I'll start:
Shoot up schools.
I'll start:
Shoot up schools.
Other urls found in this thread:
seasoning chicken with water
Build civiliza-
Oh wait.
Fuck cousins
Your thread is shit and you should kill yourself.
go to the moon
Add on another one:
Get butthurt
Maintain them.
>implying ancient Greeks weren't blonde.
Graduate high school, raise children, and practice proper gun safety.
Care about their children.
Grow mullets
Fighting wars, denying refugees, telling LGBTQIA members of our communities they aren't people, Saying Islam isn't a religion of peace and the best religion anyone could ever have.
>only white people shoot up schools
>shoot up schools
Go to school.
I remember when Vtech just kicked in...
Greeks were white before the Turks came along
Only in our desolate wasteland
End the jewish menace once and for all.
>tell a black his jays are outdated
Lel thiss asspained white boy cherry picking 3 incidents compared to the hundreds of school shootings white people have done.
Create the best societies with the highest quality of life and most freedom.
in USA the highest rates of incest are among blacks
Greeks used to be white until they were occupied by the ottoman empire for 400 years.
implying negros don't bring guns to school.
implying the worst school shooter isn't seung ho chui, a korean (not white)
You have to actually go to them to do that though.
Create modern civilisation.
>only things white people do
what do you mean 100s that seems very high
Being successful.
>look mah i said a buzzword from 2006 im a memester now
the worst school bomber was white though
White people actually go to school.
Arabs are the highest in the world for incest
Pay taxes so black men can go to prison
what the kind of basis what a mass shooting on that chart...did they count every drive by as a mass shooting?
be successful in life
Innovate and reform society
"Hi Dad!"
"Hi son!"
>people are this dumb
Give you a welfare check by taxation so you can sit home and watch your master on TV repeatedly tell you how bad ALL white people are for spoiling you rotten.
looks white to me
Try to domesticate niggers and fail.
To be honest no one should try that shit.
>Doesn't remember when VTech kicked in
You must be 18 years or older to browse this site.
Are you dyslexic? It says right in the image.
read beyond a 4th grade level
Fuck their cousins and eat bland food.
>tfw actually Greek but actually have a sense of humour and doesn't get butthurt
go to schools
>Cure Polio
>Invent radio communications
>Invent Calculus
>Invent the Big Mac
You could go on for days
Only whites shoot up schools beacause only whites go to school
Relax pajeet we're coming for canada soon.
> That Asian overachiever
2 shootings in my high school in the 90s. All participants were black. The difference is, it is not news when niggers shoot up schools. Dog bites man is not a story.
White people also tend to know who their fathers are, unlike niggers who don't ever seem to know or even care.
Send a man to the moon
Have a fulfilling life without having to resort to a crime
That's just Canadians.
i mean that the first chart showed "victims" as dead and injured...skews the the results
and as for the second one, it really does not matter because religion wasnt a motive
t. overused joke
advance society, democracy. Anywhere non-white that has voting today was forced to be a democracy by a white country. Japan, south korea.. ect.
Shit in toilets.
Fuck up their own neighborhoods
Think gang culture is just fine.
Commit most crimes.
Act like animals.
Join death cults like Islam
Lots of Mexicans still rock the mullet.
not stealing Jordans when rioting
>Eric and Dylan
That's some reverse tactics there
the gang lu shooting was kinda funny, people were freaking but also a bunch of people wanted to go after him.
Create modern civilization
Wear socks and sandals
Fuck off Jew.
conquer the planet
>canadian flag
Let dogs lick them on & in the mouth
Show up to work on time
Improve the lives of other races with science and humanitarianism
most incidents of gun violence at schools, including those that involve multiple killings, are gang shootings with blacks involved.
Have jobs and pay taxes.
Named two things.. Threads over.
Go to the moon.
Throughout history mountains and mongols have been Europe's most steadfast adversary.
>surprised at the sight of a non-Anglo/French Canadian
Only white people:
-Have a wide variety of natural hair colors
-Have walked on the moon
-Have set-up 1st world societies on every continent, except for Antarctica which we put scientific bases on.
-Brought the ideas of a constitution to another culture/race of people
kek. white people have unironically been society's janitor
Oh snap!
feel guilt
Make more white people.
>Shoot up schools
Black schools have metal detectors at the entrance.
Are Mexicans considered black now?
Eric probably wasnt but Dylan surely was, look at his fucking face retard
Grind their own coffee beans
Make IDM.