>Boss going thought nasty divorce
>hired PI to see if wife was cheating
>Wife is cheating
>wife finds out about PI
>filed a restraining order against husband
>He can no longer be on his own property
>Boss going thought nasty divorce
>hired PI to see if wife was cheating
>Wife is cheating
>wife finds out about PI
>filed a restraining order against husband
>He can no longer be on his own property
Sounds like a dystopian scenario :(
Sounds like reality.
I was implying we live in that dystopia.
Women's rights were a mistake - Give them an inch and they'll take a mile and side with the enemy.
Sometimes I wonder who is more to blame, the Jews behind divorce laws or women.
lol, just can't stop getting BTFO can he?
My buddy is a PI. He was working for a company and usually hired by men/women to check if their spouses were cheating.
He was hired to spy on one guy. He was following him and suddenly thought "fuck it". He got evidence of the guy cheating, approached and told him what was up, and said if he paid him off he'd report favourable things.
He does that with a lot of his cases now. On one hand, it's unethical... on the other hand, if you have to hire a PI because you don't trust your partner, you are too fucked up to be in a relationship and should just end it.
Anyway, it's really profitable for him to be a double agent.
Sorry to hear about your boss. Terrible story.
Someone needs to make marriage great again in the USA.
0. Customisable marriage licences/contracts: opt in and out of everything at will
1. Remove no fault divorce
2. End alimony, both past and future
3. Asset split close to how it was earned
4. Paying for children evenly split between parents
5. Children stay with the parent most able to financially support them, if agreement between parents not possible
your buddy should shoot himself in the nuts
what would really be funny would be you turning him in to the BBB or something.
If they're getting a divorce anyway, I don't see the trouble, plus it can help in deferring alimony
God I want to smear peanut butter on my balls and have her piss onto my forehead.
If it's divorce/alimony/custody I can understand that.
Nah he's always been crazy as fuck, I'd never expect him to be legit, although when he first told me about this I was surprised.
I just experienced the male beatdown in family court myself. Your common sense approach will never go over - it's a fucking industry.
She's so fucking sexy
That's a great fucken plot set-up in a Noir.
>using logical reasoning against women who only think about money and BBC
Everyone knows white men get fucked and cucked every day by the system, niggers, spics, politicians, Jews, etc.
This isn't news. We need to unite now.
fuck off jew-art degenerate
Family/divorce lawyer here, AMA.
Okay losers, here have some fap material.
What could we do then? Marriage and divorce is set up in such a way that favors the women at ever turn.
Yeah, probably not. We will just have to watch as they keep pushing and pushing until something breaks and it becomes an election issue. Sadly by the looks of things over there, 'election issues' are dictated by the media and other powerful non electors. Continued push-back against them may help rectify this. Fingers crossed.
I-is that Mikoto "My drool is our bond" Urabe?
I really don't see how people find her attractive and I admittedly have fairly low standards.
How do you keep yourself from eating a bullet?
Sounds like the most depressing gig in the universe.
She's so fucking awful. From the mac laptop to the problem glasses, her frumpy fridge body, and crass shirt, she's one roaring dumpster fire of a woman.
Who initiates most of the divorces? Is the 70% women stat true? How often is the divorce because of infidelity?
I'm not an asshole about my practise. I try to resolve cases every chance I get, so people bury the hatchet and get on with their lives. But if they insist on having a trial, then so be it. Sometimes it is a depressing gig. I see all the time that age doesn't bring wisdom, and adults acting like children themselves being determined to make the other spouse suffer whatever it costs. I don't take those cases, and if the client is being petty and vengeful I drop them. I keep my clients on a short leash.
Which foreign born nationality of white, or almostwhite women do you see fewest of when dealing with the destroy-him-take-everything type divorces?
>Better Business Bureau
You mean the place you can pay for an A+ Rating?
In my experience, it's about 50/50 for initiating a divorce. But an application for divorce is different from an application for custody/access/support of children. If the couple is married, then it's all brought together but it doesn't have to be.
I'd say that custody/access/support applications are 80% brought by women. But a lot of that is because the couple is dating or has a one night stand. Mom has the baby, and dad won't acknowledge the child or give any help or child support, so mom has to take him to court. Also, if mom is on welfare or some form of social assistance, they make her take the dad to court for support.
But I've acted for plenty of fathers, brought applications for them, and gotten them custody too. It depends on the facts.
