This faggot was literally the only Ace in the hole the alt-right had against the SJW wildfire consuming civilization. He was actually winning the culture war and making it cool for liberal normies to be anti-PC. Seeing cuckservatives hang their fucking golden goose out to dry because muh cuckservative values made my stomach turn. We are making the same mistakes that cost the left the election. The left fucked up by letting BLM dindus dominate their message, and now we are letting stormfront white trash dominate ours.
This faggot was literally the only Ace in the hole the alt-right had against the SJW wildfire consuming civilization...
Other urls found in this thread:
He made serious mistakes saying the comments he said and he phrased it in such a way that is very hard to explain away... Not much we can do about that... Very sad situation.. but you have to be careful with the words you use online
He was already damaged goods. Banned from social media with way too much heat and baggage.
Just business as usual.
I dont know, if Trump survived the disabled "mocking" and "grab em by the puss", along with many more, then Milo can overcome this as long as he treats it carefully (i.e. He was abused as a kid and he wrongly thought he consented).
Also, whenever someone wants to link Milo to pedophilia, link homosexuality with pedophilia.
You lost Sup Forums. We won. Get over it over. The progressives will soon be back in power and we'll make sure this never happens again.
We took out Milo. He can no longer poison college kids with his alt-right poison. Who can replace him? Nobody.
We're going to get Bannon and eventually Trump. The nightmare will be over once we get him impeached. And we will. Nobody wants a president that has a pedophile supporter as an advisor.
Nobody will want to support Trump for fear of being labeled a pedophile Neo-Nazi. All alt-right Trump supporters will be forced back into the shadows.
We're going to stomp out your fake news. We're going to shut down Breitbart, the_Donald, and eventually Sup Forums.
We were just too smart and your silly meme war of hatred just mobilized us after the election.
The best part is there's nothing you can do. It'll be such a joy these next few years as you all panic like rats on a sinking ship.
The world doesn't want or need you. Your views are dead and extinct. Eventually nobody will know you existed.
You picked the losing side.
>This faggot was literally the only Ace in the hole the alt-right had against the SJW wildfire consuming civilization
lmao you can't be serious
stopped here. the alt right doesn't exist
Has anyone noticed the left's disturbingly prolific portfolio of naked Trump caricatures? There's some fucking Freud shit going on here.
Why do liberals comics always have to involve sex?
>Banned from social media
Except the ban was bullshit and a constant reminder that social media was stacking the cards in favor of the Left.
I was never a fan, but there probably isn't anyone out there doing what Milo does on as big a scale as he does. I'm honestly surprised that the cuckservative GOP embraced him even for a second.
Redirect anti-pedophilia energy onto Muslims. Stay on offense.
He was abused as a young teenager and the left is victim blaming him while having no problem with the like of Lena Dunham that perpetrated sexual abuse as an adult. How homophobic, I'm literally shaking.
>a gay nigger loving jew is the only ace against sjw's
Back to the drawing board agent shekelwitz.
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch?
He's being revictimized from all sides.
The center is dead. The alt that positions itself near the center is dead.
These are the days, my friend. The days of scorched earth.
>aids is better than cancer
I disagree. Faggots are mentally ill vermin which must be eradicated.
>implying it's over
Don't lose focus, this is just divide and conquer as usual.
It's not our problem far right activists are either braindead or cowards.
in truth he is a victim of molestation by a priest
he rationalizes this by convincing himself he initiated it,thereby giving himself power rather than making himself a victim
>This is how butthurt leftists have been since Trump got elected
>This faggot was literally the only Ace in the hole the alt-right had against the SJW wildfire consuming civilization.
BREXIT happened. Trump happened. 2016 in general fucking happened.
But yeah we only had fucking Milo.
KYS shill.
No one is going to give Milo the platform to defend himself.
The point is that unconventional identities like Milo's should be welcomed and championed in the alt-right because they disarm leftist identity politics. If we are approaching this strategically better one Milo with baggage than a hundred irrelevant Richard Spencers.
