Drunk dane here
Someone explain in one sentence what the fuck happened with milo? What did he say exactly?
Drunk dane here
Someone explain in one sentence what the fuck happened with milo? What did he say exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Milo claimed that sex with anyone above 13 is not real pedophilia and now everyone is breaking ties with him.
5d chess
is there a video or link?
Got pewdiepied after doing Maher... next.
Yeah, google it yourself.
He talked about blowing a priest and fucking older fags in drags when he was a teenager saying it was no big deal to him.
It's a story he had already told on the JRE but only now the left and media is trying to pretend this is an outrage.
When? The joe rogan video from over a year ago? Just seems like another attempt by the MSM to smear people in Trump's corner.
The response far outweighs anything he said.
>Milo claimed that sex with anyone above 13 is not real pedophilia
Why do you cunts make up BS instead of debating the fag?
you're always drunk youre a dane
>milo is a faggot pedo. we must defend him from the libcuck attack! DO NOT BACK DOWN ANONS
i did, just found this
No, because it's made up.
Its funny how Sup Forums would always say eventually liberals would defend pedophilla but now one of their idols is a pedophile they are defending it hahahaha.
He basically argued against the age of consent and literally said it is "arbitrary and oppressive". Then argued that young boys can find guidance, safety and love from old men. This is actually what child grooming is and I think it was lost on him.
Basically, he made it pretty clear the age of consent should be 13-14 or so.
He also tried to get Joe Rogan to admit that he's sexually attracted to 15 year old girls apparently he's projecting his own attraction of young people to think everyone else secretly is too.
Now there are redcap fanatics that believe they have to defend one of their own even though it goes against all their work over pizzagate etc. It's been hilarious
Do you think that boy gets railed every night?
Drunken Peasants podcast
pretty much the norm now.
There are 50 other threads that would answer your question.
>Doesn't do reseach
Fuck Milo he rode Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the way to his 15 minutes of fame. He never really believed any of the shit we believe; he just saw it as an opportunity to put shekels in his pocket because nobody else was doing so at the time. He literally came along at the right time and like the kike he is, attached himself to it at the perfect time.
For God's sake Sup Forums, he's the embodiment of everything this board stands against: A degenerate, Jewish, miscegenation practicing faggot.
The irony is that he used us to gain a modicum of fame, but by doing so he also flew too close to the sun (Sup Forumsand the redpills that we continuously drop and believe) and (((they))) finally got their opportunity to burn him for it. Fucking pottery.
Technically milo wasn't wrong, it's hebiphilia but still milo shouldn't have said it
He might be. Some kids inevitably is, that's why you don't want fags to be able to adopt kids.
I'm surprised nobody brough that up sooner.
hi shill
>It's a story he had already told on the JRE but only now the left and media is trying to pretend this is an outrage.
Exactly some of George Soros' people probably went digging for dirt on Milo because he's doing such a great job convincing young people to distance themselves from the left. A lot of groupthink stormniggers that post on Sup Forums think milo is bad for the cause even tho he persuades young college kids very well (especially females!!).
But question the timing. this is just divide and conquer by the left to tear apart media personalities that are pro-Trump
But the age of consent should be 14, and to act like 15 is a total kid is absurd. Immature mentally yes, but physically, no. Besides, if we want to base sexual consent on mental maturity, we might as well make the age of consent 25.
Never a big fan of Milo, btw.
Honestly, you guys are getting well paid, why can't you fucks destroy his arguments instead of making him a martyr? You could have at least waited for the pewdiepie stuff to die off...
He was abused himself and it's lost on him that he is the way he is because an older individual took advantage of him sexually. What's sad is that the left would have defended him if he were a liberal the same way that Lena Dunham can get away with molesting her little sister.
He got molested and it made him even gayer.
yeah i just saw it, he fucked up big time kek
but now the main stream meteor brought it up?
>((Stormnigger detected))
You're saying you want a quick rundown?
edited clip from propaganda tank... "research"
bullshit thats the same kind of logic liberalcucks would use to defend hillary
"duhhh shes a defense attorney! technically she HAD TO"
It's the most blatant leftist attempt at character assassination since Trump's candidacy.
Stop buying into this divide and conquer shit by the left. They were waiting for a chance like this for months because Milo made being right wing "cool" and propably redpilled more people than most others in the last two years. He was a major contributor in attacking the leftist foundation, which is young malleable adults. Of course the leftists would bring out the heavy guns for a big threat like this.
