Other than The Man Himself, who does Sup Forums look up to?

Other than The Man Himself, who does Sup Forums look up to?

HARD NON-REDDIT MODE: No "alt-right" cucks or youtube stars.

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my father

>looking up to Hitler


He was the best fascist.


the fuck you doing with your life, tranny porn and mt dew? fuck outta here


Your host, the man with the most.



Ben Franklin, the man dropped red pills about swarthy *ermans in the 1700's.

He based as fuck





I look up to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Obvious answer


I don't look up to hitler. He was a faggot ass bitch.

Andrew Jackson
Admiral Yi
Ada Lovelace
Alan Turing
Napoleon Bonaparte
Horacio Nelson
George Washington
Catharine the Great
Vlad the Impailer
The Hiawathan Peace Maker
Robert Walpole
Andrew Carnegie
Fredrick Douglass
Marcus Aurelius
Julius Caesar
Mansa Musa of Mali
and Empress Wu Zetian are my short list.

also dr william luther pierce

the only correct answer

A real man

Alex Jones
he has extreme amounts of male vitality
I'm envious

Lately? Dr Peterson.



Remove the women, julius caesar, and the philiosophers. Hold one, how can you idolize cicero at the same time as caesar?

>In 1993, the twenty-fifth anniversary of Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech, Powell wrote an article for The Times, in which he claimed the concentration of immigrant communities in inner cities would lead to "communalism", which would have grave effects on the electoral system: "communalism and democracy, as the experience of India demonstrates, are incompatible".


dont tell me or my wofes son ever what to do again you jew socialist prick

Hi shill. You like it around here?
Heil Hitler.


> mattis
> hitler
> mattis


>country is at war with itself
>closes entire country down
>no one can come in, no one can leave
>population explodes and a rennaisance between the dutch and japs happens
>if he didn't exist japan would still probably be fighting itself
This guy is based as FUCK!

My asshole, which has seen more action than northern veitnam


Dr President Bashar Al Assad, the fact that he is still in power is a miracle and shows his genius.

Back to r/the_donald with you

Charles Lindbergh and George Lincoln Rockwell. The most red blooded Americans this land has ever produced.





Who is this?

I look up to Chairman Trudeau of the People's Republic of Canada.

this is the only American response

cucks lack cogency in their belief systems. just ignore him

He just abandoned ship when he found out we were fucked.

The one and only /ourguy/

Davy Crockett because he lived one of the most kick ass lives of all time. Also JRR Tolkien for creating the greatest white man's story of all time.

Gary Cooper

The guy who Roderick Spode was based on.

Are you retarded?

Fuck Hitler. He was a socialist and deserves to be thrown from a helicopter by /ourguy/ Augusto Pinochet.

This man, he's very sucessful with a comic book series and is also popular with women having several ex girlfriends.

Not to mention he's a really good singer and has several albums.

Rommel seemed pretty chill too

How has no one mentioned him?

Jack donoghy. It's my greatest pain in life that alec's actually a liberal.


> killed him a barr when he was only 3

E Michael Jones.

>Julius Caesar
>George Washington
>Plato, Aristotle, Socrates
>Leonidas of Sparta
>Pericles of Athens
>Richard the Lionheart
>Harald Fairhair
>William Wallace
>Alexander the Great


Eleanor of Aquitaine was pretty badass as well. Crusade away my bitches.

You look up to a bull's ass while he's shitting on you and fucking your wife you damned cuck, only insecure faggots make threads like these

Les Stroud

I don't have to agree with their politics to admire their capabilities. Ceaser was in the wrong but he perfored masterfully in most situations. It's difficult not to admire and learn from a person like that.


This basically sums up your whole fucking movement.

What a generic basic list

Fuck him and his army of animals, almost destroyed civilization. Glad the Arabs fucked his grandson's army in Palestine.

Otto von Bismarck
Albert Speer
Albert Sabin
Kimitake Hiraota
Andrew Jackson
Calvin Coolidge
Isoroku Yamamoto
Erich Hartmann
Romeo Dallaire
Thomas Sowell
Trey Gowdy

I could go on.

Your mothers arsehole when I'm eating her out.
>Fucking datamining losers

David Rubenstien or Murray Rothbard

Rubenstien, albiet a Jew, bought the Magna Carta and gave it to the Library of Congress. That'd be like a Brit buying the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution and giving it to the Queen of England. Its badass.

Rothbard, another Jew, spearheaded anarcho-capitalism, and even called Friedman a socialist. Also a pretty fervent Holocaust denier. Love that Semite.

My waifus

>died surrendering on his knees to Mexicans begging for his life even willing to fight for them in exchange for his life
Kek yes truly lived a white man's life. Viva la Raza you cuck

i look up to one of my own....anne frank
>so brave

I'm sorry it's not obscure enough for you to find it cool.

Sure thing achmed.

Oh wow I wonder who is behind this post.

>mongo lord

fu-king this

Joseph Goebbels


nice list

Max Stirrer
William Fraser of Hornet Bank fame (little known Australian hero who killed lots of snow - look him up)

Dr. William Luther Pierce Audio Collection


Leftypol pls go


Other than the Fuhrer

Norm Macdonald, best comedian alive today. Ive watched his Podcat episodes probably 100 times each


Look up battle of ain jalut you retard, if they werent stopped by the arabs we would have been fucked in Europe.

Just Jordan Peterson.



Hayek, Socrates, Bastiat, Bruce Lee, Lao Tzu, Alan Watts & My Grandfather.

Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt

Rommel and Himmler.