Fuck Milo he rode Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the way to his 15 minutes of fame. He never really believed any of the shit we believe; he just saw it as an opportunity to put shekels in his pocket because nobody else was doing so at the time. He literally came along at the right time and like the kike he is, attached himself to it at the perfect time.
For God's sake Sup Forums, he's the embodiment of everything this board stands against: A degenerate, Jewish, miscegenation practicing faggot.
The irony is that he used us to gain a modicum of fame, but by doing so he also flew too close to the sun (Sup Forumsand the redpills that we continuously drop and believe) and (((they))) finally got their opportunity to burn him for it. Fucking pottery.
He was ultamtely just a figurehead for the purpose of enabling this shit to happen in the first place. Once public figures like this come into the spotlight, the people that brought them into the light will have to deal with their mistakes. And that is the mistake this amateur community has made.
>Milo's victimization will rise him above the rest
Fuck off retard. You're a shill aren't you?
>should be welcomed and championed
nope you're a faggot
> you only deserve a political voice if you're a kike faggot getting dicked by niggers
Fuck off leddit
Identity politics needs to die
Lol, k. The culture war is about who can be a bigger faggot pederast nigger-lover degenerate apparently. If that's so then I'm not interested
>and now we are letting stormfront white trash dominate ours.
good, I hope so.
This is so pathetic. Liberals just screeching shit and hoping it's true
anyone think its ironic they are getting him for "pedophilia" or child shit
they also went after assange for pedophilia
thats how they try to destroy you - he must have come to close to (((them))) - all those power elites that run in pedo circles
milo should start naming names of htose at those hollywood parties . that would get them back
No, they didn't, fuck off shill. Assange was never accused of pedophilia
#not my faggot
Jewish, Indian, UK, Gold digger, size queen, bully, racist and peodo sympathizer - does not belong in public discourse
>Muh degeneracy
>Muh miscegenation
Go scrape some more roadkill off the highway and feed your children cleetus. The next generation of cannon fodder for the race war needs you. Leave the thinking to us.
Assange was accused of rape, and the girl that accused him tried to take back the accusation but they railroaded her.
Fuck off watch this
He's a pedo apologists. Do not become like the left and defend people because they have similar politics.
Stop lionizing propping up these figureheads and associating leaders to the alt-right. The nail that sticks out farthest gets hammered. Keep it de-centralized and let meme magic do its thing. Im not saying that Milo is alt right only that people associate him with it. Honestly I only watched him because he wrecked feminists and islam.
Trump will get crucified and the dumb fuck, red neck, child molesting faggots that make up this board, and half the US, will lose the vote. The left will roll out socialist policies and your ideology will die out. As it should.
Hey OP, After seeing Sup Forums today, I thought Milo was DONE.
But then I went online, looked at social media.
Then I talked to real people that I knew, I thought for sure they would be anti-Milo.
But you know what is weird?
They actually said "it was a joke"
or "He wasn't talking about pedophilia, he was talking about gay culture"
or "The media is up to their smear campaigns again"
I really was amazed. I thought for sure the public would be full-speed blast on hating Milo and dropping him. But I think with all the talk of fake news and character assassination getting around, the "at first glance" at this people now think of the lying press just trying to take out another conservative voice. Thank god most of these people didn't actually look into it, because what he said was pretty bad.
I think Milo is going to be fine. When I was looking at Sup Forums earlier I was very certain that Milo's career was fucking stone cold DEAD.
That's misrepresentation in 1 newspaper. Assange has never actually been accused of pedophilia and there's nothing in connection with him that ever pointed to that.
He was accused of fucking some (adult) sloots without a condom which is apparently rape in Sweden
Milo is a threat to the Left for 3 main reasons
>His reveals their hypocrisy regarding gay rights
>He's incredibly likable to leftist types (gay, frivolous) but supports conservative/Trumpian views
>He is a figure for conservative gays to mobilize around
Sup Forumss hivemind is deciding the verdict on Milo, but don't just reject him without thinking. Milo has the potential to play a powerful role in the coming political diaspora.
