So who will (((they))) take down next?
So who will (((they))) take down next?
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nice try, josé
Spencer is doing fine, though. If anything, hailgate made him more popular.
>Take down Spencer
Spencer was never taken down. He can replace Milo. Milo is alt lite cancer and I'm glad he's getting destroyed
he needs to burn in hell
The next person who claims himself to be a "leader"
They're all cucks. Check out creativity movement.
Since when did they take down Richard Spencer lol? He's doing fine.
Kek has spoken
They made him into a complete joke and meme with punchgate.
This Spencer is now popular as shit with my little brother and his tism friends.
Edgy little shits.
>attaching Gate to everything
Millenialls really are the worst
Thomas Sowell.
This. The dude is a total meme. All the responses on his twitter are leftists making fun of him for running away after being punched by a literal cuck.
Same for Milo. He just does a Streisand effect, rince, repreat pattern since gamer gate. That's the only reason you know who he is.
It's either this nazi jew, Ann Coulter, or Jared Taylor
Yeah if you are a pussy left leaning '''liberal'''' or cuckservative. How tedious
What happened with milo? Summary please polacks
reality tends to have a liberal bias
Lauren Southern
drummfps is done, i rely enjoy watch drumpf cras and burn but dsrs we can let him ged the nuclear cods
if the do this..then they are the ones who will be will be very very bad for (((them))) if trump gets taken down
The good thing is they'll never take down Sup Forums, no matter how hard they try. For how can you kill that which has no life?
Jesus just read page 1. He admitted he was molested, now msm fake news is saying he is a pedophile
> For how can you kill that which has no life?
what if they have digits or moot
I hope (((they))) continue to take down these faggots.
Having figureheads only gives (((them))) something to attack. Sup Forums has no leaders, we are the hive-mind who creates influence, not the one being influenced
Sup Forums has never had a leader. Sup Forums needs no leader. Sup Forums is a technocracy.
male vitality is kill
Oh shit, so is his repuatation really collapsing or did it have a "pewdiepie" effect where he wins more fans and followers??
After the rogan podcast I don't know if he will become more powerful or a bigger target.
>Jared Taylor
Nice meme. The man who has done literally nothing and accomplished nothing but publishing a bunch of books nobody reads.
its gone down
>even though i hated him since he first was known
They'll go after Sargon for eating weed cookies, smoking, and drinking in his house while his infant son is there. I'm certain someone has a dossier on that limey.
Hermit here
What happened to the butt pirate?
i kekd at pewdiepie effect
Sup Forums is next
I'm hoping this will lead to a pewdiepie scenario, and it could possibly lead to pizza related happenings
we still have our ace in the hole
>thinking Sup Forums cares about e celebs
Our memes create reality. We don't need people in the public sphere, we shape culture itself.
Personally I like Spencer, but we must assume any public figure is a shill until the banks are destroyed.
You got it
my digits say your a faggot
>5 or 9
even better
Well fuck, he was a faggot and a jew and all you want but he was redpilling people in a large scale and battling cucks. Now who will be the one who redpill normies?
why is ben shapiro retweeting that circled?
Lets Recap. The media after finding cernovich destroyed him right after he came out with a book. They destroyed Spencer after he launched his website, they are trying to destroy Milo after his book and TV appearances, next they will try to destroy Paul Joseph and Alex Jones.
>inb4 they sold out to the kikes
I don't care if they keep triggering lefties into insanity
I hope, praise kek
Confirmed for faggot.
praise kek.
Salon deletes its article defending pedophilia right as they begin attacking the faggot Milo.
Ben shapiro was the first kike to attempt to destroy trump. He was destroyed by US not the media.
When he was on Joe Rogan in September of 2015 he talked about fucking a priest when he was 13 and went on to defend it. If you look at his body language and reactions you can tell he is being disingenuous, like Joe kept going with the story and he didn't want to admit he was lying. It just seemed awkward. Apparently there is a drunk peasants podcast where he went into more detail but I've been too lazy to look it up and see if it is legit.