... Well, Honey is Bee spit. and we're bonded to bees through their survival being vital to our continued civilization, by their perpetuation of our food sources...
So, in a sense, we are in a Drool-Bond with bees.
$400 for A+ no matter what.
Syrian and Lebanese Christians married to white men. Never seen one case of infidelity on the woman's part. As for European women, the catholic countries seem to have more loyal women, with the Protestant ones having higher infidelity rates. So basically, France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Ireland. Stay away from Anglos, and nords. They will almost certainly cheat on you unless you are alpha as fuck.
Canada has "no fault divorce". You can ask for a divorce on one of three grounds: adultery, cruelty/abuse, or being separated for one year or more with no prospect of reconciliation. 99% of divorce applications are claimed under the one year separation rule.
Lots of relationships break down because of adultery, and either sex can cheat and they do. I really can't say which does more.
>Canada has "no fault divorce".
We have it too, but I assume most separations are caused by infidelity too.
>Which foreign born nationality of white, or almostwhite women do you see fewest of when dealing with the destroy-him-take-everything type divorces?
That's an interesting question. user who replied to you earlier has his opinions, but I doubt that he's an international expert on family relationship breakdowns.
So, for white or close-to-white women, you want to know which seem to have the least chance of trying to take you to the cleaners? Interesting question. I really can't answer that because I do more litigation work than mediating/separation agreements. I like to be in court shooting off my mouth than debating over who gets the couch. Thus, most of my clients are already on my way to court or already there when they want to hire me.
So, here's the answer: the women who are very reasonable, want to settle things fairly, I hardly ever see them. They stay out of court because they worked it out fairly.
I hope that makes sense to you.
That's why you always hire two PIs. If the stories conflict, you hire further PIs to investigate the PIs. And then you hire someone to kill the lying PI.
Catholic women are the least likely to cheat due to guilt. Middle eastern Christian women don't cheat because they still align with traditionalism. Protestants are the most likely to cheat due to the moral structure of the Church and the allowance of too much freedom and atomization. Basically, protestants start forming their own morals when there is a lack of structure in their church/life. The worst is atheist women though, as they can rationalize anything in their head as "you only live once", so cheating on you to them is just them not missing out on an opportunity during their limited life, where as religious people believe they will live forever, and that their physical life will affect them for the rest of their eternal life.
Also if you swallow a fly you eat a spider...
There are just as many relationship breakdowns because of other causes, like alcohol/drug use by one spouse or both, financial stress is a big cause because it leads to arguments and power struggles, infidelity is certainly a cause for conflict, sometimes a partner is abusive (and yes, it's more often the man but too many woman go for the "bad boy" wanting to change him but of course never will so they shouldn't surprised), and lots of other reasons that cause people to argue.
I tend to view adultery itself as a symptom of the trust/fidelity of the spousal relationship being over, if it was ever there to begin with. The adultery itself is just a manifestation. People cheat: they always have and always will. Men cheat on women, women cheat on men.
It's the second and third divorces for people that make me shake my head. Man has an affair with a married woman. She divorces her husband, marries the man. How the fuck can he ever really trust her? She's cheated before. And often does again. Same situation with roles reversed. I see it all the time. That's almost as depressing as seeing parents drag the children into their conflict.
Why is it always fucking Australia or fucking Canada that says this kind of shit
And what's with the image god fucking damnit
dad was italian. mom is argie but parents were greek orthodox lebanese christians.
can confirm, extremely faithful
Why'd the judge issue a restraining order?
You're probably right. Women from very traditional and conservative backgrounds and religions are certainly less likely to treat marriage as disposable. Maybe they won't cheat as much as a woman with more loose morals, but infidelity is far from the sole cause, or even the leading cause, of divorce from what I see.
how do I know if my divorce lawyer is any good?
You clearly have never experienced the joy of smearing peanut butter on your balls. Try it, and go for a jog. It's heavenly. Just use the smooth, not the crunchy, peanut butter.
>how do I know if my divorce lawyer is any good?
That's a tough question. A lot will depend on whether you're willing to settle for what's objectively reasonable or your out for blood.
But here's a few things to consider:
Does my lawyer return my calls or emails quickly?
Does my lawyer make it clear to me what I'm being billed for, and how much? Did my lawyer give me a retainer agreement laying all that out which we both signed?