No. He was riding the anti-SJW wave. He had cover to be more controversial, yes, but anti-feminism was already getting old when this guy showed up. Race was always going to be the next destination. BLM did itself in when it got 4 officers killed. Trump and his meme army completely overshadow this attention whore.
>because muh cuckservative values
Fucking kids is kind of a big deal you fucking idiot. This isn't like bitching about birth control or whatever.
Besides, no, milo's coupling of individualism with degeneracy was not solving nor would it ever solve our cultural problems. Social degeneracy is inherently tied to marxism for the former is born of the latter.
Apparently it's okay to claim that someone is a troll in the MSM.
>attacking a gay person for being a pedophile
Is the left playing themselves?
This is a coordinated fake news attack by cuckservatives trying to undermine Bannon.
Why can't Sup Forums just accept his usefulness and defend him. Anyone can be thrown to the MSM lions if Milo can.
I don't like that faggot to misrepresent our ideas.
Fuck off satan, he's not useful, he is counter intuitive to long term cultural correction.
Yes, he was, you shill.
Homosexuality is caused by a parasitic brain infection spread through the molestation of young boys. Homophobia is an evolved behavioral response to this pathogen threat. Healthy human men are genetically programmed to kill homosexuals on sight, there is really nothing you can do about this. It is only a matter of time until the pathogen is properly identified and all homosexuals are quarantined from our society. We will eradicate this terrible disease, our grandchildren will not even know what a homosexual is.
No, he wasn't, Milo. Assange was accused of rape by some crazy Swedish bitches who have since retracted, but he's no pedo
This is a fucking war you piece of shit. This is absolutely no time for your white knighting cuck ways. Wake the fuck up!
no one us is saying he's a pedo you nitwit.
he was accused of being one to the UN by a phony corp allegedly associated with the clinton campaign
> if you don't like pedoshit you're a white knight
Why are conservatives such degenerates? At least the liberals have some standards: having your side accept litteral pro-pedophilia is apparently worth it as long as you as they can be weaponized is pathetic.
Don't worry Milo can be replaced. This is the new face of the alt-right
No, he was called it 1 time and it was retracted because untrue. This isn't remotely in the same league
The horror...the horror...the hoodie...
And then we will chimpout.
And trust me, you haven't seen a chimpout, until you see a right wing white chimpout. There will be none of you left. You think the 6 million was bad? Wait until it's the 65 million.
alright youtube. that's about all. peace out.
The Reborn Right is like a hydra. Yiannopoulous was getting stale, though his antics were amusing. It is time to push the envelope further, brothers. Perhaps something a little less afraid of antifa thugs, this time?
If the left should somehow manage to convince the compromised conservatives in Congress to overthrow Trump, his discrediting of the media shall result in widespread resistance in the breadbasket of the United States.
the only thing milo had was immunity against instantly being shut down as a fucking white male because he's a jew faggot race mixer
i guess "alt-right" have to grow some balls and fight their own battles from now on
You fools and your purity tests. It's almost like you enjoy being losers on the fringe of society.
>your twitter will burn
Milo is fine. His book will sell even more if he self publishes due to recent exposure. I dont think anyone actually thinks he is a pedo. This is a media hitjob and the public sees that
>compromised conservatives
Are you saying this is a warning shot to high-level pedos in government? Interesting.
The fringe of society are hedonistic fags like milo.
these leftists are getting fucking even more fucking batshit. i didnt think that was possible
Alright youtube. That's about all. Peace out.
After seeing Sup Forums today, I thought Milo was DONE.
But then I went online, looked at social media.
Then I talked to real people that I knew, I thought for sure they would be anti-Milo.
But you know what is weird?
They actually said "it was a joke"
or "He wasn't talking about pedophilia, he was talking about gay culture"
or "The media is up to their smear campaigns again"
I really was amazed. I thought for sure the public would be full-speed blast on hating Milo and dropping him. But I think with all the talk of fake news and character assassination getting around, the "at first glance" at this people now think of the lying press just trying to take out another conservative voice. Thank god most of these people didn't actually look into it, because what he said was pretty bad.
I think Milo is going to be fine. When I was looking at Sup Forums earlier I was very certain that Milo's career was fucking stone cold DEAD.
