Or is it best to simply oust him? If this really was a coordinated attack by higher ups in the media, wouldn't disavowing Milo be the simplest way to disarm their strategy? There likely won't be any conservative speaker with more baggage then this degenerate coal burning faggot. If the left wants to end the careers of people like Milo and Richard Spencer, who parade around like buffoons and make us look bad, shouldn't we welcome that?
Should we defend Milo?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also do the opposite of what the left wants
t. checked
I want to defend him too, even though i'm not much of a fan. It was obviously coordinated.
I'd hold off on that for now though.
>pic related
Can't oust someone that was never in.
why did he bless this thread?
We should either do nothing and let this blow over, or take this opportunity to replace him with better figureheads. It might look bad if Breitbart sacks him, but we'll live.
I love the idea that there's some coordinated conspiracy, like the idiots who now run the administration need help shooting their own dick off. He literally picked some of the most incompetent political outsiders possible, refuses to listen to any criticism or advice, and then when it all blows up just screams fake news like everyone with a brain knew it would.
Should Sup Forums, the biggest collection of hebephiles on the internet, defend a fellow hebephile?
What you need to do is get the gay community to protect milo and the establishment to attack the gay community. If you would pose as a liberal write an article on how (white) gays are all pedophiles and gave Milo as an example this would ignite some sparks.
Cucked behaviour. Do what you believe is right. I believe defending a pedophile is wrong but maybe you have some other ideas.
Milo was turning young people conservative. The liberals were scared so they ruined his career with fake accusations.
no, fuck the faggot degenerate kike
How about not giving a fuck and let him do his thing? The left only pretends to be outraged because he triggers them so much. You don't have to defend Milo to point out their hypocrisy.
No he is a pedo.
Well then...
it's funny to watch until you realize Trump just lost the gay vote
Sup Forums is anti degeneracy, Milo is a degenerate
Fuck off back to r/The_Donald you cucks
I can see the pros and cons of both.
-If we condemn Milo then that frees us from the problem of defending pedophilia while also ensuring that the left absolutely has to do the same thing if they're going to demonize him for it.
-Defending Milo would be much trickier and riskier, but it would make the left look like a bunch of assholes who are suddenly turning against the gay community for being honest about their own experiences of being molested and how it shaped their view of things. They are supposed to be the ones who are tolerant and progressive after all.
it was a worthy sacrifice, kek will its.
If the left is so aggressive in trying to take him out it's obvious that he's a major threath to (((them))) and a yuge asset to us.
>the left
It was Evan McMullin and what little remains of the "Never Trump" crowd around National Review.
The thing is, Milo didn't actually do anything wrong. If we don't defend him and call the Left out on their bullshit, they'll always be able to associate our movement with pedophilia just because they were able to accuse someone of child rape and nobody countered their narrative.
Losing Milo would also be losing one of the Right's greatest assets against leftist identity politics.
why don't you decide for yourself for once in your life? it's okay to have your own opinions
Yes because he actually dindu nuffin wrong.
He's already president stoopid
I don't think so, he is clearly a pizzaparty pedo user.
As a daily user and confirmed Alt-Right Supporter, we must cut ties with the Pedophile as well as Trump, it was a Wild Ride but let's be serious now. It looks like the left finally won, maybe it won't be so bad guys.
"make us look bad" dude were fucking Sup Forums, our power is not in "looking good"
They want us to hate Milo and Spencer. Hell even Spencer is GLEEFUL over Milo's demise right now. Frankly its embarrassing.
You dont have to like everyone in the weird internet right wing, but you do need to not actively help our enemies get what they want
So please, anyone thinking the smart play here is throwing Milo overboard, reconsider. He's a useful weapon. Im not a huge fan, frankly he hasnt swallowed enough redpills for my taste, but he's supereffective on normies like few others
>Losing Milo would also be losing one of the Right's greatest assets
He's gone, m8. There's no way he steps back into the public forum now
There's no need to defend him. The liberals are being hypocrites for all of a sudden caring about kiddy diddling
Their support for Islam and their defense of pedophiles in the past makes this character assassination laughable
Let him go. We've got work to do taking down some real pedophiles
Even if they did start it, the left is now latching onto it to smear the right as a whole.
t. lefty
They want us to disavow. Don't
Well what DOES the left want? I mean this is really a lose-lose situation.
Perhaps we should deconstruct it. Say you have a political opponent, you want to destroy them so you make an accusation. The GOAL is to make them go away. Milo WON'T go away because he's an attention whore.
Nevertheless this will likely reel him in and send him to more and more obscure venues.
So what do we do with this information? How do we turn this around on them? One such option is to both draw attention to him and try to get leftists going full witchhunt on pedos which will drive out the support of pedo-apologists and IF the left gets caught with it, they are destroyed twice as fast.
