For Christsake
For Christsake
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If liberals lost to an incompetent joke that not even us took seriously then why haven't they neck theirselves yet?
If this is the article I think it is, it was written by some stupid faggot who came here a few times and has deigned himself an authority on Sup Forums.
I could tell by the time I got to the entry on Gamergate, because he used the generic 'angry nerd men who hate women' shtick pushed by the media. Regardless of your thoughts on Gamergate, it wasn't started because someone was mad at his ex.
>billions of dollars in funding and literal intelligence agencies lost to a cartoon frog on a basket weaving mongolian hamster wheel powered board
It's really bad. It descends into babyrage about halfway through. Also from a goon.
would they please stop letting normies know about us. I am already tired of these wanna be trolls and shills and have resorted to try and red pill people in the real world.
I hate doing that because so many of them wouldn't know who pissed in the boot they can not empty even if the instructions were on the heel.
>Doesn't even mention Barron
They know nothing, pathetic cis women.
Goon genocide when ?
Shill thread
It keeps getting posted on other boards, OP is just click baiting.
They give us way too much credit.
>Soon Chinaski and Manny are flush with money, not from working for the $1.25 an hour at the warehouse or even making smart bets themselves, but from taking the money of the other workers and not betting it. That is after all, why those same men handing over their bets work in the factory; they are defined by their bad decisions, by the capacity for always getting a bad deal. Their wages and their bets are both examples of the same thing.
Why do libtards and socialists always shit on the working class when claiming to represent them?
Anything, anything but admit that Trump's message resonated with anyone
It runs contrary to their bible, the book of lego, everything is awesome!
J.K. Rowling is such a fucking stupid bitch.
And they lost to that said incompetent joke. And we're supposed to be the embarrassed ones?
OP is the author, he's posting here because he can't get enough clicks.
>tfw the concept of somebody disagreeing with you is so unfathomable that you have to pretend that people who seemingly disagree with you actually agree with you deep down and are just trolling you
>beta cucks
>popular terms among grade schoolers
Hey HuffPo
Have you ever once considered that Clinton was just a bad candidate?
She was always a loser. You should have known that.
>would they please stop letting normies know about us.
no shit, this fucking normie at work today started telling me about the god of chaos KEK.
i know his gospel is spready, but normies are terrible desu
>a feminist buttblasted goon
like pottery
Plebs are objectively retarded and inferior, that's why.
The thing is, a leftist is one because of her own inferiority complex. Now, who can know yourself better than yourself ? If you got an inferiority complex, well, it must be because you are inferior.
Virtue signaling is inferiority complex 101 in fact, after all who needs to display H24, without end, always and always that they are good people, that they are better than Evil people ?
Inferior evil cunts.
Death to subhumans, and fuck leftists. May we slaughter them all, shadilay.
"skeleton key"
so... trump always had the power we just unlocked it?
i dont understand the memephore lol
This. Sweet kek.
>Losing to a cartoon frog that pees with his pants all the way down that was posted on a Kyrgyzstani fish trapping pigeon mail service.
The youth support Trump because he is going to shut down the Muslim immigration and hatred of Whites.
Ah the classic lib argument
>when a bunch of anonymous shit posters hold more influence than certain shadow governments and their endless financial, political, and entertainment backings
This is how you now real life is meme
It means you need to hand over the skelegates, dahnald.
>"intelligence agencies lost to a cartoon frog on a basket weaving mongolian hamster wheel powered board"
its too spicy bros pass the milk
>Also from a goon
Why did every goon turn into a wishywashy left wing windbag?
Perhaps it is because SomethingAwful's value system is to give money away to lying swindlers to take part in a mediocre community. Note the correspondence in behaviour with that and supporting dem programs -- except in that instance it's other people's money. Financial domination writ large.
SomethingAwful is Hillary Clinton.
>Masculine competition is bad
Fucking cunts
Ah yes, I remember when I was on the playground in 3rd grade and Timmy called me a beta cuck.
What fucking planet do tbese people live on?
They won't last long here. No one does.
I was about to type that it's what happen when you use nepotism instead of meritocracy, but is meritocracy even possible ?
Once even one jew gets in, isn't nepotism inevitable ?
The only way to have a meritocracy is from the top-down, and when said all-powerful individual die, nepostism quickly take over.
At the end of the day, nepotism is just tribalism, and tribalism is the basic nature of Humanity.
Oh no. They found our secret club. Sup Forums is surely finished now.
>linking to huffpo
Meh, most of Sup Forums doesn't even give a shit. Why do these stupid fucks confuse Sup Forums with Sup Forums? Sup Forums is the board where there are millions of users, not Sup Forums.
WTF is a goon?
i actually think Sup Forums has becoem very popular. but there are still like 40 boards that don't fit the stereotype and only 4-5 that do.
this, trump energized Sup Forums.
look at how many rallies he held, literally 1/day. he reached out to everyone, not just the meme-verse
lurk more 10 years ago when SA was relevant.
>article written by a goon kike shill
I admit, it starts decent but once it hits the Gamergate period it goes into a tangent of lies, poor research, blatant bias and projection.
>even the media acknowledges Sup Forums meme'd Trump into office
is this real life?
>you have to give the key back to finish the quest
These faggots lurk here. I know it. Fucking hilarious. They need to show tits.
They are right, I shitpost on the internet because I am insecure instead of the fact that I simply like shitposting.
extension to redirect huffpo/buzzfeed/salon to archive automatically
We literally do it for free.
Anyone who spent *any* time on Sup Forums knows that Sup Forums unironically loved and loves Trump -- loves his policies, and loves his style. And loves in particular the fact that Trump promises to Make America Great Again.
