>I'll be waiting

...was Milo part of Trump's cabinet?


How did "you" get flynn? Trump fired him

>Minister of Faggotry

>turbo gay dumpster raccoon


So this confirms Spencer is an FBI plant?

good one


No but was part of the same ideological gradient.

PLEASE take out Paul Ryan next, he's a fucking RINO and needs to be removed.

How about just taking him down along with Preibus? Fair enough? We'll allow it.

Bit of a chasm there between Milo and men like Attorney General Sessions and Vice President Pence who lock sodomites up for sport.

>tfw name is Ryan

Is the left that scared of my pol posts?

can someone not fucking biased tell me what the fuck is going on with Milo

Did you measure them with an ideological protractor?

MSM is in full scorched earth mode against him, it'll somehow backfire on them like it always does though don't worry

Yeah I also noticed the omission of Spencer.

Daily reminder: Spencer left his hot based Russian wife for a nu-male.

I was semi-joking, but him ignoring Spencer or Coulter is interesting

He said that young adults are capable of consenting to sexual relationships with older individuals, and may gain positive experiences from such relationships.

Leftist MSM makes it out to be like he's an avid supporter of toddler rape.

They're already going into damage control over advocating for pedophilia in the past
Degenerates on the left thought they found a home for their fucked up pedophilia and now it's crashing down around them

They can take Milo. We know they coordinated to destroy him, but they also set back pedophilia advocacy for decades
Call it Pyrrhic victory for the left

Will the deep state be gunning for Conway next?

>racoon(furry degenerate pedo)

Check this mans HDD and I guarantee you'll want him executed publicly

There's no use defending him
He was destroyed by a coordinated attack by the left.

Let him go and lets turn our attention to pointing out the left's hypocrisy about only now caring about pedophilia

Her or bannon

They should, she's a fucking idiot

>Check this mans HDD and I guarantee you'll want him executed publicly
Why is he a weeb?

The gay Jewish pedophile gradient?

>turbo gay dumpster raccoon

Basically Egg McMuffin is using Milo's words about underage sex out of context to start a witch hunt against Milo because he got invited to speak at CPAC
Now they've gone full shut him down mode to cut any ability for him to make money because they can with pedophile accusations

>the left is taking down Milo the ultra fag and Paul Ryan the ultra cuck for us

wtf I love globalists now

Why does mcmuffin want to stop victims if pedophilia from speaking out?

He's a fucking Neocon, those kikes are obsessed with controlling others, they'd rather Republicans die than let someone they don't like lead them
Which is why they targeted Milo, they don't like him influencing others if they can't control him

haha he made it look like he has any say in anything I admire people like him

(((They))) want to destroy him, and they want it done this week. Pic related has bee put into practice.

Because (((they))) want it, we shouldn't.

Fuck Milo, but when we drop him, it'll be on our terms

>Sessions takes a sick day because of food poisoning
>"Heh heh heh. Just another name to cross off my list."



You forgot to take out the leader of the alt right, Spencer. Fuck him up. Hard.

>already failed to take down sessions tillerson and bannon

hahahahah good fuckin luck. Ill meet you in hell after


>paul ryan
no. don't. stop. help. murder. fire. police.