But you must also remember sexuality is a weapon of the Jews. It only has the amount of power that we let it have. They tried to use it against the right over Trump's remarks on the hot mike. If we simply ignore it, perhaps we can disarm that weapon. Show them that we truly don't care. The fact is there ARE leftists who have done FAR worse and have gotten away with it. They are still around.
Personally I don't think pol liked Milo before so maybe we should just continue on business as usual. If you want to slander him from an anonymous korean origami board, fine. I might watch his content IF he continues to produce anything remotely of value but otherwise I'll likely ignore him.
God it feels weird as fuck to post a genuine post with a modicum of thought in a sea of shills and shitposters.
i dont give two fucks about milo, but i dont want the libs to have a win.. especially if it's a win by screaming "pedo" like they used to scream "racist/nazi"
so if anything,, let fago take care of fago while we spam and spread liberal hypocrite tweets/news articles of them defending pedophilia
turn it around on them.
No one in the gay community wants anything to do with this degenerate
See above cuck
back to the_donald fake electionFAGGOT
If you hadn't already ousted him months ago you're a faggot and fuck off to r/The_Donald
Drop him from political stuff but have him keep doing his tour.
no. if we do they come for Bannon.
What do you guys think will Joe Rogan do? Will he protect Milo?
>disavowing Milo
>disarming their strategy
>if you do what your enemy wants, you win
Who gives a fuck about the social situation surrounding Milo. We like him because he makes libcucks mad. That's what it always has been and that's what it always will be.
Milo was never one of us.
I never liked him.
libcucks will get their way if we defend admitted pedos, user.
What good does it do to try and salvage Milo?
You recognized that this is a coordinated attack, now pivot and remind the media of all the depraved shit they've pushed over the years
They think after years of shoving degeneracy down our throats that now they can take the moral high ground
Let him go, we've got bigger things to take care of
What has this faggot said/done this time? I've been out of the loop the last few days.
Milo is garbage.
You are valued for your contribution, user.
I see you. :')
I play a lot of strategy games and it's dumb to not cut your losses when you receive a defeat.
You regroup, get more supplies and then counter attack on your own ground.
neither. let it blow over.
Basically if you were molested as a teen/child you become gay and like older men? I'm a closet gay but never been molested and I like older men. What does this mean?
kys shill.
Abandoning him only emboldens the left. It shows them that their smear campaigns are effective and that they should keep doing it to anybody that is a threat to them.
no defending what he said
rot in hell faggit
The only people who are strongly pro-Milo are probably shills.
I don't belong in a place that thinks Milo, Alex Jones, and The Young Turks aren't shills and controlled opposition. You people are bluepilled.
No. He's a Jew infiltrator and Sup Forums never liked him
I'm not saying we definitely should defend him. I'm just thinking through the consequences of both scenarios.
What did she mean by this?
Is something big coming such as ?
Don't do anything. Just shut the fuck up and dissociate him and any other movement or personality. (((they))) are just trying to create strawmen to discredit us.
This is a major victory for antifa. We need to pick a target and make them pay for it.
>admitted pedos
You've already fallen for the smear campaign, so there's no use in engaging in discussion. The Left wants you to think he's a toddler rapist when his original remarks don't suggest anything of the sort. He was talking about fifteen and sixteen year olds, not babies for Christ's sake.
There seems so be a connection between hyper sexuality and molestation. At least there's a correlation with abuse and porn actresses/prositutes. I think it's some form of coginitive dissonance thing and trying to cope with it by pretending it's normal, as an reaction to the shame.
He said that he believed he was capable of consenting to a relationship with an older man as a minor
He believes this experience was positive for him, as it is for others
He didn't outright advocate for pedophilia, but that doesn't matter
Milo is compromised, the MSM thinks they've won but they forget all the fucked up shit they've endorsed in the past
beat me to it.
All degenerates must be purged
counter offensive when.
Yes. He didn't advocate pedophilia. His main point was after boys reach sexual maturity, they become sexually interested in sex. And 13-14+ yr olds want to have sex with people they find attractive. I'm tired of the BS narrative that that's a lie. When I was that age there are plenty of women I would have loved to fuck. Looking back, I can safely say it would have been fine. It wouldn't have fucked me up, made me hate women, etc.
no but right now is a good opportunity to throw shade towards the jewish community that use their mouths to circumcise newborns
What do you mean defend? When was the last time you saw someone from Sup Forums show up on the news to defend someone? I'm saying shitpost as usual. We don't need to disavow or disown anyone because we aren't an organized body with a single agenda. We're just people with no lives spamming frog memes on an anime image board. As long as Milo is churning out the bantz, he is of express interest to us.
