

why are you fags so fucking hungry for a LEADER?


Nobody can do anything about suckerpunches, moron


>implying maddcucks didn't get off on getting cucked by dick

Can we have Ben Shaprio?


Has the memory of an Elephant


CIA/FBI plant.

He's Jewish, neocon and cuckservative


No, he's a weak-willed douche who cares more about how his hair looks than defending himself.

Hey, can anyone explain why this black man is whiteknighting the Spencer cuck?

Like does he even realize that Specer is advocating (falseflagging, but still) for a nation where he wouldn't be allowed in?

>implying that Sup Forums collectively identifies with this "alt-right" crap
>implying that, presuming Sup Forums is "alt-right", we ever desired "leadership"
Spencer is a faggot and so are you, OP. /sage and move along, folks.

Holy shit, seriously

Someone contain this Uncle Tom nigger

I am not black. My grandparents actually came from your country, dummy

We have a leader?

>bitching about identity politics
>propagates identiry politics

it's clear that both spencer and marxists have the same master. and master's end goal is: division.

marxists = identity politics for non-whites.
spencer = identity politics for whites.

easey peasey, user.

Nice try Darkie

And even if your parents were to come from here, they're still black (gypsies)

That's right! Fuck white people! #EveryoneIsTheSame #OpenTheBorders


I'll check those digits, but clearly they're wasted on a neophyte who doesn't understand the different belief systems and backgrounds that compose the denizens of this Burmese basket weaving website. No gods, no masters. Especially the kind used as a state sanctioned mouth piece to discredit right leaning people

What has Richard Spencer done wrong that "discredits right leaning people", specifically?

Reminder, Sup Forums is an autonomous collective.
We have no leader, just our idols and gods.

No, we bow down to our surpreme Jewish overlord, Ben Shapiro

Milo made us look like idiots! Now, if you say you're alt-right, people will call you a pedophile! Richard is the only guy we can trust, he's the future of our alt-right movement.

Yeah I mean it was totally impossible for Spencer who was still standing and obviously not seriously hurt to punch the faggot back. No instead all he could do was readjust his hair for more photoops

God his existence is so cringey

yep, and i am glad he's not a faggot

Nice try, nazi

>Milo made us look like idiots! Now, if you say you're alt-right, people will call you a pedophile! Richard is the only guy we can trust, he's the future of our alt-right movement.

>This transparent shilling

Jesus, I don't have a problem with Spencer but this is pathetic. Also, Sup Forums always saw Milo as an opportunist gay kike who sucked black cock. He's fucking r/thedonald personified into a person.

You would think, but no one on here has trouble calling him controlled opposition.

However, no one here will denounce Milo, Molyneux, Alex Jones, or Cernovich even though they're degenerates and Jews.

Molyneaux is Aryan tho?

He's at least half Jewish

>no one here will
Yes, lots of us still will. Unfortunately this board is legit 75% from leddit.

>muh based black man
>muh based jew
>dems are the REAL racists


Alt-Right is only for National Socialists, White Nationalists, Fascists, White Ethnic Nationalists, Christians.
Any other denominations like Civic Cucks, Kosher Cucks, Cuckservatives, Centrist Cucks, Paganfags, Athiestfags, Commies, Marxists, Pro-LGBTQPTRCGDFGD, Pro-Multikulti, etc, etc, etc.
That is why it's called the ALTERNATIVE-Right, because the right-wing got infiltrated by the faggots mentioned above.

We have no leaders though.

Anyone trying to seize control over this movement of chaos ultimately get shot down.

I love Dick!

What happened with Milo?

Dick Spanker?

>Implying Milo was ever our leader
Fuck off ShariaBlue

Jared Taylor would make a good leader if he were more involved in Internet culture.

Ben Shapiro is afraid to debate Richard Spencer

Beaner shut up

Why would he be afraid to debate some no-name asshole?


>if he were more involved in Internet culture.
This is exactly why he's great. He's not a fucking memeing autist. If Jared Taylor didn't exist, the entire WN movement would be a lot more laughable. It comes off as immature to constantly be shitposting in real life. That's only appealing to a very small demographic, and they aren't the kind you want to represent you in public. Taylor is a serious scholar who's well traveled, ivy league educated, and fluent in 3 languages.
Then again, he's not a flaming kike who sucks nigger dicks so leddit would never want anything to do with him.

>muh dank may-mays XXDD

Fuck no, he is a pussy.

Because he is

Shapiro want to continue debating college kids. He doesn't want to platform someone who could argue for white identity.

Shapiro also doesn't want this to happen to him

>Richard Spencer lost a fight against this
this was proven fake, it wasn't that guy

Richard never advocated violence, go away shill

>Our leader

Fuck off, we don't follow anybody who claims to be our voice for us, only people who's voice and ideas follow our intended message and ideologies.

Jordan Peterson would be the closest thing to a "leader" for Sup Forums. And even that is stretching it

>This is exactly why he's great. He's not a fucking memeing autist.

That's a good point. He's way too intelligent to be into this stuff. But I wish he had as much exposure as Richard Spencer because he's much smarter.

>this was proven fake,

Nope, it was never debunked and the ANTIFA connections are too damning.

>in b4 le epic "B-B=BB-B-B-B--B--B-BB-BUT LE SLAVE RAY IS DEAD" meme

It's not a meme. He's really dead. Even his daughter was contacted and he's caput.

>But I wish he had as much exposure as Richard Spencer because he's much smarter.

He'd be shilled against just as much as Spencer is

I wish he said white instead of hu-white

I doubt that. I think Jared's too well spoken to be hated. Richard Spencer gets shilled against a lot because he's not very serious and he's not too great at articulating his thoughts, I think.

kek I don't know where he got his accent from. Maybe, that's just what happens when you grow up in Japan.

Division is good user-san. Bitch about identity politics in which whites are always seen as the enemy.

god u little alt-right fags cant even fathom not having some cult figure telling everyone theyre your leader. thats why u will fail, youre no different to sjw. super offended little bitches on social media with their cult of personality. u sicken me