"13 year olds who get molested by priests give great head!"

>"13 year olds who get molested by priests give great head!"
>that's a gross fucking thing to say m8
>"s-s-so much for the tolerant left, a-amirite?"
Jesus Christ, why is anyone here even defending him?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is pedophilia red pilled?


Because if you actually listen to the words he said, he never alluded to anything about being a pedophile.

And that we have evidence that a CIA director help coordinate the smear campaign.


Milo is mentally ill. he's a pedophillia victim trying to rationalize traumatic events, he's said that he feels like he seduced the priest. a 13 year old seduced an older man. that's not how it works homie. the adult should have been the adult and not raped a fucking 13 year - old. this is why hes saying this shit

Why did Milos star in this pedo film?


come at me bro

it is now

He's fucking making a joke, rather than complaining about the fact a priest abused him at 13 he's joking about it and laughing it off, what's wrong with that?

The video is literally him, and he's actually saying these things. Even if it's edited, it's shit he actually said and it's absolutely disgusting, there's no defending it.

Because it's really hard to seduce a catholic priest. /s

>get raped
>not allowed to joke about it
seems rather harsh

Are you trying to imply that anyone on this board likes this attention whoring degenerate?

He never had sexual contact with any priest.

>The video is literally him, and he's actually saying ((these)) things

you're gonna have to clarify what you mean by ((these things)), because he's already clarified the point he was trying to make.



Milo was speaking about his experience with abuse and how it shaped his interpretation of intimate/personal relationship with teenagers and adults.

Not gonna lie, former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

Milo's "b-but I'm gay! I was molested!" victim card won't work anymore. He literally said, into a camera, that "coming of age relationships" between younger boys and adults was a good thing because the adults would be able to "provide them with love." The thing is, he was criticized by the other people in the video for saying this and then continued to defend it.

Nu/pol/ can't take handle the redpill when its one of (((/thereguys/)))

Literally a gay racemixing kike and people are defending him after he's defended pedophiles

He literally says he's NOT defending pedophilia.

>implying anyone here who isnt rthedonald is defending him

The video in question skip to 53 minutes

*vibrating my skull* we tried to foretell this to you all but you would not heed our call

Yes, and he clarifies it in his own words. "Pedophilia is attraction to children, pre-pubescent." and says that 13 year olds don't count. He not only states that older men fucking 13 year olds is okay, he gets criticized for it and then defends it and clarifies it for several minutes by saying that 13 year olds shouldn't count as "children," so it's okay. One of the people in the video says "Can we be honest here, you're advocating at least cross-generational relationships?" and he says "Yeah."

Also, he wasn't actually molested. He is literally copying from the cry-rape-for-pity feminist playbook.

Only if you're raping boys.



The left is actually victim shaming.

sage yourself, shill faggot

milo is a boy hungry faggot who needs to be put down for the safety of white children everywhere.

Pedophilia IS specifically pre-pubescent. That's literally part of the definition. If the person has reached puberty, it's hebephilia.

But yeah, Milo is an idiot, though I don't know how it took this long for people to realize it.

Could be worse, you could have a dead intern in your office.

He was making a joke about himself. He does that kind of thing.

Most people here have hated him for quite a time.
That's nothing new.


95% of gays I've encountered are just the same: hysterical, attention seeking, bitter, angry, argumentative, looka-me, will say anything controversial to steal attention. They're freaks imo and need to be slapped down constantly for their sake and everyone else

sorry for the late response, I had to rewatch the clips of Milo's controversial stance because you couldn't be bothered to cite your quotes that you attribute to Milo.



Your quotes don't exist.

Again, he was speaking about his experience as a 14 year old.
Again, he doesn't have an attraction to kids.
Again, you will mis-characterize him anyway because it's easier than confronting the fact that you were wrong.

yes :3

I said he advocated having sex with 13-year-olds. None of my posts state otherwise.

He said the opposite.

did you even watch the video?

he literally said it's okay for old men to anally tenderize young boys so long as the boy consents and it's a "coming of age" thing.

milo literally wants to bound literal boipussy.


17-19 seconds in:
>"coming of age relationships"

27 seconds in:
>"provide them with love"

Sup Forums diddles kids

itt Sup Forums defends a pederast

also, milo is obviously a victim of abuse. he's rebellious, contradictory, and seeks endless attention. I wouldn't be surprised if he had scars all up and down his legs from cutting.

“We get hung up on this sort of child abuse stuff,” Yiannopoulos is heard saying in a video, acknowledging that he has a controversial point of view, “to the point where we are heavily policing consensual adults.” “In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents,” he added. “It sounds like molestation to me,” an unnamed person tells Yiannopoulos in reply, likely an interviewer. “It sounds like Catholic priest molestation to me.” “But you know what? I’m grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn’t give nearly such good head if it wasn’t for him,” Yiannopoulos replied

Later, Rogan called “Father Michael” a “terrible person” for allegedly having a sexual relationship with Yiannopoulos when he was a young teenager, but Yiannopoulos tried to downplay it. “It wasn’t molestation,” he alleged “That’s absolutely molestation,” Rogan shot back.
>It wasn't molestation
Kill yourselves. All of you defending him on this board are the biggest piece of shit hypocrites I've ever seen.

