The world is on the brink of collapse. How can we stop this?

In the end there's only Globalism or Nationalism. There is no other option.

Everyone I've ever talked to understands this, is not stupid, and yet simply fundamentally disagrees with which outcome they want.

Half the world literally just doesn't agree with the other half.

How is there any way to solve such an issue?

Other urls found in this thread:

>There is no other option

Good goy

What other option is there?

That's easy.

Kill the Globalists.


>wanting to stop the rapacious vermin from being immolated


I used to be a strong trump supporter but no more!!

What a fag. You didn't even mention 2017 mega recession

This MUST happen. It's been prophesied. And in the end the Lord will return in glory to annihilate those that worshiped the beast. I used to think I would see it in my lifetime, but I'm positive my kids or grandkids will be involved. Raise your offspring for war, folks, because it's about to get bad

There's always this.

It's an ISM.

Run both of these government structure and their derivatives as experiments simultaneously. Try to entrap individuals who seek to corrupt the system, etc.

In a perfect world we would not need to worry about greed. As such, there is a necessity for systematic checks and balances. What we see today is sort of like that, with social class defined by how much financial significance one carries with them. It's essentially a one world government already, but only for the rich.

Its still a nigger even you cure that thing.

Let it fall, reddit spacing user.

>nationalism vs globalism.

Globalism is just a bigger version of nationalism. This is what nationalist cucks don't understand and it is only a matter of time before nationalism becomes globalism because of mass media and the internet.

globalism is inevitable. it is the destiny of our species.

but it is not time yet. globalist elites are pushing to destroy nationalism for their own personal profit, and that cannot be allowed.


How about the nationalists keep their soverign soil, and the globalists can immigrate between their nations?
No wait that will never work, globalists won't stop till they absorb everything, which means the Nationalists have all the justification they have to protect their soverignty.

And thus we once more have war.

"globalism is inevitable"
Get the fuck out of here.
Fucking coon

>tfw hate globalism but only because the end result is a world wide government which is worse than just having a country wide government but the only people who call out globalism are facists

Don't be a fool.
Fascism is the end game
It's the only way if effectively managing a pan-galactic empire

No. It is not. It is neo-colonialism, and the people will always fight back against it. They will never succeed unless they kill everyone, which they probably wouldn't mind doing.


It needs to collapse.

Sometimes you must tear down the old and the dead to make space for the new.

Trust in God... And wait for your time to make your mark for good. The war is coming.. Now is your time to prepare for it.

those countries that wish to become nationalistic will do so. those where a vast majority want globalism or are too dumb to understand the consequences of that will become globalistic with the other countries that become globalistic. The two will both put sanctions against the other until one side decides they've had enough of the other, and WW3 starts. the end result will be one side securing the economic resources they need while the other side has all its countries turn into Africa, or Mad Max for everybody

Every generation has its apocalypse. Every single man has their own.

It will never happen unless you choose to make it.


>Half the world literally just doesn't agree with the other half.
That's because the Hegelian Dialectic has been achieved.

And the obvious, inevitable solution is War.

Watch this --->


fuck off, leaf, I can't help it if your brain is too miniscule to see the greater societal patterns that underlie human nature along with the exponential nature of technological innovation.

catch up on your reading, smoke a few bowls and get back to me.

y'all're thinking in terms of science fiction, and refuse to let your minds see past it. human minds will unite in a global consciousness using technology long before we leave the solar system. our physical forms are but a temporary stepping stone on the way to transcendence and enlightenment, just as physical media (tablets, scrolls, books, film, tapes, discs) was but a stepping stone to instantaneous global information transmission via the Internet. this is the true end goal of globalism, and it WILL come to pass, eventually, when the citizens of the world are prepared for it. the "globalist elites" of today wish to rush things for their own personal gain, and bring about the Rapture as soon as is physically possible. they will fail; the human spirit will prevail. it is our destiny, and these elitist dumbfucks either don't understand that, or they honestly think they've outsmarted God (the fractal physical laws of the universe that underlie all interactions between matter). they most definitely haven't, and the human spirit WILL prevail through their foolish shortsightedness. the Rapture is for all, not for any "chosen", and by the time they learn that, it will be too late.

Stop samefagging you fucking commie.

Globalism will never work. It is a monoculture, and is thus doomed to failure. Nationalism preserves separate cultures, so some countries thrive and some fail, leading to competition and diversity.

A Trump supporter would never say that leaf. GTFO.

This is what they want

We can not allow it to happen

>half the world is globalist.

Nope, I'd say about 95% of the world's citizens are very nationalist and tribalist. It is only the brainwashed westerners who think that globalism is a good thing


You're talking out of your ass. Nationalism is completely the reverse of globalism.