The conditioning has been officially broken! Sup Forums was just getting shilled to a ridiculous degree.
His fans aren't leaving him.
Anyone that was critical of the elites or critical of the news is on his side.
Anyone that ever believed in pizzagate
Anyone that ever started to take the redpill
Anyone that ever said "conservative is the new counter culture".
Pretty much all the normies that just arrived in "conservative land" are still with him.
As far-right wingers they may try to use this as a opportunity to purge the kike coal burning degenerate faggot out of their political ecosystem.
And the Elites/establishment/left want him out of obvious reasons.
But due to all the accusations of fake news and pewdiepie-esk smear campaigns, the normie initial reaction is not to believe any of it. I'm very surprised.
I thought the "Pedo" accusation was a magic bullet. I thought it still cut through like a hot knife through butter. But I think the public dismisses name calling. Especially when it is "Milo defends pedophilia" versus "Milo charged with pedophilia" because they already know he says wild stuff.
I am very happy to see people not buy into obviously coordinated smear campaigns. I'm as surprised as surprised can get.
Styx and Sup Forums got Trolled HARD today
Ace in the hole => (((coal burning homosexual)))
just like my crossword puzzles
The leaf is on to something.
Deep State organizations like the CIA, NSA, etc. have been stocking kompromat on high level legislators since J. Edgar Hoover put on his first dress in his FBI office. They recruit near exclusively from East coast colleges (though they have been scouting around good CS colleges for their Big Data needs) and only the well-connected or blue bloods rise to the top of those organizations. The deep state represents the interests of mainly upper class East coasters, and they will do anything to retain their power.
>hedonistic fags
Motherfucker what planet are you from? Is your vision of the future really a Christian Saudi Arabia?
Even if he manages to get away with it, what he said was inexcusable. He needs to be purged either way, now or later quietly. Having someone iffy on the pedo question on the (((right))) side is a weakness that could come back to haunt later if ignored.
Lol any publicity is good publicity.
Omg a sex scandal? Milo blown the fuck out! Surely this is the end of him. Just like when 6 women suddenly accused trump of it.
Yea this is hilarious. Helicopter ride soon for progressives and neocons alike.
He wasn't anything just an attention whore who made the left mad. Stop falling for shill threads NIGGERS.
You cant win a war on reality
This will make no sense to you until its far too late
Funny thing that happened to your young ones, eh?
no shit, you think these people think ahead or what
>Mother Nature is winning
See you and all your leftie californians under the sea. Mother Nature is cleansing you off the map with torrential rains that will never stop till you all are swallowed by the sea. It's happening now, and will continue till leftists are all washed away. Don't try piling up the sandbags, the only bags you will need are the countless body bags.
hey look. it's the PC police
It's obvious that he's been reading a bit too much shota doujins, he's still the Milo we all know
>we are letting stormfront white trash dominate ours
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Milo is a race-mixing faggot jew that will burn in hell
Go hug some kikes over at Reddit.
Milo is not /ourguy/.
think about it this way
The establishment MSM and the left obviously latch onto it, but his supporters and even centrists don't buy the smear campaign at all.
>Gay controversial political commentator/comedian
>That you hear about the media bitch about all the time
>Totally said something that went WAY TOO FAR THIS TIME!
>Does he defend pedos?!?! IS HE A PEDO?!?
>Milo: No, I am not
it would be a lot different if the headline was not
>"Milo says bad thing!"
and instead was
>"Milo Charged with Pedophilia! Abused 10 year old steps forth!"
And it doesn't matter whether Sup Forums likes him or not. It doesn't matter if Sup Forums wants him purged or not. He still has every single fan that he had 2 days ago.
>raped at 13
>speak about it
>victim shamed
>book dropped
>You cant win a war on reality
Yes you can. The left is exceptional at this.
people are not dumb as they seem.
milo was right: richard spencer is playing identity politics. that's why zoe quinn and richard spencer are gloating over milo getting defamed.
smarten up, anons.
battle has been won, but the war...
Stalin practically fucking mastered it.
You're simply wrong my man.