>looks up his Race
>looks up his position on White American Nationalism
>also, is degenerate racetraitor gargler of BBC
Man, I don't think this is a victory. It's more like them taking a pawn of your chess board that opens them up for a counter attack.
>disavowing Milo be the simplest way to disarm their strategy?
I hate this kike faggot but backing down and cucking would be admitting guilt and it won't stop there.
Not gonna lie, former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes..
without libcuck tears the lulz are much less user
Why not stop obsessing over some gay dude and think about your actual political opinions?
Normies, remember the normies.
Think of how they perceive such things.
They have no context.
Support Richard Spencer. He will lead us to a righteous and white future we need more like him.
>>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
This dummy.
He has stated this is common place in the gay community..the same community that is now able to adopt kids
This is why (((they))) want to shit him up or push him to suicide
He is unwittingly dropping truth bombs on the straight community about degenerate fags and the pedophilia link that has been buried and denied for decades by the kike MSM
Until today I was suspicious of Mylo and though he might be a Jewish plant..now I see he is just a self serving fag Jew. But he apparently is an honest one.
Sure he jumped on the altright bandwagon knowing he would be propelled to the top of it being the protected kike faggot and there fore untouchable when he attacked the libtards..
He got his fame and fortune..but he clearly isn't a shill.. or we wouldn't see dozens of anti Mylo threads here on Sup Forums now. This is a raid to crush Mylo. Yes he is a degenerate kike faggotry..but he is and has been useful.
Remember..he is a victim of childhood abuse.
The left is now attacking a victim and trying to ruin his life and push him to suicide because he told the truth about his abuse and the truth about faggots
Neither r
We should of ingored it and attacked MSM instead ,
Milo admitted he sucked off a catholic priest at age 14.
He's achieved his final form: a rape victim.
The media is now victim-blaming him.
At first I thought the media was twisting his words as usual, but then I checked the interview and while most of what he says IS dodgy, he could have retained plausible deniability by saying he was simply describing the gay culture in regards to pederastry. There would have been nothing conclusively wrong with his previous statements.
Where he fucks up is where when the interviewer asks him :
>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, so [...]
That's game over. Period.
He might not have committed any crimes, or at least confessed to any, but he IS advocating for child abuse. That LITERALLY was the question AND his answer.
Milo is a tool. He's a very powerful tool. Right now they are accusing him of being a pedophile. Our own biggest accusation is that most of the higher up leftists are human traffickers or pedophiles. Right now, the biggest issue is that the msm is much stronger crying out pedophile than we are. They will never, ever report that their beloved leftists are pedophiles. I would say we should protect Milo until we get some actual dirt on real pedophiles and human traffickers, then we can discard him. Unlike those people, MIlo hasn't raped or fucked under age yet, or they don't have proof of that at least.
>not knowing probably-paid Sliders are in full effect since there's 4/5 threads with MILO as topic atm, hiding the more pressing issues
Richard Spencer is a fag who got sucker punched by an antifa twink.
I don't think that we have defeat, I don't think we are gettling slammed by the big blue blob like in EUIV.
Milo already broke through to the mainstream with Maher. they attacked too late. He will get interviews and hitpieces that will give him more publicity. He could even leverage thing into giving his pizza speech that Breitbart silenced him on. he is only becoming more powerful. This is coming in along with the massive pedo arrests.
On top of this, Assange is back. The wild card. We do not know what he will pull, he could have serious Pedo dirt.
Talking about normies. Maybe we should twitter something to Meryl Streep and sell this an success against Trump and the alt-right, and if she bites we'll pull the quotes where she defends Roman Polanski.
>OP putting Spencer (an overt white nationalist) in the same basket as a jewish pedo niggerfaggot
Are you literally shaking
One of the few people making any sense here. This is obviously a bogus political move to silence him.
Oh somethings definitley in full effect here
Sup Forums never liked this faggot and now all of a sudden its "defend pedo kike" hour
This is probably why his "Playing the victim" video was actually real.
I know 3 hyper sexual people who were abused as kids. its definately how it works
Maybe we should just bluff and say they're targeting him because of pizzagate. It's stupid enough that normies will believe it.
How hard is to not defend a pedo ?
The way i see it, go defend him, get BTFO with him in the process.
There's no defending on milo here. He's guilty.
He wasn't sarcastic, he wasn't joking. He BTFO himself.
What we should do is point out his mental problems, the fact that he was "molested" as a "young boy" and the fact he's a fag now.
Connect all this dots togheter and we can destroy faggotry and Pedophilia in 1 blow.
Let this Shekel loving, fag enabling, BBC gager, child licking, die in the process idgaf.
>more headlines from both libmedia/Lügenpresse and the cuckservative GOP during presidential nominee race:
Sure as hell didn't stop him
If the strategy is permitted to work they will move on to bigger targets.
No punishment without proof.