Does my lawyer tell me the pros and cons of my case, or just tell me that I'm going to win and cash my cheque?
If I'm being unreasonable or making poor decisions because I'm upset, will my lawyer tell me so?
Does my lawyer tell me what's going on so that I'm satisfied that I understand where I'm at, what's next, and what to expect?
Has my lawyer told me how likely I am to succeed in getting what I want, and why? There's no such thing as a slam dunk.
Does my lawyer encourage me to settle for something I can live with or does my lawyer encourage me to go for blood?
Is my lawyer mindful of how the litigation is affecting the children?
Does my lawyer tell me things that I don't want to hear about my position or evidence? If so, then that lawyer is doing their job.
Does my lawyer seem to have a good relationship with other lawyers? If so, that means that they are respected. Nobody likes the "sharks" or "feminist" lawyers, they treat cases like they have to win to prove something to or for themselves.
That's just off the top of my head. If you have any concerns about your lawyer you want to ask me about then go right ahead.
Any more of pic related.
that is a pretty good list! thank you. Is there any way to find out how my lawer is respected by other lawyers?
If I have a specific concern is that she does not want to answer questions by emails and insists in calls. Is that how you guys work?
OK, I finally decided to pipe in.
If the boss is already going through a nasty divorce, they are clearly separated and have been for a while.
So what does it matter if the wife is sleeping with someone else? Is he just trying to get dirt to embarrass her or blackmail her? This doesn't make any sense.
And no judge would grant a restraining order just because of a PI being hired. There's more to it than this. And yet, OP is holding up this bullshit story as an example of how men take it up the ass in court?
Lastly, it's not "his own" property. It's "their" property. They were married. There's enough reason to complain about the legal system without making up stupid shit as well to make a guy seem like the victim.
And I'm no feminist or white knight, so before you call me a faggot or a cuck, stop yourself. OP isn't even involved in the matter directly so there's no way he knows close to the whole story.
Is this chick supposed to be hot or something?
>Is there any way to find out how my lawer is respected by other lawyers?
That's tough. When you're at court with your lawyer, watch how other lawyers interact with yours. Maybe your lawyer is there on several cases that day (which you hope, because that will cut down your bill) and you'll see your lawyer talking to several others. Are they legitimately friendly or respectful to each other? That's a good sign. It doesn't mean that they are in cahoots, it means that they are professionals and peers who understand that each has a job to do. There are plenty of lawyer rating websites you can look up, but those are dicey. I don't put any faith in them. People complain for stupid reasons, and those who aren't happy are more likely to rate online that people who are satisfied. Plus a lot of clients are simply nuts and pissed off because they lost (or didn't get everything they wanted), and perhaps rightly so.
>If I have a specific concern is that she does not want to answer questions by emails and insists in calls. Is that how you guys work?
It depends on the rules of the Law Society of your state or province. I like to communicate by email because I have a record of it and because I'm hardly ever in my office by the landline phone, and I hate talking on a cell phone especially to another cell phone. However, emails really can't be 100% guaranteed secure or confidential. But neither can a cell phone, I suppose. Feel free to ask your lawyer why they prefer to avoid email. Maybe it's a rule in your jurisdiction, maybe just personal preference.
>Lastly, it's not "his own" property. It's "their" property. They were married.
canadian law
Your boss should have had an attorney, what a dumb ass
> back in the day when you didn't have to hire a PI to follow the PI you hired to follow your spouse
Move to Eastern Europe and prepare to live in a ethnocentric matriarchal society
Who do you think gets the shittiest end of the stick? Men working all their lives to be left in a bedsit paying for their wives to live it up? Or women being left with nothing after having given up their careers half a lifetime ago? I know Sup Forums has an opinion that I mostly side with, but I knew a reasonably successful women who was taken to the cleaners by her wastrel husband, so I know it goes both ways.
I know there are differences between countries, but it seems that UK, Canada and the US are going in similar directions.
Rich people that don't keep connection to hitmen in anticipation of such cases deserve to lose more than half their wealth.
You don't enter a marriage without being prepared to kill her at a moment's notice.
You're a moron. If the wife literally had no rights of ownership/possession (which she'd get by being on title/deed or by merit of the marriage itself), no judge would restrain the husband from his own property. The restraining order could be granted, but wife would have to move out. Her rights of possession or ownership are a separate issue from whether a restraining order is warranted under the circumstances.
