What are some good ways to Redpill the dreaded r/Politics?
Reddit confirmed!! We got played
redit confirmed raiding us
Its time to redpill the unredpillable
Leave those fags alone. Interacting with them just makes it worse or, worst case scenario, they come here.
I was wondering why there was like, 8 Milo threads on page 1
Ok close this shit and no one gets out,we have to find all those fucking shills
>also, thinking milo is going to crack anything here in anyway
I think he shilled here for himself half the time anyways.
>and not thinking we're going to use this to further attack the left for their peso support which they've tried to hastily cover up (see salon)
lol, silly people
>i was shitposting
>and they were shitposting
kill all the shills and dump their bodies in the streets
*pedo support
When will the catalog be bearable again, Sup Forums? I'm already sick of it.
>Sup Forums raided reddit during the election
>flood of redditors come back to Sup Forums
u did this
Don't go there, seriously. They are very intelligent and will like indoctrinate you with sound reasoning and well thought-out arguments.
normies dont browse r/Politics cause they know its just a shill site for CTR or whatever they have now so your just going to try and convince a bunch of shills
>with sound reasoning and well thought-out arguments
More like name-calling, shaming, down voting, and operating around the assumption that there is one golden moral code.
Not always so different from here, but there is more flexibility here is some opinions. You also can't be down voted and banned here.
I prefer it here.
I've literally never thought Milo was any good, and it was only a few months ago when you'd be told to go to r/the_donald if you liked him. What the fuck happened? Was it that Berkeley shit? Now I'm supposed to like him cause some other faggots got violent and ruined their image over him?
Milo was always trash, jumping on the bandwagon just to cash in and push his own shit
Joke's on them I'm a regular Reddit user. They are only playing one of their own.
I know you are just Sausage posting but to anyone considering going to r/politics:
You will get very angry and you cant do anything but watch as hundreds of thousands of people post absolute slander about Trump. Seriously makes me genocidal towards these liberals
What's funny is that they come here and shitpost each other in their own threads because its their way of thinking. Anyone here with half a brain does not give a shit about what a faggot thinks. Worse it can do is getting reddit self red-pilled by jumping in circles.
Also OP, you are a fucking newfag.
Shut up retard. All they ever do there is virtue signal that they dont like Trump.
We've always been split on Milo, it's just I didn't see the point in bumping Milo threads all of the time until they started shilling this.
The divide has always been there.
We've always known this.
Pretend to be ultra liberal to point out the fallacies in the liberal mind set. They'll love it.
no one gives a shit about Milo
Also push the Palestine vs. Jews narrative, liberals can't pick a side in that argument.
neither can Sup Forums
t. Alexanderdaawesome
>reading reddit
>posting on reddit
>talking about reddit
lefties don't look at this.
Sup Forums isn't an echochamber as you believe it is. This is probably as unbiased and diverse as a politics forum you can get. The plurality are authoritarian right people but there's still plenty of purple, red, green people here. Hell we got centrists here.
I'm terrible at logic and even I came to this conclusion.
that shit infested site is full of 24-50 year old faggots and theres always a couple of faggots that have 240 posts in one stupid thread that reply to each 1 post. while its interesting shit gets that clunky i still think man that site is shit
If the left is now saying that investigating accused or rumored child rapists is now going to be a priority, I say...
1. Good. Hang them all by the lampposts.
2. I guess that means that you're ready to start looking into #pizzagate.
>operating around the assumption that there is one golden moral code.
There is one golden moral code.
However, you don't work out what it is and how to apply it via popularity contest, like those faggots.
You work it out by giving ever voice equal weight and then wading through all the shitposts, like we do here.
>good goy, ignore our enemy and their advances!
shut up, you are sounding like a faggot
I'm sure they are
stop REEEEEEEE-ing. start ruining their threads by posting messages that endorse pedophilia but only if the children are dead
Im a spy, its my job
It's "diverse" in some senses but it's not at all representative. If you ever left this echochamber maybe you'd realize that neo-Nazis aren't even close to as popular in the real world as they are on Sup Forums
the thing is milo is not that important, but the left is really afraid of him.
why are they so afraid?
how can we prop up milo so that the left is attacking windmills while ignoring the real issues?
Sure we can, glass both contries.
>You will get very angry and you cant do anything but watch as hundreds of thousands of people post absolute slander about Trump.
Waaaaaaah.. people are insulting my specialest of all precious snowflakes
This. Sup Forums literally asked reddit to come here. There's a reason this board has the highest rate of linking to reddit out of any board, it's because you fucks let them infest this place
Nigger I'm on my 5th account over there because halfway through any debate you have they start banning you from multiple subreddits. Even if you come in with evidence and a reasonable argument they reply with zingers from their favorite late night comedian. The site needs to go.
Full video? I like these.
You fool
>majority wouldnt call themselves a neonazi
>of course its not a popular ideology.. yet
>every other part of the internet is Hardcore liberal propaganda 24/7
You'd be suprsied how many "centrist" share extreme left or right views but are afraid to say anything.
Given anonymity and they will spill the beans.
>you'd realize that neo-Nazis aren't even close to as popular in the real world as they are on Sup Forums
Hello lebbiot, there are no "NEO-NAZEE" no one here calls themselves that its fucking stupid and outside of Sup Forums many people are accepting of our views. Also outside of Sup Forums 99% of the time discussion is stopped.
Before the shilling:
>I didn't particularly care about milo
After the shilling:
>Maybe I should care about milo
>redditfags think we believe anything the MSM says anymore
you can't redpill on reddit
you get banned
Right now Sup Forums is the most active its been all this year. Its even worse then when Flynn resigned fucking god damn.
pretty much
>no one here calls themselves that
how is that relevant? Call yourself what you want, a neo-Nazi's still a neo-Nazi
>and outside of Sup Forums many people are accepting of our views.
