We all should be aware that pedophilia is disgusting, and I think it's obvious that the left is posing as "alt-righters" on Sup Forums to try and discredit him. Just actually listen to what he said and make up your own minds
Milo is NOT a pedophile
stop shilling
>defending a known pedophile
darling hes not a pedophile, now the adult are talking sweetie
>defending a known pedophile
He's basically just making make crude jokes about his own experiences. It's not outrageous for a guy like him.
>tfw no older milo to fug my boipucy
>defending a known pedophile
>defending a known pedophile
Sure is reddit here today. Fuck off nu-CTR.
>defending a known pedophile
I haven't seen shills go hard like this in a while. Milo is a lot of things but a pedo he is not. Shills are trying to use Sup Forums's anti-bias to thrown Milo under the bus. I like Milo but like 90% of Sup Forums just saw him as a useful tool. A meme at best. He is red pilling normies to sjw propaganda that is eating our universities from the inside out and had private knowledge about pizzagate.
Milo should be able to defend himself from these allegations as they are all false and taken out of contex. I'm not saying Sup Forums has to defend him. I'm just saying don't fall for this obvious CIA bullshit because gays are byband large cancerous people.
>Sup Forums complaining about pedophiles
>defending a known pedophile
He is a tool. We don't defend him because he's the poster boy of the alt-right, but because he's innocent. This is a smear campaign against someone who had a gaffe. Unless they find child porn, involvement with known pedophiles or actual victims, he's innocent.
>You can stop repeating yourself
>defending a known pedophile
This is about the 20th shill thread.
Either milos fanboys or Russian shills trying to encourage this slow decline of the west
>defending a known pedophile
That's how I feel about all of these situations. If your gonna call a guy a pedo of all things you better have proof or I simply won't believe you. Clips taken out of context is not proof to me.
A pedo was exposed in my extended family like 15 years back and let me tell you THERE WAS PROOF!
>defending a known pedophile
>defending a known pedophile
>defending a known pedophile