She won by over 13,000,000 votes

>she won by over 13,000,000 votes
>she's running again in 2020
How scared are Drumpfkins right now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not as scared as they would be if you bothered posting a source or even a graph key explaining what the numbers were, Mr. Patel.

you autistic retard xD Dems hate her now. She won't even win the primaries


did the electoral college change?
then she'll lose again

Proof she is running again?

Pajeet my fucking computer is running slow please stop shitposting and get back to your callcenter

Didn't vote then, won't vote now

That is the most autistic attempt at a pie chart I have ever seen.

Third Times A Charm. HAHAHAHAHAHA

How does it feel to lose to donald trump?

This has to be bait

>inaccurate number
>no graph proportion

One of the laziest attempts at baiting I've seen in a while

>She predominantly won in New York and California
>What is project Veritas?
>What is driving around voting dogs in buses?

Trump will introduce ID laws and deport illegals, how scared are you?

She will

Oh sweetie, don't you realise that this was a strategic loss so that Hillary will win in a landslide in 2020 after Drumpfy has damaged the country and a Republican will never be president again.


Also look at the presidential reception Trump got at Florida . . . all those ppl chanting murica.. murica.. btw Trump , I mean President Trump will be deporting 13,000,000 illegal immigrants back to where they came from since they were caught with mexican and other flags and generally being an autistically screeching annoyance all the time & they have to go back !

>that graph

Not very. She'll be dead by Kuru by then.

Are you telling that bernie sanders are equally as bad as drumbpt?

I think you need to think better about your life

they'll both die of old age before 2020 so who cares


>59, 948,323

59, 948,323 is not one fourth of 72,374,951

She won by a gorillion at least

You have almost 5x more people shitting in the streets then we have voters.

Fucking retard

Why are you spreading lies, streetshitter?

The real numbers are
Trump: 63,811,288
Hillary: 66,486,991


Holy shit I can make graphs too guys!

She won by 13 brazilian votes


I'm pooing on the streets. My knees are getting weak.

Has there been any updates if there were any illegal voters?

Unless she rigs it again

Sage all shill threads
shit in all designated streets

Want your safe space back, drumpfy?

There probably was some in California if anywhere, but I haven't looked into so I have no idea.

she ran out of favors, shes done

No. They shut down the recount in michigan because 3 out of 4 districts in Detroit had more votes than people

Can't wait for Hillary to win the popular vote in 2020 and lose by an even bigger electoral landslide

>poo in loo thinks he's people

>13 million votes

it was like 1 million last I saw and there was still investigation of illegal voters, how the fuck is it 13 million all of a sudden?

About 2 million counted till now

Fighting against drumpfkins is like playing chess with a pigeon. It would knock over all the pawns, shit all over the chessboard and claim it won

more like we'd win an election and claim we won

oh wait

Somehow her numbers keep getting larger everytime I see it posted, like the holocaust.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!

oy vey remembah the 50million moah votahs than druhmpfh


>ranjeep said, he then closed his 2004 era Dell laptop now satisfied with his harsh takedown of the Trump supporters. However, due to his diet of grease and spices, he had to shit for the 11th time this day. He quickly ran to his favorite window (his only window) in his 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololoarashabad, stood on a plastic crate he found floating in the river, and shoved his rear end out the window. Hardly before his sequined pink pants cleared the way, his hairless cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of his mothers saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Ranjeep sighed, and wiped the excess feces from his anus and cleaned his hand with a quick wipe on the inside of the window pane. "Good enough", he thought. Little did he know, the thread he replied to was quickly filling with comments...

The crap is up with both sides inflating their own numbers

>Shit all over the...
Nah too easy.

You seem to have missed the first reply in this thread, poo nigger:

>former trump supporter

there's no such thing, shill

>mfw liberals actually think they'll win 2020 when the economy is doing so great

>getting more than 269 electoral votes
>"""claiming""" we won

At least I know you're trolling now and not a genuine shill because shills don't reply to comments this much. Kudos enjoy the (You)'s

If this is true and illegal immigrants did vote in numbers for Clinton, that would destroy one of the talking points for the Democrats.

Left wing here, very incorrect, however, if she does run again, she will most likely win

>Trump won't win

Hmm not like we've heard this since September of 2015. Continue your apparent confidence that Drumpf will lose and we'll continue winning

She'll probably be too ill or die before the next election. She was already sick as fuck during this past one.

The only reason Trump will be beat in 2020 is because if he won the left-right paradigm would die.

Illegals BTFO > 2020 census > permanent GOP majority / one party state

Can't divide and conquer the plebs like that.

Believe it or not, liberals actually outnumber conservatives in this country, they were just too dumbfucking retarded to vote. Now that they see what's going on, Trump will most likely be a one term President, if he makes it to one term.

Or if he dies

>60m is 25% of 72m

No shit they outnumber conservatives but who gives a fuck. Oh boy, Hillary will win the popular vote by a larger margin

>IF Trump even makes it that long he'll lose a second term

Yeah. Just like IF Trump even got to 1237 delegates he'd never get to 270

>a 12 million difference = 75%
liberal mathnastics

Wrong. The vast majority of Democrat voters aren't necessarily "liberals" (wrong use of the term btw) but are mostly special interest voters who only care about what politicians can do for them. Thats why you have poor turnouts.

The next Democrat candidate will simply be a token brown person to secure the "minority" and white guilt vote.

>60 million people being less than 1/4 of that graph
>72 million being more than 3/4
>lacking a basic understanding of how charts work
>being more in favor of biased presentation and narrative pedaling, rather than giving actual facts
>13 million votes
>Thinking they count, after the fact
>Not understanding how the elective process works
>Getting angry instead of learning from your mistakes
The best part of this election has been all these suddenly enlightened and emboldened freedom fighters who also just so happen to be professors of law, math, ethics, psychology, pretty much all sciences, etc just to say they're smarter than everyone and Trump is a bad dude. Where were they before Trump won?

Oh, that's right. Laughing at him, at their houses, scoffing at the prospect of him winning.

That's called arrogance and fortunately for the common American citizen, we understand the correlation between arrogance and ignorance. They usually go hand in hand.

You lost. Get over it and get over yourselves.

SHE IS FINISHED! lol Cry liberals ,cry! By the time the next election rolls around she will be lucky to even be picked as a candidate! Cmon,your senseless corrupt Hillary is HATED now on both sides. Its over for her thank god!




I'm talking about if he dies or gets impeached when I said that. Granted both of those things aren't likely, but it's looked a lot more likely with him than a lot of past presidents.

this pie chart is hilarious, saved. nice shitpost

>white people will fall for the "minority guilt vote" again after Obama

Nice try

Or a woman to secure the feminazi vote

Well we won the first time so.... yeah. Go ahead. God if she runs it'll be awesome.

The moment Trump won he had more votes than her. The extra does not matter.

Won't she be like 80 years old when it's 2020?
Wouldn't she have died?

I believe you mean electoral votes and not actual votes

Everytime I post in a thread it's like no one else posts.

What about the Republicans who voted twice? Seriously, neither side is innocent.

Hillary will be dead by 2021 anyway.