Really? Where are you finding these "many people" who also believe we should gas the jews and kill all those "nigger dindu chimps"?
Its relevant because you are a shill you are a fucking shill that has no fucking clue about the board culture at all. Fuck off.
>Oh no, somebody knows enough about Sup Forums to call us out on being neo-Nazis!
>Better call him a shill since I have literally no other response
youre an Idiot
Im a Falangist Fascist, not a Neo-National SOcialist
Learn basic politics before heading back to your crib
You can't. They delete anything non left
you again have no idea what you are talking about go back to lebbit or where ever you came you shill fuckhead
No fucking shit.
You should have seen this from the beginning. Ignore Milo threads.
Goddamn Sup Forums, what happened?
>completely split on the issue of milo now
>split now
We have always been split over that effeminate faggot. Anyone who has ever defended him and his faggotry was redditscum to begin with
Who knew skinheads get this triggered when you call them a neo-Nazi?
So what now. Counter raid?
Jesus tried that once. They crucified him.
Anyone that says they like him is part of the psyop.
>plebit will never not fuck off back to plebit ever again
Fucking phonenewfags
how long does it take to die when you've been that badly burned and have no health care because you live in a shithole country?
B-b-but they're just like us. They just need more education. We should invite them to live in America. That will fix it.
I don't know. It has been pretty crazy.
Some times I wonder if all those hidden posts are just shills arguing shills.
Because you dont even know what a Nazi is
you call anyone you consider to be rightwing a nazi. I know you are used to reddit where nobody knows anything about politics, but here it doesnt slide
I don't give a shit what you call me but you haven't a clue about the board . Call us racist neonszi skinheads whatever but you need to fuck off back to lebbiy
maybe they're scared because gay men have more credibility.
him being gay and not straight hurts the narrative
we don't use labels our opposition gives us
and if you stay long enough plebbit fag you will eventually find out that fascism does not equal Nazism
you will also find out that there are communists, anarchists, leftists, conservatives, and libertarians on this board as well
except Islam
that has no place here
Looks like he is enjoying it, like a warm bath
Pretty sure reddit is over hyping their effect on things once again.
They are. Milo isn't that important.
I have never watched a single video from Milo or any other youtube "alt-righter" and i never plan to. Does Sup Forums actually stoop to that level?
The only way to redpill politics is to agree with them and exaggerate. Make them look even more retarded than usual. Post stupider articles, agree with everything everyone says, respond to comments by slightly rewording them, etc.
Just hope that something rational in their brains snaps and wakes up. It's the hypocrisy that really does it. I remember watching the mike brown shit and how it woke me up. Seeing the leftists say that nigger paid for his cigars, that he put them back, that he didn't attack the clerk, that it wasn't "real" violence, etc.
I just realized, clearly... "wait... this is all bullshit." Then I spent the next few months saying "nigger, nigger, nigger" and getting all of my accounts banned on all social media.
>you call anyone you consider to be rightwing a nazi
You really think the average right-winger thinks black people are literal animals like Sup Forums does? Kek leave your echochamber some time, even Trump disavowed you retards
>but you haven't a clue about the board
that's where you're wrong kiddo! Been here for years, I know that Sup Forums is full of white supremacists who love to pretend they aren't actually white supremacists
>we don't use labels our opposition gives us
don't care? Neo-Nazis can deny being Neo-Nazis all you want, doesn't change the fact that you're a neo-nazi tho
Leave them alone and let them find out about the contradictions in their philosophy by themselves. I thought I could save the world by being a good little left-leaning drone when I was 15 and living in a sheltered all-white environment too.
This, he's a gay pedo.
We always expect shills.
>I know that Sup Forums is full of white supremacists who love to pretend they aren't actually white supremacists
wow you are the biggest idiot, nobody is pretending. People here tell the truth. White supremacists will proudly say it here
is that sarcasm mate
nobody outside of reddit ever gave a fuck about faglo
its a forced meme strawman boogeyman like the term "alt right". their basic bitch pleb tier grasp of things is such cancer to read.
fuck off eddit
read the rest of my god damn post.
and you will find out WHY you are wrong.
let me tell you again
fascism does not equal nazism
here's an example
>christians tend to be right leaning
>that means in order to be a christian you must be right leaning!
TRUE, BUT IF TRUMP AND THE REPUBLICANS STRUGGLE NEXT YEAR. I AM BOUNCING TO A SECRET LITTLE ISLAND. AMERICA wait why I am talking in caps. America is done for. I hate to see all the Mexicans, those filfthy Chinks, and blacks ruin America.
nobody likes milo hes a fucking fagget that gets fucked by niggers
>this is what r/etards actually believe
>whole thread is full of neo-Nazis denying that they're neo-Nazis
>wow you idiot we tell the truth
That sub actually used to be on donald's side. the shills managed to turn the sub in the opposite direction since reddit is so easy to manipulate and any mention of shills is instant ban
neo-Nazis are white supremacists who support violence against jews and racial minorities.
Sup Forums are white supremacists who support violence against jews and racial minorities
but go ahead and keep pretending you aren't a neo-Nazi
Watching the left eat a fag alive is getting played?
Still feels like winning to me.
You are small time
Im from reddit, what is with this redpill bullshit. You guys are ignorant as fuck.
Both sides come at it with the same but opposite mentality. Liberals love and treasure Islam and are the sworn protectors and saviors of kikes. The (real) right wants them both genocided.
Ah it honestly doesn't matter. Ocean of piss, remember?
>all day
>Sup Forums is still split on Milo
so he accomplished nothing