Andrew Jackson

Just checked out this book a couple days ago from my local library. I'm one of those slow and easily distracted readers, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this book. Would recommend.

I feel like most people either love him or hate him because of the trail of tears and anti bank stance. But aside from that, people usually don't have much to say about him.

What's Sup Forums's thoughts on Old Hickory as a president and as a person?

gib documentary plox

Wasn't trump called the lion?

Fuck banks. Fuck Indians too.


Can someone give me a quick rundown on him?

Don't forget pedos

Isn't the author a shitlib?

like said

Fuck banks. Fuck Indians too.

Basic gestalt. Most badass president ever.

- Killed (((their))) bank
- Killed degenerates
- Almost killed his assassin with a fuckin' cane

Literally caused the Panic of 1837


>Almost killed his assassin with a fuckin' cane

yup, he was a fucking badass

One of the biggest badasses to ever live. Easily the best President by far and no one will ever come close unless they are literally AJ re-incarnate.

He was a combative man with questionable policy decisions. Hindsight's 20/20 of course, but at least he expanded the right to vote.


>implying it wasn't (((them)))

funny how america stopped having currency panics after the fed was established yet our dollar has been drastically losing it's purchasing power

My last Jackson pic I believe

Indeed! He also continued fighting the War of 1812 after it had ended. Now granted it was only because news of the peace treaty traveled slowly, but he kicked the enemy's ass nevertheless.

a Great man!!
on the other hand... fuck Alexander Hamilton

>fuck Alexander Hamilton


couldn't agree more, where did this idea Hamilton was a good guy come from lel

Aaron Burr is up in heaven enjoying life that's for sure

>good guy come from


In Burr We Trust.

>watch HBO's John Adams
>go to clips on YouTube where Hamilton is being federalist scum and getting BTFO by literally everybody
>comments full of Hamilton musical fanboys quoting their faggy play and talking about how great he was
Fuck federalists.