He's just being framed by some right-wing assholes and parts of Sup Forums are falling for it. We need to protect and defend Milo as our favorite faggot.
the_donald...but more importantly the kids in high schools...i talked to my brother and apparently all the clinton supporters and pc people are shunned..and they got some kid deported
not famous enough
>implying we like /guys/ memes and the supernatural are (((/ourguys/)))
Really makes me think
Spencer was turned into a meme for normies to laugh at
>but there are certainly some people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age, i certainly consider myself one of them. people who are sexually active younger.
>i think it particularly happens in the gay world by the way... (i hate leftists etc...) this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have, the complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships, you know, people are messy and complex, and actually, in the homosexual world particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, these sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love, and a reliable sort of rock, where they cant speak to their parents.
>it sounds like catholic priest molestation to me
>and you know what, i'm grateful for father michael, i wouldnt give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him
>oh my god i cant handle it
bald guy talks for a bit...
>you're misunderstanding what pedophilia is, pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. pedophilia is attraction to children. pedophilia is attraction to people who do not have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their body works. that is not what we're talking about
>you are advocating for cross generational relationships, can we be honest about that?
>yeah i dont mind admitting that, and i think particularly in the gay world, some of the most important, ENRICHING (lel) life affirming, important, shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys they can even save those young boys, provided theyre consensual.
i know a guy on facebook who got redpilled when he saw the video of him getting hit
Hilarious user
Nice new meme
Spencer isnt a pedophile jewish niggerfaggot
Milo deserves a fucking bullet
Also this
Slide thread
Really? So now pcs and hillary suporters are becoming a minority in between the young people? Have they really lost so much terrain?
I'm sorry, when did they take down Milo?
I believe we are all decieved, simply because of the number of people present here, it's a massive target to influence...someone, I'm not sure who. Mostly right leaning idiots though.
After show debate with Milo on Bill Maher trended #1 on YouTube for two days.
He had to be taken out. That's all this is. A political hitjob.
He didn't support the progay protranny narrative on the show
He's literally the only gay who doesnt.
>banned from Twitter
>kicked out of CPAC
>book gets cancelled
>probably gonna be fired from Brietbart which means
>podcast gets cancelled
>speaking tour gets cancelled
>no one will give him a platform to defend himself
The only thing he has at this point is posting on Facebook and I'm sure (((they'll))) find a way to ban him from that soon. I don't know how he's gonna come back from this.
Our only fuhrer is Trump and we dont follow him blindly, we act independently
This is how we memed ourselves into the mainstream, why are we now trying to find a leader?
Do you read your own posts before posting and shitpost intentionally or do you not see the hypocrisy here
i wish you libtards had taken these two down, they're a fucking embarrassment to the (((alt-right)))
And no this isnt a fucking hitjob
He made fucking oven tier comments
Pissgate is a hitjob
Heilgate is a hitjob
This is a degenerate kike getting what he deserves
Gavin Mcinnes or Ben Shapiro. I don't think Milo is completely gone though.
I say killemall
>Implying Spencer has been taken down
That neocon anti-Trumper? He's part of the group who went after Milo. He's the enemy.
Why is it that in your mind just because our enemies attacked him over this it somehow excuses what he said?
Because I don't think what he said was that bad. This shit was from last year on one of the most listened to episodes of one of the most popular podcasts in the world and no one gave a shit about it until a coordinated effort by a bunch of neocons across a range of news outlets push out a whole bunch of articles about it.
When you've witnessed a family member have their life ruined by a pedofuck its hard to be sympathetic towards someone saying relationships between little boys and old men are healthy.
not little boys, "boys" in the gay community means young man.
He has typical faggot opinions about kiddy diddling
Yeah alright you've spread this meme all day
Thats clearly not what he meant go watch the unedited video
Gavin will take himself down, like he always does. He just got fired from Fox News like two weeks ago. Crashes cars multiple times while drunk driving. He's a mess.
That guy from that Oroville Dam stream talking about injecting tornadoes with mold.
They will never be able to take us down, so long as we're keeping the goyim entertained.
Vid related. It's all about the subliminal messages. So long as we have the memes, we have the future.
They've made it clear they're after bannon.
(((They're))) trying to cut off anti-globalist jews like Jared Kushner from public figures willing to be their public agents.
This is a civil war.. the Frankfurt jews thought they had this buttoned up before the faction of which Kushner is a part helped elevate Trump.
You sound like a kike
Theres no such thing as a good Jew mate
David Brock took out Flynn... now Milo.