The end goal is to destroy leftism entirely, stop getting sidetracked.
Literally didn't say what you suggested in that video. He just did not name a pedophile he seems to know. Is that everything there is to this?
A brief explanation, if you would be so kind
Milo threads are all shill threads.
No one here cares about that faggot.
Your strawman version of us you lefties have has fucked you again kek.
Media tries to smear a thorn in their sides again.
I think they're victim blaming him, how racist and homophobic of them. I'm literally shaking right now.
Just say Dane.
Said its cool to fuck kids it made him a better cock sucker.
he was joking
see tweets for his actual views
why is it so puffy?
So Milo is a rape victim too? Is the left victim blaming now?
That clip was taken from another part of the video where he was talking about college consent laws.
Can't listen to his voice desu
>podcast took place in 2015
>they never brought up this until now
>video released has cuts and is only 1:54 long
>americans are the quickest to accuse anything of pedophilia
>don't know the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia
>don't know what pre pubescent or puberty is
>see this out-of-context clip and lose their shit
also and How you can't see this is an obvious smear campaign is beyond me
this happend like a year ago its shills putting it out
Ironic religious conservatives are attacking Milo. All major world religions were founded on child marriage. Aisha 9 yrs old. Mary 12 yrs old. Mormons child brides and polygamy. Hindu child brides.
Are you saying the leftist media engages in smear campaigns against people they dislike? I find this very hard to believe.
He said that SOME teenagers are mature enough for that. He said the age of consent laws should remain the same as they are now.
So he made a retardedly obvious comment and people are flipping their shit? Most people hit puberty by 13 lol.
I'm saying some retarded people here are falling for this obvious shit, I never liked Milo because he's a BLACKED faggot but this is an obvious low blow attack
The real story?
>Milo goes on Bill Maher's show Real Time on HBO.
>Bill cuts him off repeatedly during the interview, meaning he can't do his regular unicorn gay conservative shtick.
>Maher prods his controversial opinions.
>Milo, being cut off, weakly defends said opinions by distancing himself, several times claiming not to be a conservative.
>"Establishment Republicans" already dislike Milo and the Alt Right.
>Smear video is published.
>American Conservative Union, a 50+ year old establishment organization, who runs CPAC sees both.
>Milo's invitation to speak at CPAC is rescinded.
>Establishment conservatives rejoice.
>Collateral damage.
He never explicitly said what they are attributing to him, he talked about his own victimisation as a molestation victim, then talked about the definition of pedophilia, then talked about young boys with older men
I mean, it doesnt look good for the faggot, but he never explicitly advocated pedophilia
in the end it works out well for us - the left has to distance itself from pedos, which it was cozying up to via defending faggot marches with half naked twerking kids etc, or he gets vindicated as the victim of a smear campaign due to his politics and despite the fact he is a victim himself
leftists on suicide watch since trump started running
>milo was involved in gay sex with adult men when he was only 13
>has to not let himself be crushed by it
>tries to joke about it and actively disparages pedophiles, a roundabout way of dealing with self-hatred to redirect the blame
idk this faggot always says retarded shit, just like pewdiepie always did retarded shit.
He revealed he was sexually abused by a priest as a kid, and then he was sympathetic to the priest. Its completely normal for victims of sexual assault to be sympathetic to their assaultors.
Fucking this. If you're left, you can do crazy shit like rape your sister, drug underaged children and rape them for hours, then flee the united states and Whoopi Goldberg will defend you. Shit is fucked.
"I am not into 14 year olds"
What a peado.
Wait, this is it? He was molested by a priest and somehow he is the pedo?
Him talking about parties where he attended and saying younger men/boys attended but not giving up names is about as bad as it gets.
That would be a crime though. Naming people without proof.
I disapprove of his statements, but is it really necessary to blackball him? The content of that video is so ambiguous that it's hard to form a sound opinion, especially considering Milo's flippant personality. Not to mention the fact that there are countries wherein the age of consent is only 14. I doubt if heterosexual relationships at 13 are frowned upon in Italy, for example. Is this wrong only because the relationships discussed were homosexual?
also, here's a rare emerson
Degenerate faggot is also a pedo
surprising really
Wait so why is this news yet the videos of joe biden soliciting sex from underage girls still aren't?
the fuck is going on here
Joe biden is actually a pedophile.
