What is the ideal shape for a white woman Sup Forums?
What is the ideal shape for a white woman Sup Forums?
...i-is that little Caprice?
MUMMY is the perfect size.
are you blind?
This Heil Sizzle
>pig nose
Haha funny
The ideal shape is not unique to races, it is universal
Thicc with a huge ass, prove me wrong
That one chick at the olympics or some shit that was doing the warm up sexy strech jumping thingy
A woman who knows not to post anything other than politics on a politics forum. Fucking GTFO with this shit, nu-Sup Forums is fucking garbage people posting nothing but bait and shit threads.
Psst come to 8pol
not a second of that webm where I don't want to bash her brains in with an aluminum bat
People are defined by the genetics
There is no ideal shape for white women
There is no ideal shape for white men
What they have between their ears is what count
Grow up
something like this
i too understand your quest to comprehend perfection through beauty
I don't know.
Get help.
Pregnant with my kids
Abigaile Johnson's face
Lily Ivy's tits
Sasha Grey's ass
Kys faggot
What's wrong don't like Mummy ?
Here's a bonus cutie
Sasha grey has no ass.
Is this real life that actually happened hahahaha
Signs of good fertility
>ideal woman thread
>instantly becomes a mummy thread
never change