This Milo situation is a blessing in disguise. Why? We can use this opportunity to equivocate homosexuality with pedophilia (just like the how the Russian government is doing) -- by showing that homosexuals are mentally ill and they are more likely to become pedophiles in the future (using the example of Milo and others but mainly focusing on Milo), maybe provide some stats to support and meme this shit hard everywhere. This allows us to attack homosexuality and the homosexuality community (one of the left's biggest allies) and ruin the image of the left by making them out to be homophobic -- win-win.
Nathan Gomez
Aiden Evans
As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could. He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.
Adam Watson
i don't think this will last consider the left is pro pedophilia and will push it whenever they can
James Bennett
i think it's a psyop to get us to do exactly that in order to try to prove to normies that trump supporters are actually redneck retards, milo is a huge redpill source for them on kikebook and i dont think we should go full sperg on this, but the evidence that mcmuffin is behind this really activates my almonds and i think we should focus our efforts on him
Easton Torres
Never play into the left's hands: Don't defend Milo.
They've already set the narrative - Milo supports pedophilia - if you fall for the bait and defend him you are condoning pedophilia. This is how the left plays -- Rules of Radicals tactics are used every single time.
The best option is to SIDE WITH THE LEFT by attacking Milo BUT DO SO in an extremely homophobic way by equating homosexuality with pedophilia -- this is killing two birds with one stone.
That might be true IN GENERAL but RIGHT NOW they're trying to frame the narrative so that Republicans are the party of perverts. This is a huge opportunity to attack the homosexual community with this.
Not true because literally all of the attacks are on Milo are coming from the left, if you side with them it hurts their own image. And like I said the narrative should be that homosexuality -> pedophilia. The Russian government is using this same tactic to destroy the homosexual community in Russian. Instead of calling them homosexuals call them pedophiles.
Cooper Torres
Don't do anything and let the left do the victim blaming thing for the only reason they hate him. How homophobic of them, I'm literally shaking.
Point out their hypocrisy, how they had now problem with children being sexualized during the fag parades.
Joseph Fisher
Nice try CTR.
Elijah Sanders
>We Who the fuck is "we", you kangaroo fuck?
Hudson Scott
>hypocrisy Hypocrisy is a shit angle to take because the left have no principles.
They want you to defend Milo.
You have to realize that whenever a NARRATIVE is framed - i.e. Milo is a pedophile and GOP are supporting pedophiles by having him on CPAC it takes MORE ENERGY to try and REFUTE the narrative instead of subverting the narrative from within. My suggestion is to go to the path of least resistance and subvert them from within. It sounds shit but it is more cumming and will do more damage in the long run.
The irony is that is that CTR want you to defend him.
Ryan Morgan
the site that ran the original literally only had 2 other articles on and they were about mcmuffin, and it was used to get him kicked out of speaking at CPAC. this is cuckservatives and you're obviously either retarded or a shill
let milo be he can handle smear campaigns and no-one will listen to that narrative unless milo himself says it. Normies are tolerant of gays if they're quiet enough and he's useful in giving them starter redpills.
Isaiah Flores
The pedo shit is a distraction, they know it won't stick. In reality, it was his terrible showing on Real Time that did him in. Establishment Republicans already disliked Milo. The American Conservative Union, a 50+ year old organization, was looking for any reason to rescind his invitation to speak at CPAC. Pic related was cause enough to do this, but would have resulted in another DeploraBall situation with extreme backlash from the Alt Right. The smear video was meant to distract and prevent said backlash--and judging from @BakedAlaska's "I cannot defend Milo anymore" tweet, it worked like a charm.
Xavier Roberts
Except maybe for some kids, he's an entertaining troller of the left. He was good bait to further explore what we are dealing with on the other side. No one was ever going to vote for him. He doesn't need to be speaking to older crowds at CPAC. At best, he would have settled in to a tv or radio talk show, after selling some books. Sometimes he shared some good articles and videos on his Facebook page that gots lots of views. The most interesting thing associated with him that I can remember recently was that I learned about the ex spook Malcom Nance, who was a panelist on Bill Maher for Milo's appearance and apparently one of the captains in the operation to create the Russian hacking narrative.
If you really know any gay people, you know they are all fucked up in some significant way. Usually they are fucked up in ways that are pretty grotesque, besides the sodomy. This is why most of us are always disgusted by how our liberal female friends can be so giddy and in awe of gay men's personalities. However, for me at least, I can accept them as someone living with a type of mental illness. I expect them to say horrible shit that's out of line. As long as they respect me, know their place, and are not out to lord over me and make me submit to their mental illness, I can handle their subhuman outbursts.
Milo was never going to rise much higher as long as he did his fabulous troll schtick. It's not worth getting hot over one way or another. He was currently the Justin Beiber of conservatism. Just a reality check. Probably a good thing that we didn't continue to raise him to greater heights in his current form. But he's entertaining and drives home some really good major points that young lefties still need to hear.
And news flash: Fags like young boys and most start Fucking when they are 13-14 and by the time they are 15-16, most have had sex with men much older.
Nathan Jackson
How about not taking their bait, then. They want you to come at them one way or another, don't fight on their terms.
Joseph Turner
You fell right into their trap, not everything is a fight for a bigger cause.
Jace Sanchez
Yeah I have a long enough memory to remember how they tried to paint Trump and Assange as pedos/rapists, not buying it, fuck off shill.
Lucas Foster
As you woman you should know your place and let the men talk. Better yet, you can admit that your pathetic attempt to infiltrate this board has failed.
Adrian Cox
Narratives are never the truth. The left relied on this tactic for too long. They just wanted a name to call him and the NeoCons at CPAC have as much to lose if Trump and his supporters win the day. Always remember that Lindsey Graham and John McCain are not in charge of the right anymore. Anything and their club say is against including Milo is good.
Camden Lopez
What was originally an op to demonize the alt-right when none of the nazi shit was sticking could be reversed into an op to turn the left on itself.
I like it.
Christian Murphy
You are only half correct. We should not defend his statements, instead we should deny deny deny and say this is a media fabrication. "He was only talking about his own experiences as a young gay man". Try to associate it with pizzagate fake news conspiracy.
Jackson Turner
milo is an irrelevant fucking meme distraction. focus on pg and vault7.
Hunter Thompson
>Milo supports pedophilia
Except that's false you dumb shill. We all have computers and can check.