No one here is defending him.

CPAC is defending him. So look in the mirror, "conservatards"

pedo bump

>Board is full of ebin deus vult memer trad catholics
>Defending a catholic pedo

Really mobilizes one's macadamias.

Yes, but being redpilled is a code word for being a retard that will buy any lie fed to you so long as it's dressed up as top secret knowledge the *group or individuals you hate goes here* don't want you to know.

fuck off leaf faggot.

Kill yourself pedo lover

sorry, I missed that.

I still think it needs to be taken into context of his greater explanation of his experience being sexually abused.

I can't defend the molestation. I can only defend the fact that Milo was abused and taken advantage of. I don't believe that his interpretation of teenagers and adults having consenting relationships is right, but for the sake of truth I believe it's important to parse out what he explicitly stated, rather than allowing ourselves to paraphrase incongruent statements.

whoops, got my responses switched.

>why is anyone here even defending him?
We let the redditors, alt-lite, and other controlled op degenerates and retards grow on the board. This is what we get. Being popular =/= "helping us defeat the SJWs". Now we're paying the price for that kind of pleb-tier thinking.

I was molested as a child and I defend my molester because I don't want his life to be ruined. You wouldn't understand why but that's because you weren't molested

The Shills are the defenders here

New KB thread, check it out:

Milo is an attention whore with no morals or principles.

Fuck off Reddit, I know damn well it's you.

clergy is right winged

Milo is a threat to the Left for 3 main reasons
>His reveals their hypocrisy regarding gay rights
>He's incredibly likable to leftist types (gay, frivolous) but supports conservative/Trumpian views
>He is a figure for conservative gays to mobilize around

Sup Forumss hivemind is deciding the verdict on Milo, but don't just reject him without thinking. Milo has the potential to play a powerful role in the coming political diaspora.

I absolutely agree that he was abused and taken advantage of. He rationalizes this away by placing himself as the 'aggressor' and implying that he was that actual molester.

So I actually think we more or less agree. He is a victim of molestation. And adults shouldn't be having sexual relationships with young teenagers, especially ones with a position of authority over them.

I don't know but if I see one more of these fucking threads about Milo I AM going to defend him and that's the last thing you fucking cucks want. I could defend a fucking mass murderer from video evidence and eyewitness testimony. I am not kidding. Shut the fuck up already.

He's a gay jew.

Few here expected the most out of him, tbqh.













Except maybe for some kids, he's an entertaining troller of the left. He was good bait to further explore what we are dealing with on the other side. No one was ever going to vote for him. He doesn't need to be speaking to older crowds at CPAC. At best, he would have settled in to a tv or radio talk show, after selling some books. Sometimes he shared some good articles and videos on his Facebook page that gots lots of views. The most interesting thing associated with him that I can remember recently was that I learned about the ex spook Malcom Nance, who was a panelist on Bill Maher for Milo's appearance and apparently one of the captains in the operation to create the Russian hacking narrative.

If you really know any gay people, you know they are all fucked up in some significant way. Usually they are fucked up in ways that are pretty grotesque, besides the sodomy. This is why most of us are always disgusted by how our liberal female friends can be so giddy and in awe of gay men's personalities. However, for me at least, I can accept them as someone living with a type of mental illness. I expect them to say horrible shit that's out of line. As long as they respect me, know their place, and are not out to lord over me and make me submit to their mental illness, I can handle their subhuman outbursts.

Milo was never going to rise much higher as long as he did his fabulous troll schtick. It's not worth getting hot over one way or another. He was currently the Justin Beiber of conservatism. Just a reality check. Probably a good thing that we didn't continue to raise him to greater heights in his current form. But he's entertaining and drives home some really good major points that young lefties still need to hear.

And news flash: Fags like young boys and most start Fucking when they are 13-14 and by the time they are 15-16, most have had sex with men much older.

B-but he's anti PC.

Don't cut yourself on those edges now, you hear?

Apparently, only nominally catholic.

Milo is hated by our enemy. He isn't one of us. But we will not attack him. Nice try though.

That is a perspective I hadn't considered, you're right about that. Your situation is very particular and quite difficult.

The end goal of a good system should be that kids shouldn't be molested, so ideally we shouldn't be encouraging people to defend their molesters, we should be doing the opposite. I think your kind of thinking is what allows famous and popular people to get away with awful things with little to no punishment.

I'm not sure what can be done about that in the end because it's basic human nature. Some people are respected well enough that others just don't want to punish them as hard as they would some random person. This kind of thing can't be allowed to encourage behaviors like child molestation.

>Milo pretend to be gay
>Acts like a complete fucking degenerate
>Showed everyone gays are degenerates
54D Uno

Context is necessary for human communication.

You take something out of context, then you no longer understand it. You replace the original context with different context, and suddenly it looks like a person understood and believed he was talking about something else entirely.