Thus, the wife clearly has some right of ownership or possession to begin with. Hence "their" property.
>So what does it matter if the wife is sleeping with someone else? Is he just trying to get dirt to embarrass her or blackmail her? This doesn't make any sense.
obviously to get ammo against her in the divorce proceedings
she's pepe after his sex change
I'm in another branch of law, and that would worry me a bit that they don't want to commit to some advice in writing. Though it could be that it's just quicker and/or they know you'll have questions, or - I shouldn't say this - but if I'm a bit worried about my client's answer, I'd sooner not have them admit something in writing, whether or not the communication's supposed to be privileged.
Everyone who thinks that they got screwed blames the system for being against them. Men or women.
You think men get pissed of when they have to pay alimony? You should see women then they get slapped with having to pay. They go ballistic. It makes me laugh some times. Fair is fair.
I don't think I can say whether men get the shittier deal. We still live in a society where the men usually earn more than the women, so it makes sense for the men to work more and for women to do more of the child rearing. And then when they separate, the mother is more likely to be the better single parent. There are tons of exceptions of course, but generally that's how it works.
If women really want equal pay and to be treated equally in all things, then men are going to start doing better in family court. It's happening already, although slowly I admit.
Ammo for what? It's "no fault divorce" and they are already separated. Who cares if she has a new boyfriend?
Is it "cheating" if they are already separated and fighting in court? I don't think so.
Actualy, statistics place single fathers above single mothers in every single metrics, be it drug usage of the child, probability to be a contributing member of society, homosexuallity/transgender, depression rate, crime rate, fertility, wealth, literally any metric imaginable is worse with single mothers than single fathers.
Couples beat single fathers much like single fathers beat single mothers, though.
your buddy should kill himself
It demonstrates dishonesty. Now stop white knighting.
>Be some dude being fucked over.
>Just want the truth.
>"Yeah, nah, bro, you're a piece of shit because your wife is cheating on you."
God fucking damn it I hate Canadian posters.
I'd like to see those statistics. Got a source?
How is it dishonest to have a boyfriend or girlfriend after you've separated? You're fucked. I'm not defending the wife you asshole, I'm saying that OP's story makes no sense, and thus OP doesn't know what he's talking about or is simply baitposting.
Whats the point of hiring a PI to find out if your spouse is cheating?
My mom got caught cheating and she still destroyed my dad financially
>It means he's separated!!!!!one111!!!
Where the fuck does it say that? Where does it even say he hired the PI after the divorce was initiated?
It's still not uncommon, especially in the US, for there to be a prenup which says that if there's adultery then that spouse gets no alimony and limits on property division. That's the only thing I can see.
I've had to get a PI sometimes, but that's usually to prove that the ex wife is actually living with her new boyfriend and thus shouldn't be getting spousal support or alimony from my client (or at least less).
But "cheating" after separation? Meaningless. And even cheating during the marriage is meaningless most of the time. As you observed, your mother still made out like a bandit.
Ultimately, white men, for not pogroming kikes and keeping their women in line.
I assume that the story is told chronologically.
Plus, it makes no sense that she'd get a restraining order after the separation because he hired a PI prior to the separation.
my mom is living with her "boyfriend" and has been for over 8 years. She's taken my dad to court multiple times to get him for more and more money (my dad makes good money as an aerospace engineer) she's not legally married to her boyfriend, but they wear rings, call each other husband and wife, her boyfriend calls me his son. And yet my mom gets like 80k per year from him and buys new cars every couple years. It fucking irritates me to no end. Literally wish she would die
He hired someone to spy on another human being.
He should be in jail for this, he is lucky that the wife let him go away with it so easily.
But if the roles were switched and it was his wife hiring spies to go after him, he could have also demanded a restriction order on her.
This has nothing to do with genders, you fucking dumbass.
>getting married
Don't give her the power.
That sucks. It'll happen. Maybe your father and mother have a court order or agreement that he'd pay alimony to her for 10 years and ten years only, regardless of what happens (so her entitlement is time limited but the amount can vary and his rising income allows her to seek more). Then she's free to do what she wants for those 10 years, but there's no chance she'll get anything after the 10 years are up regardless of her own circumstances. That kind of thing does happen.
If it's not such a case, then your dad should be spending some money on a good lawyer to review the situation. Maybe he already has and is gathering evidence. You don't know, and if you're young or a minor you really shouldn't be too involved in it anyway because you don't know the full story.
off her senpai
You want to tell us the story?
