Reminder that after pizzagate.
>The left was in full effect meltdown.
>Anything pizza related or pedophilia related was dismissed as fake news
>Even reporting it got your ass in hot water.
>Fast forward to current year
>Some faggot who apparently represents the alt right. Gets his words taken out of context
>(((MSM))) and the left come out yelling and screaming "PEDOPHILIA".
>LITERALLY flipped the script on some rando fuckhead.
>All of a sudden, the whole narritive now is that he supports pedophilia. Therefore the alt right supports it too.

How fucking dense do you have to be to not see what is happening. I'm not justifying Milo's word. Hell maybe he did slip and he is a degenerate pedo. But that this isn't an attack on just him. It an attack on the alt right as well. There gonna push this whole "alt rights are pedos! Here's why!"

Other urls found in this thread:


As a pedophilia survivor, I feel extremely victimized by your normalization of this monster's actions. I demand that you apologize to me and all the other victims of child rape.

Should have snuffed your little existence out after he was done, sounds like.

they did this too late, nobody believes the MSM anymore and Trump is already president.

This is shit they should have done during the election

Have you not seen what's going on in the news?

Not only that

But the CIA is responsibile for outing him...

>Hell maybe he did slip and he is a degenerate pedo

Well you're right about that, but do you honestly think a faggot who brags how many negro dicks he's taken has ever had the approval of a significant percentage of Sup Forums posters?

They're trying to flip the script on the normies, but they must think everybody has a pretty short memory, even normies are generally well aware of the degenerate jewish filth of somebody like Lena Dunham.

Sorry to hear that. I'm sure you'll now look into pizzagate and spread the word, to stop those monsters once and for all.

That move is going to backfire. We have months of archived pages showing we want these fucks behind bars. Remember how the shadow government was forced to reveal itself? Same thing is happening here. It's more apparent now than ever that (((they))) are trying to pin all of thier shit on the "alt-right". It's the same tactic they have used since Hillary ran. They just love to expose themselves.

But the doesn't change the fact that multiple alt right Trump supporters, also supported him. And (((they))) will you use this. It's just the beginning. The whole pedophilia thing has done some significant damage. And they will ride on it over and over. Mark my words


This is a major victory for antifa.

So you're a pedo apologist?

They have yet to learn that they no longer control the narrative.

let them be. are the children that are raped twice as likely to get raped again? one time is better than getting raped 6 times and if the pedo gets caught hes the one getting fucked in jail

>they will ride on it over and over.

You really think that will work given how openly the left has been supporting pedophilia for years?

Like I said, even the normies were aware.

Milo should go down in flames screaming about #Pizzagate

Call anyone shilling the milo thing fake news

This is all in response to the Podesta world corpo video leaks. Ever since those were discovered the left/shadow government/tptb whatever you want to call them are in nuclear melt down trying to take the heat off them and put it anywhere else.

Tick Tock.




>Pedos bang under 13
>Milo is a bottom for niggers

i dont think this is gonna stick desu

can someone explain whats happening here



And I see this as just another sign of desperation. They take down Milo, 10 more will take his place. People are waking up against Leftism and they are idiots if they think pissing us off will make us go away.

What the fuck are you talking about. Milo was a victim of pedophilia. Fucking DARVO.

LITTERally getting BTFO

Check em

They had a clear as day one floating around but got immediately taken down. Wish I saved it because now I can't find it.

The guys over at nrg found a strange review for a camp near Podesta's Pizza Mansion. Take a look.


Here's the review. This legitimizes Podesta's mansion being real.

All of the 5 star ratings you see don't matter. The people who made camp so amazing, hired the best counselors ever, and were with us everyday have left. Now, it's like one of our summer dramas has come to life -- Plantation has been taken over by the scary ranch people, the mean office manager, and the crazy people who live in the big mansion in the middle of camp. Only thing is, in our drama Big John's voice woke us up from the horrible nightmare and now those people really have taken over camp. So sad. I'm just glad I'm too old for camp though my cousins will never get to go there now.

Child trapped in a glass doored shower. Being disoriented by strobe lights, screamed at and tortured by a male assailant who sounds very similar to JP

Videos were found on a shady website called world corpo

Video titles in question are fatherhood and each

Beware before you watch them they are incredibly disturbing and the sounds of the child suffering in them are and may affect you mentally.

I do see this. Which is why it's probably best to disavow him.

They've even been deleting pro-pedo articles from Salon to firmly reposition themselves as the good guys in a fight against child abuse.

Skippy's Pizza Party

You mean the 'news' normies scoff at these days? Only dumb minorities take the MSM seriously these days.

The fact that they've successfully tied pizzagate to the alt right is a victory for them. It's far beyond the alt right, it's a global citizen investigation.

Milo is a degenerate, the faggot actually thinks it's not pedophilia for a grown man to bed a 13 year old

Milo disavowed the Alt-Right. Don't be a dumbass.

He is a fucking degenerate. However he's an innocent degenerate who was a victim first and not a perpetrator like the msm and shills are trying to push. This is just a tarring.

Trump and all his supporters are pedos. Everyone knows.

Fake news is a coordinated attack.

Milo already said he wasnt alt right