Say Hello to your new National Security Adviser, Sup Forums!
Say Hello to your new National Security Adviser, Sup Forums!
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I'm fine with this. We're better than the savages. Act professional.
*cuts your head off*
I'd rather die with honor than live as the savages do.
Keyword: Die
The Romans were the height of civilized society in a barbaric world and they tortured, executed and mocked their enemies. Were they savages? No, they had the brain and balls to do what needs to be done to keep animals in line. Muslim dickheads should be castrated and their rapist little cocks stapled to their foreheads before they're sent back.
He's a gentleman soldier. So what?
This, they should be gruesomely mutilated. They know rape is wrong, they only do it to get one over on the kaffir.
Maximus, we arn't conquering the Muslims.
We dominate them. Bomb the fuckers by the millions who dare terrorize us. Our ideologies are at war. But you're not willing to mutilate them as they deserve so those goatfuckers will know not to mess with us? Weak.
I still give zero shits. Trump is president and just triggered liberals and Sweden yesterday. Everyday is a blessing and as long as he is president, I will enjoy every individual instance of butthurt that he generates on a global scale.
t. Trudeau
A pragmatic general.
Am I supposed to be angry? I don't give two shits about Muslims. The sooner we get out of the ME and let them and the kikes fight to the death, the better off we'll be.
this is why the West is dying.
>but atleast I got to watch my wife and children get gangraped honorably :^)
degenerate and blue pilled.
Sounds harmless to the cause.
But trump is OK with this, he has his own opinions but he recognizes that these generals have more experience and is willing to let them decide for themselves. Trump said this.
This is nothing, move along.
If you don't call prisoners mean names that leads to you getting beheaded?
Look, Father of the Nation Trump is going to kill the terrorists' children like he said. Don't sweat it.
Not even close, you lizard-brained nigger. Win with honor and class or die.
Lighting caged men on fire is not civil, nor is it fit for this world. Impalement, while a nice concept to appeal to the most riled up, is savage.
We can bomb terrorists without referring to them as ragheads, you silly faggot. Calling them a raghead accomplishes nothing aside from giving your fraudulent opposition some pathetic notion of a platform to stand on in faux virtue. You are the reason why we can't even fight back.
>implying its the NSA's job to torture muslims
Take a look at the new head of the CIA, Mike Pompeo, and his past history
>Use to run a CIA Black Site used exclusively for torturing
>Says he would be open to torture before being sworn in
>Memo coming soon to re-open and allow for torture
P.S. Trump has only been President for 1 month now and we are already here. Give it some time
>Win with honor and class or die.
No, win or die. No one will remember your honor when you're conquered by the enemy.
So what?
You save lives by being disciplined and not antagonizing. You also increase the effectiveness when the order for combat actually does come.
"There are two ways to fight the U.S. military - asymmetrically or stupid."
~H R McMaster
>outnumber and outgun the competition
>requiring savagery and debasement
You are a degenerate.
good, torture is wrong.
CIA's report on torture showed that their techniques were not reliable. Do Terrorists deserve it just for the fuck of it? Probably.
Do I think some people break under torture? Absofuckinglutely. Some people don't and their lies will cost lives.
There are likely better ways to get information from an individual than torture. Or the CIA needs to refine their techniques, because they've had years of practice and piss poor results.
calling them dunecoons, sandniggers, ragheads etc reminds everyone what they are. To refer to them as anything else would be to imply they are humans like us, which is obviously not the case.
Dehumanizing them with derogatory terms does have a practical use as well. Soldiers will be more likely to shoot a muslim if he viewed them as a savage monster instead of a human. More dead muzzies is a worthy accomplishment.
>le im too honorable, civilized and classy for violence
Good quote, 100% agree
Is he known for anything else?
Wow the dead are still dead
cuckservative argument
>muh honor
>muh chivalry
>muh rules
This is why you lose
>Bomb the fuckers by the millions who dare terrorize us
Better idea, don't let muslims come to America at all and not start yet another war in the middle east
Nigger, we were in Iraq to do regime change. For the mission of regime doing that shit is absolutely retarded because they will learn to hate us.
We shouldn't even be in the middle east at all, nor should muslims be able to immigrate to this country
Cuck likes you get the rope
They already hate us no matter what we do. We don't need to do anything, some hairy imam preaches to a bunch of inbreds to hate us and they listen.
If they're going to hate us might as well remind them to fear us.
And obviously banning muslims from coming is the goal. But libtards won't allow it cause "muh constitution muh racism", yet they don't seem to care much when USA wars with them.
>Cuck likes you get the rope
I think you mean
>Cuck likes you, get the rope
Worth reading the whole thing.
>but if you can't, here's a TL;DR
>war is...
>1. Political (think Clausewitz)
>2. Human (people fight for fear, honor or interest)
>3. Uncertain (see rules 1&2)
This kind of retarded thinking is exactly why we're in the mess that we're in now. Fighting with honor is a noble idea, sure, but it doesn't work if the people you're fighting don't know the meaning of the word. Conflict is terrible and evil and dirty. That's just how it is. And it doesn't extend to just war--look at liberals and conservatives today. Conservatives take the "high road," they offer their opponents opportunities they know wouldn't be offered to them in kind, they let them have their turn to speak, and they argue with honor and maturity and statistics and facts. What do liberals do? They physically attack conservatives, they get them fired from their jobs, they protest and prevent conservative speakers from even having a chance to say their piece, and they argue through relentless mockery, bullying, hitting below the belt, and appeal to emotion.
Tell me, which is more effective? Which side won the culture war? You're lining your troops up on the battlefield at the arranged time and place expecting to trade volleys with your enemy like gentlemen while they surprise you from behind and rape your crying daughter on the dirt as you bleed to death.
>a-at least I died with honor!
You died like a bitch.
>We can bomb terrorists without referring to them as ragheads
What about towel heads? I can see how rag head could be deemed offensive but towel head is purely descriptive as the Saudis wear actual tea towels on their heads.