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F for faggot

In your dreams CTR. Milo will keep doing his thing that triggers the left so bad. Why should I give a fuck about what this faggot says anyway?


Fuck you, he should burn in hell for ever saying that pedophilia could be a good thing.

Another T R U M P F A G trying to normalize pedophilia

Milo REALLY took the L here. He's done.

>Good post from a leaf

He'll be fine


If getting triggered by the statement that men should groom and rape young boys is a leftist stance then maybe it's time to reconsider what your platform is running on

Press 'W' for "Why the fuck was this kike niggerloving faggot ever accepted on the right"

He was an self-serving impostor, anyway.


not political


but did he say that?
source please


>but there are certainly some people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, i certainly consider myself one of them. people who are sexually active younger.

>i think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way... (i hate leftists etc...) this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships, you know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, these sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love, and a reliable sort of rock, where they cant speak to their parents.

>it sounds like catholic priest molestation to me

>and you know what, i'm grateful for father michael, i wouldnt give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him

>oh my god i cant handle it
bald guy talks for a bit...

>you're misunderstanding what pedophilia is, pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. pedophilia is attraction to children. pedophilia is attraction to people who do not have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their body works. that is not what we're talking about

>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?

>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.

Because conservaturds will push forward any minority or woman to prove they aren't all just straight white men. Ben Carson is legitimately retarded but because he is black he is considered a cool dude.


Have you not realized by now your attacks don't work. Every time we come back stronger. Pussy grabing, russia did nothing, it wakes more people up every day to fake news.

Maybe three paragraphs worth of text is too much to read? UK public schools must be full of stupid cunts.

>UK public schools

>he doesnt know what a public school is



Nah he's done. This news story is way too fucking juicy. We, and as a consequence the media, love nothing more than a good, hard character assassination, when the whole collective populace can dismiss someone as an awful monstrous villain devoid of any redeeming qualities, and it's Milo's turn.

kek he redpilled normies on what homosexuals actually believe

Thanks Shareblue, if it wasn't for you prividing us narrative we would have no idea what to think.

I legit feel bad for him. If he deserved to get brought down, it was for real outlandish things he said, not false accusations of being a pedo.

Oh well. He'll just self-publish his book and get a job on infowars. Bit of a boring end to his career, but all things considered I think the MSM and the "Reagan Battalion" went easy on him. At least they just took statements out of context to make him seem like a pedo advocate, instead of just literally inventing things to make him seem like an actual pedo.

I really do hope that all these articles are pointing out that he himself was raped by an adult when he was 13. Whether you buy this bullshit narrative or not, I think it goes a long way towards explaining why he acts like this.

He was a useful idiot. Now he can be purged. Thanks for letting the people use you as a gateway drug for trendys.





He meant "young boys" as in sixteen and fifteen year olds, not toddlers.

He's actually not too outlandish. This pederasty stuff is the most outlandish thing he's ever advocated though.

that takes more than 4 syllables to explain, no one will listen.

He was referring to himself (he was 13 at the time apparently). He's just a weirdo that doesn't want to face how fucked up his life is so he puts on an ironic act.

Milo is a threat to the Left for 3 main reasons
>His reveals their hypocrisy regarding gay rights
>He's incredibly likable to leftist types (gay, frivolous) but supports conservative/Trumpian views
>He is a figure for conservative gays to mobilize around

Sup Forumss hivemind is deciding the verdict on Milo, but don't just reject him without thinking. Milo has the potential to play a powerful role in the coming political diaspora.

Except maybe for some kids, he's an entertaining troller of the left. He was good bait to further explore what we are dealing with on the other side. No one was ever going to vote for him. He doesn't need to be speaking to older crowds at CPAC. At best, he would have settled in to a tv or radio talk show, after selling some books. Sometimes he shared some good articles and videos on his Facebook page that gots lots of views. The most interesting thing associated with him that I can remember recently was that I learned about the ex spook Malcom Nance, who was a panelist on Bill Maher for Milo's appearance and apparently one of the captains in the operation to create the Russian hacking narrative.

If you really know any gay people, you know they are all fucked up in some significant way. Usually they are fucked up in ways that are pretty grotesque, besides the sodomy. This is why most of us are always disgusted by how our liberal female friends can be so giddy and in awe of gay men's personalities. However, for me at least, I can accept them as someone living with a type of mental illness. I expect them to say horrible shit that's out of line. As long as they respect me, know their place, and are not out to lord over me and make me submit to their mental illness, I can handle their subhuman outbursts.

Milo was never going to rise much higher as long as he did his fabulous troll schtick. It's not worth getting hot over one way or another. He was currently the Justin Beiber of conservatism. Just a reality check. Probably a good thing that we didn't continue to raise him to greater heights in his current form. But he's entertaining and drives home some really good major points that young lefties still need to hear.

And news flash: Fags like young boys and most start Fucking when they are 13-14 and by the time they are 15-16, most have had sex with men much older.

They cancelled his book and an upcoming speech. He can't continue to do his thing if he's blacklisted from any public platform.

Rot in hell kike



It'll go away in a few days.

Hope not
Hope this subversive kike has his life ruined over this so he and his dumbass fans can finally get the fuck off this board

He won't get his book deal back.