Why did she do it? How did she ruin your dad's life?
Im 25, my brother was a minor when the split happened. My mom basically demanded full custody, forcing my dad to pay her child support. When my brother turned 18, thats when my mom took my dad to court again to get more money from him, because she wasn't getting the child support anymore.
I don't know what their alimony agreement is, all I know is that we live in southern California, so my dad is pretty fucked.
I wish I could shed some light on it. Unless there was a trial or arbitration, this is what your father has agreed to, for his own reasons of which perhaps you're unaware.
Okay. So basically:
>mom is a teacher making 35k
>dad is an engineer making 150k +
>married 21 years
>my brother is a baseball player, doing traveling baseball teams, going all over the country playing tournaments, and getting additional coaching
>(according to my mom) one tournament that my dad couldn't go to because he had work, she fucked the coach
>two weeks later my dad finds lingerie that she bought
>confronts my mom because she never bought it for him
>admits she cheated on him
>two weeks later, my mom moves out with boyfriend, takes all the furniture in the house, even the silverware and cups
>ends up getting over $300k from my dad, his entire retirement, and when my grandpa died 4 years later, she took him to court and got that too (my dad kept the house, so it was expensive monitarily for him to split things 50/50)
>my moms jew lawyer keeps fucking with my dads head saying that my brother isn't my dads kid
>my mom keeps taking my dad to court whenever she loses money from lost child support, getting audited for IRS tax evasion
>its been 8 years, my mom makes good money flipping houses with her "boyfriend" who shes married to, but they put all the flips under her boyfriends name so it looks like shes still poor
>Now she has 4 incomes, boyfriend income, her income, alimony, and flipping houses
>Shes a fucking bitch
He wanted to keep the house, and basically because the house is valued at like 600-700k, he was royally fucked
THANKS GOD for the internet.
I could be getting married right now. Abolish marriage
>sexuality, depression rate, and fertility are measurable metrics of good parenting
How the fuck does the coach get your mom so easily?
Why don't you beat up the "boyfriend" or just give him a hard time and put a strain on the marriage?
Your dad needs to hire a PI to catch mom in her work, get a court order for full financial disclosure from mom and her new partner, and get a forensic account to tear it all apart.
Or maybe he'd rather just pay than fight. I hope he's getting good legal advice regardless.
You said she's taken him for $10,000 per year? That's not an outrageous amount of alimony, less than a thousand per month, which is tax deductible to your father as well. I'm not saying it's fair what has happened, but maybe it's not as bad as you think.
kill your whore of a mother and her boy toy, its the only way I could continue on living if I where you.
You mean "his". He's the one who wouldve still been paying the mortgage even if he lost the house.
in burgerland he has to give her less shekels if she seems like a worse wife if it's in family court
>I will never have my balls stomped on by Emma Stone and be her slave
>the female pepe
why live bros?
What is this Emma Stone and pepe being associated?
To smear peanut butter on your balls. It must be a leaf thing.
Most men don't realize the power women have to destroy your life.
>gets restraining order
>can't access car
>lose job
>wife takes money out of bank accounts
>husband lives with his parents
>divorce finalized: she gets half the house, half his retirement account, and sole custody of the kids and dog. Because she didn't work you must now pay alimony and because she is raising the kids, you must pay child support.
>worst part is that she brainwashes your own kids into hating you
Story of my uncle's life.
>How the fuck does the coach get your mom so easily?
My mom is literally fucking obsessed with baseball. My dad wasn't, he bankrolled tens of thousands of dollars per year for my brother to go to these huge tournaments, my dad even sold one of his mustangs (car) for me and my mom to go to europe for my high school graduation (pre migrant crisis) and my mom ironically spent it on the tournament flying out to New York where she cheated on my dad.
She saw it as a way for my brother to get baseball 24/7. It worked. My brother is playing at a premier college for baseball and one of the top players, but both me and him are pretty fucked mentally about a lot of things now.
>Why don't you beat up the "boyfriend" or just give him a hard time and put a strain on the marriage?
Because if they break up, my mom will go after my dad for more money. She owns 2 houses, which is minimally supported by her boyfriend. Any loss in money for her is loss in money for my dad because of shitty california alimony laws.
Never getting married, holy fuck.