Rather than in any way recognizing this reality, this stupid article instead posits the thesis that Sup Forums loves Trump because he's a loser, and everyone on Sup Forums is a loser. And in some fashion that's not entirely clear, by attaching itself to Trump Sup Forums hopes to profit from some sort of corrupt scheme analogous to the shenanigans engaged in by Bukowski in one of his novels, with Trump apparently playing the part of Bukowski/Chinaski, and Sup Forums, I dunno, coming along for the ride somehow.
It's such total horseshit. It's so entirely detached from the reality of Sup Forums's support for Trump that it really rather sickening.
The story of Sup Forums's support for Trump is actually a pretty interesting story. A decent journalist could get a good article out of it. Instead, this idiot has conjured up a completely ridiculous story that rests on an absurd analogy that has no basis in reality.
And idiots like JK Rowling take it seriously. It's kind of sad, really.
I mean, I kind of wouldn't mind having people know that we (if I may be so bold) actually *do* want to Make America Great Again.
But maybe that's best kept a secret (although no one here is really trying to keep it a secret).
All that matters is the doing, not the talking about the doing.
Liberals tend to be the ones working in primary schools but it's definitely common these days. Cuck is the new fag.
>For these young men, voting Trump is not a solution, but a new spiteful prank.
He got us guys
Fake news
I think you need to go shitpost back on reddit you little faggot.
This shit is long, and wrong. Would say waste of time, but it never hurts to know how someone claiming to understan the chan can miss it so hard. People will lap up this shit because he walked past a chanology protest and be completely ignorant to the shit he gets dead wrong that builds his narrative.
>its too spicy bros pass the milk
Wow you drink milk? You fucking nazi bigot. I literally can't even. How can you not fucking realize how drinking milk enforces the FUCKING CIS HETERO WHITE PATRIARCHY. I need to take a walk. I literally can't even because I am literally shaking.
Can't find any metrics on Sup Forums but Sup Forums is at least the second most popular board on the site. Significantly larger than Sup Forums and about twice as large as Sup Forums. We board of peace.
>holy digits
Heh, nothing personnel huffie
Hey all you useless dweebs, trump is your pedo king
i hear people repeating dumb memes irl now. this is your fault, huffpo and co.
Some pervy Jew from Huffington Post named Jesse Benn who claims to be straight with a child is sexually harassing me.
I love that jewy way of brainwashing
>start by stating facts as acuratelly as posible
>obsess over a fact, then link it to a theory
>start masturbating furiously as your essay turns into a fanfic
>end with I was rigth they were wrong both morally and factually
After all this time, (((they))) still don't understand this place.
>thinking the original context of the meme matters
He's just easily modified and funny looking. Pepe takes in everything from right wing extremism to the infantilization of the modern man by society (chicken tendies). Have a semi-rare mankar pepe, boys.
a priori, everytime
Not gonna lie sven. Part of me did vote trump out of spite.
>some stupid shit happens during the election
>everyone freaks the fuck out and describes it in a hyperbolic way
>try to be the voice of reason and show why it's out of context and only marginally bad
>be accused of being le trump supporter
>finally have enough of their shit and just toss him a vote
I live in a red state so it doesn't matter but the symbolic gesture. Plus I didn't want my state to be a tossup and have to suffer campaigning here come 2020.
I keep hearing that Sup Forums hacked the elections or this and that in real life, then I ask them about George Soros or the Illuminati and everyone that said that shit about Sup Forums literally ask "Who? Who are they?"
They only fucking see a news article and believe it and it kills me.
It always amazes me how they preach that masculinity is toxic, and then immediately try to shut down people with LOL FUCKING VIRGIN
That ones better to read than when they throw 60 pages of disinfo at you that would probably be better if it was written in a paragraph. They are masters at using millions of words to say nothing at all.
>Not archiving it
So some dude pops in to Sup Forums circa 2006 to viral his shitty webcomic and then several years and a lot of ED articles later thinks he can speak with any kind of authority?
Wouldn't have been so bad if the whole thing didn't get so smug and masturbatory towards the end.
lol remember when Anonymous 'hacked' Sarah Palin's email?
You can't get rid of human nature entirely even if your ideology is just intellectualized decay.
>hurr durr they're virgins
>shaming people for their sexuality is okay if it's (presumably) men
>men wear their insecurities on their sleeve
>implying our "culture" isn't just 50,000 layers of irony and sarcasm
How progressive and open minded and not at all presumptuous of you, huffpost. Literally kill yourselves. All of you.
ARCHIVE I a loser?
I'm not sure when they'll understand that we just want to watch the world burn. Oroville Dam General is probably the best most recent example of it. Happenings are what fuel the modern day lulz.
pretty sure it's one of the top trafficed site. you aren't hurting them by making yourself jump through hoops.
>a pretty interesting story
>we will build a southern border wall
>hey Sup Forums is he /ourguy/?
wew very interesting
Archive link for the retards:
It's the principle, shills are getting paid for this shit, and they get the 4chin refers. Fuck you, shill.
archiving and/or adblocking should be standard practice, especially if its a shitty rag like huffpo
So all the leftist, blacks, browns, women, Jews, media outlets, and both political parties were defeated by a bunch of young white men who were just doing it for the lolz?
>really makes me think.
White men win again.
>>hurr durr they're virgins
>>shaming people for their sexuality is okay if it's (presumably) men
Not a denial
the old goons were too busy playing Jews in Space to protect their forum from getting hijacked by the legbeards
The grotesque, frowning, sleepy eyed, out of shape, swamp dweller, peeing with his pants pulled down because-it-feels-good-man frog is an ideology, one which steers into the skid of its own patheticness. Pepe symbolizes embracing your loserdom, owning it. That is to say, it is what all the millions of forum-goers of Sup Forums met to commune about.