Seriously is this the first time you've used the internet? How many times have you failed to understand the context of message posted online to decypher whether or not something like sarcasm may have been present?

Higher language can be read without context but only like 10% of people even comprehend higher language. If I say DON'T KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING RETARD and you take that out of context by removing the word "DON'T" then it suddenly makes me look like a bad person, doesn't it?

people who take things out of context are flagrant cuck retards with an incredibly transparent agenda.

It's truly amazing that the left refuses to change or improve even in the face of an unending losing streak.

WTF? I'm a #BachaBanzai now!

>13 year olds
>actually lying to make it seem like he wasn't referring to himself


>Faggot gets molested as teen
>starts loving BBC
>liberals are trying to destroy his career because he's a faggot who got molested

what the actual fuck. Guys i think we broke the left

The video was already linked, unedited. In it he says that "coming-of-age relationships" between young boys and adults are a good thing. He's criticized as supporting molestation, and then defends those relationships. See it for yourself:

There are father & son programs all over for kids without fathers, because how many city kids have no father figure.

get fucked, trump better not bring bannon to any brietbart shit


ITT pedos larping as alt right.

I hope each and every one of your victims goes to the cops, you shits are dragging down the whole movement.

Not gonna lie, former Milo supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Milo crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get hold of children.

>get a hold of children
>not nuclear child porn codes

C'mon user, at least try to make the copy pasta delicious

this needs missiles flying towards cali in the last panel

wtf I love ancient greece now

Can't we deport him? What kind of visa is he here on?

when zoe quinn and richard spencer are celebrating together, you know what time it is.

The context is that he was fucked by an adult fag when he was 13 and is trying his best to actively disparage pedophilia without undermining his own existence.

He's made a name for himself being a homo among other things, so to truly break that which is why he has popularity, to break his own identity as an adult because of an event that happened as an early teen, is ludicrous.

That'd be like if Jesus Christ defamed God when Jesus would not exist if not for God. That'd be like McDonalds shitting on their customers when they wouldn't be a successful restaurant if not for their customers. True self-defeatist attitudes literally don't 'work' towards any benefit for the self.

Now of we lived in a different world, you could probably bet milo would be fuckin teens just as much as basically almost everyone would. But he has grown to know that it is unacceptable and is beginning to feel strongly that what happened to himself was unacceptable, but to see that through a true self-defeating attitude would turn him into a hermit recluse ugly old jaded bastard.

I've never really cared about any of the e-celebs, but don't really get why the left is going all out on Milo for this. He's said so much shit they find offensive, why go in on one thing where he's actually the victim? I mean everyone copes with shit in different ways, and making jokes about a traumatic past isn't uncommon at all. And then it's not like the left isn't trying to normalize this shit anyway.

Or is it the right going all in on him to get the gay guy outta the spotlight?

I admittedly don't pay attn much.

99% of Sup Forums is pedophiles m8. We've got no problems here.

Who give a shit about this Pakistani with fake hair!

They defend him for many reasons.

1. They have used Milo as a token for "L-look, see, trump/repubs/altright dont hate gays, we have Milo" and dont want to lose him
2. Anything antiTrump they are set to defend with every autismal ounce of their beings
3. Pizzagate shits are having a fucking meeting to decide how to feel about Milo, and Ive seen the defense "well what Milo did wasnt as bad as what Hillary did, so lets keep him around"
4. They are beyond help and hope to be decent humans so ofc they will stick up for Milo and then scream FAKE NEWS

>Jesus Christ, why is anyone here even defending him?

Because, OP, I don't enjoy the left having ANY victories, even if the casualty is a degenerate fag.

>joining shariablue shills in blasting Milo
>claims to be redpilled
Come the fuck on, Sup Forums. I hardly every post, but this is absurd. This is highly coordinated, and Shariablue knows Sup Forums is where t_d and other hotbeds get their info.

The shills are all around you. Milo only exists because the left no-platforms any sensible or honest debate, therefore the provocateurs rise to the top.

Best news evar. Why?
>left hammers fullblown milo (like he hammers 13 yo's) thinking right will defend
>we burn him at a dildo stake and push further asking leftists why they are silent about mohammad raping a 9 yo, btfo never to recover
It's time to use Fullblown Milo for everything we can. If you don't like this plan get molested by Fullblown Milo. That's about all, FUCK MILO and peace out.

It's disgusting, can you imagine the shitshow on here if John Podesta said the same thing?

Alt-Right faggots need to be executed, every single one of them.

it's just a raid

they're telling anyone who hates Milo to fuck off. it's basically a falseflag to make us all look like pedophiles and I'm sure it's starting to work on quite a few idiots around here

>le based faggot
Milo is a degenerate kike, only the_donald redditors like him

Hey Reddit

if whites really want to take it back to their roots, it is.

lol see OP, this is the fine example of a Trump America today. They dont care what happens and they have zero morality or conscience. Just as long as the left doesnt have a "victory", thats all that matters. Its sick

Yeah but 90 percent out of his mouth is shit that I can actually agree with, and he's been galvanizing younger people and normies. idk there are worse and more destructive shills out there