
Throw your thoughts at me. Should you have sex with whomever walks into your life asking for it, or should you save it for someone that actually matters in your life.

You will be happier if you wait. If you are happier your marriage will last. If only women could grasp this concept. Alas they cannot.


Don't have pre-marital sex.

Make it someone worth your while at least. Don't just sleep with anyone. Out of the people I've had sex with less than 40% account for the ones I would count as worthy. Be careful OP.

Lol too late for that. I lost my virginity when I was 15. No regrets, I am just noticing that a lot of people are fucking like crazy and the sky isn't falling



The sky is falling, though.

World wars result from destabilization of world reserve currencies which always happens when debt obligations grow too large.

The aging population makes the debt load of the US not credible and will lead to destabilization of the currency absent drastic action.

You have no choice but radical societal change or global collapse. The sky is falling.

Ive fucked about 30 guys. Aneros and other dick memes make it ok. Everybody still wants my dick though. I prefer marriage. Based Ronaldo and his two surrogacies he's done. Wed Christ. He'll show you what to do

Leaf faggot

I dont give a shit. Ass cancer is a bad thing to get while neglecting yourself. Im really healthy you can say whatever you want. Women look like these prowlers everybody bowing. Well. Do it too

24 years old and saving myself for marriage here. No regrets yet. Had a thicc girl at work tell me I could come over and hang out with her on a Friday night. I said "no thanks". I then saw her posting selfies on FB with a random black guy. Dodged a bullet there.

I've saved it, but every day that passes, and the world becomes more and more degenerate, and I get older, and anything still pure gets younger... I have to wonder if I'll ever find anybody to share it with at this point.

See that's what I am talking about. If I am the only one that gives a fuck, am I wrong and should I keep giving a fuck?


Sure, Ill give you that but how does that bring us back to sex and being promiscuous?

Idk man, it's a tough life. For now I choose to keep giving a fuck. I've come this far... but I can't really blame anyone that gives up with the state of society.

Throughout my late teens and twenties, I had around 8 sexual partners.

When I got married in my mid thirties, I regretted not being a virgin for her.

I would only save it for someone who matters

I'm saving myself for the day I get laid.

>Having sex


Should be like pic related


haha holy shit it would suck to be pos3 in that team


See my story is a lil different. When I was in high school I met this girl that I stuck with for 5 years. We fucked every day for the last 2 years and we both fucked like we were going to spend the rest of our lives together; but then she got raped by her step father that was only slightly better than her methhead father in prison, so she wen't mentally insane and left me to do porn over night. In short, I think of sex completely different from everyone around me. At first I thought it was crazy when people fucked so casually, but so many people are just fucking animal that it makes me feel like the crazy one.

I'm generous, but here are my rules:
1. No crazy. (Rules out 80%)
2. Condoms
3. I never cum in them. (Safety first)
4. Not while I'm in a relationship.

These rules give me freedom to fuck, but keep my stress level low.

Sex without the intent of procreation is degenerate and a sin against humanity and God

Do what you want don't harm anybody

Procreation and a lil fun? or is letting sperm die for no reason just wrong?

>or should you save it for someone that actually matters in your life.
there's literally nothing wrong with how many times you had sex before that

It depends on your values

Do you have any?
What do they tell you to do?

But if you think sex with anyone anytime is fine, don't look for a partner who's into monogamy. Values dissonance will cause misery

Throw your thoughts at me. Should you have fun with whomever walks into your life asking for it, or should you save it for someone that actually matters in your life.



ugh I fucked some girl who practically begged me for it and I woke up alone in a room that smelled like pussy, feeling used and worse off than if I had just jerked off. Sex without love is worthless

People don't realize, or maybe they do, that girls just try to get in your pants sometimes too. It's just as bad.

The fuck does that say in the top left?

what the fuck are those fucking pants
kid deserves to be cuked