Milo is fucking right. I remember when I was a 13 year old gay boy. I hit puberty, I was super horny, and I wanted cock.
it turns out that a kike faggot is a kike faggot pedo
really makes me think.
he revealed that all of the alt righters are nazi pedos that want to harm americas children
Shit, I hope the faggot rots.
he was molested as a child so shareblue and the crew are saying he is a pedophile.
>the pedos are victim blaming.
if you watch the interview he also says only if they are teh same age. (BECAUSE HE WAS ABUSED AS A CHILD)
>the bit that was cut.
Milo is a threat to the Left for 3 main reasons
>His reveals their hypocrisy regarding gay rights
>He's incredibly likable to leftist types (gay, frivolous) but supports conservative/Trumpian views
>He is a figure for conservative gays to mobilize around
Sup Forumss hivemind is deciding the verdict on Milo, but don't just reject him without thinking. Milo has the potential to play a powerful role in the coming political diaspora.
I don't hold anyone on a pedestal. I disagree with his statements in that DP episode, though what he said in proper context is still bad, it's not AS bad as you guys are making it out to be, still bad though.
I can strongly disagree with him on this subject, and I can agree and applaud the things I do agree with that he says. That's not so hard to understand is it?
Even if... *dry heave*... Hillary... were to say something I agree with, I will give credit where credit is due. And you guys can't delete all of that credit you've already given him. If you think this statement outweighs everything else he has done from a moral point of view, that's fair. But you can't disagree with truth no matter where it comes from. Credit where credit is due, and truth is worth something.
New KB thread, feel free to drop in:
most of the posts in this thread are bots familampai.
Pedophilia is good for boys to discover who they are.
13yr olds are sexual predators and give the best head.
I enjoyed being molested by a priest when I was a child.
What did he say that pissed people off here?
>lena dunham writes about molesting her sister
>endless media defense
>milo talks about being fucked by older men and differentiating between fucking kids and teenagers
>media shitstorm
Not defending him, but I just cannot fucking wrap my mind around this.
The guy wanted to be provocative. Any time his "Look at me, I'm a gay" schtick isn't effective, he tries to double down. I guess he made up some story about sucking a priest's dick to sound edgy. There is no "Father Michael" and he made the mistake of trying to get Rogan's questions off the identity of the imaginary priest by turning the scenario into a consensual thing, where he was the one pursing the older man, and so on. Anyway, the guy's a loser.
Aren't leftists the ones the say victims shouldn't have to go to police or anything?
Milo is a sick queer. Everybody knows this, and thus the #NeverTrumpers and Bolsheviks are taking his genuinely disease faggotry out of context as to take him down. Moreover, while I think he has to go, I realize that this effort may be part of a greater ploy to get rid of Bannon and non-NeoCohens in Trump's cabinet. Only the SS may clean the SA, not the Communists. The Night of Long Knives is ours, not theirs. They don't deserve even a righteous victory.
Joe Rogan and one of the Gamergate streams.
Highly reminiscent of what happened to Pewdiepie.
It's Gamergate 2.0 except this time we're actually interested in Ethics in Journalism (or lack thereof).
MSM smear campaign
they are shill-spamming here but they don't know how Sup Forums works
Can't believe I've been a liberal all this time. Who knew it would be conservatives OK with pedophilia?
typical right wing degenerate... you nazi pedos are finished..
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
I believe this is indefensible yes and betrays his true nature on what exactly he's looking out of this whole altright thing - unlimited access to young boys.
Watch the video for yourself, hear what he said.
>A lot of groupthink stormniggers that post on Sup Forums think milo is bad for the cause even tho he persuades young college kids very well (especially females!!).
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
Defend this.
Well that just clears everything up! Milo is not known to be an opportunist who changes his stance on whatever benefits him the most at all
That's not the one, there is a way worse one on twitter. Way fucking worse. Kek, now the alt right is gonna be tied to hip to this retard. Stay mad alt right faggots.
David Brock dragged his name through the mud over an out of context quote about how he was in a sexual relationship with an older man when he was 14.
Basically pedophiles using a gay man as a scapegoat for when him and Daddy Trump go to town of their kiddy diddling ring.
He admitted to being a pedo
He said he liked getting fucked but he hates pedos.
If you're drunk, how do you know you're here? Will you remember any of this?
>miscegenation practicing
oh shit that black guy's semen is going to mean milo's baby isn't white