WWII Lasted a total of 6 years

WWII Lasted a total of 6 years.

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds.

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

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Yes they lied, it was around 200k people that died, not 6 Million, just war propaganda.

Glad to see some Swedes received a better education than the US and Commonwealth

You're a retard if you think the 5 million number is purely gassings.
1 million at best.
The rest, point blank bullet in the head, starvation, burning, etc.

So you're saying that Jews inflated and exaggerated numerical figures for their own personal benefit as a victim group? Color me surprised...

the red cross put it at the time at what? 200k, 300k? im sure someone can supply the pic

>No deported took part in any process or was invited to take part
>Rudolf Hoss (commander of Auschwitz) was tortured and his confessions were written in english though he didn't speak it
>Germans who "confessed" had torture marks on their bodies (squashed testicles for exemple)
>So called gas chambers didn't have hermetic doors (any gassing would have gassed guards too)
>Chemneys weren't high enough to not gas the entire camp
>Building plans show that the "gas chambers" were morgues
>There is no written order of any execution, while the original plan of deportation to Madagascar (impossible du to war), has let written proofs
>Same quantites of Zyklon B were delivered to labor camps than to the "extermination camps"
>Auschwitz had only five ovens, capable each of burning only one body. It would have taken one week and six days to burn 2000 jews
>No "gas chamber" appear on the allies aerial photos
>We still refer to the numbers of polish communists, who also said that jews were killed with electricity, steam, and atomic bombs
>Why would the Reich, outnumbered on eastern and western fronts would have bothered to regroup all jews, tatooing them etc instead of just shooting them then and there?

Perhaps it would help if you actually studied the official narrative of the Holocaust before you tried to attack it.

They aren't claiming 6 million were gassed. They claim ~1.5 million died from death squads, millions died from starvation. typhus and being worked to death in the camps, and hundreds of thousands died through gas chambers in the form of Zyklon B and Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Mass graves (no crematoriums) were how most of them were disposed of. That's the official narrative.

The only reason the gas chambers get the most attention is because it's the first case of industrial scale genocide in human history. Every other time it involved either individual killing with guns/hand weapons or marching them off to die of thirst in the desert.

Go do your homework first, idiot

Some were put on carts which kareemed towards the oven and flung their human cargo out into the fire

Also giant electric chairs that killed 10,000 at a time

Here's some food for thought... If they wanted the most efficient way to kill Jews why didn't they just build a hundred acre area surrounded with Walls and no water and no food and just put them in there? I mean... The number one cause of death in the world has always been starvation... So why would the germans waste valuable tools and resources to gas them and risk killing german soldiers in the process as well as killing all germans running the camp if the gas escaped... So many holes in the story, but don't dare question it goy or you go to prison... Makes you wonder

There are some basic things in here that are totally wrong, essentially youtube level counter arguments. For example, Auswhitz didn't have 5 ovens, they had 5 entire crematoriums. The largest could burn ~1400 bodies in a day and the smallest could burn ~300 a day.

Riddle me this batman... If the holocaust was 100% true with no holes... Why is it illegal to investigate it...? Shouldn't they be pushing for investigation into the holocaust if it is the truth so that people wake up to it? I mean... Seriously

this takes me back years ago to regular Sup Forums holohoax threads, in every single one of them there was that one guy who furiously defended the holocaust without ever posting any actual sources

It's literally not illegal to investigate it. It's illegal to deny a genocide took place.


It's one of the most studied events in human history. We have more certainty over the Holocaust than anything that happened in Rome, Greece, the Napoleonic Wars, etc

Why not just detonate ONE artillery shell in a large group of them? I mean, most artillery and ammo in war is used for suppressing fire

Then you are a retard too it's literally google-able if you just look up Auschwitz crematoriums.


Other idiot said they had 5 ovens and the official narrative discusses 5 crematoriums. Pick your source

except no one claims all 6 million jews were killed in gas chambers and then cremated, they died from a mix of disease, starvation, roaming death squads, firing squads and the gas chambers and sometimes the bodies were left in the open or just shoveled into mass graves

oh you'd know a lot about that wouldn't you

Partly because there wasn't a consensus on what to do with the Jews. Some Nazis wanted to deport them to Madagascar. Some wanted them to be put to work for the war effort in the camps. Some wanted them wiped out. In the end they did a range of things with them. They attempted death squads at first just shooting them into empty pits but they struggled finding volunteers who wouldn't develop mental problems from doing this day in day out. The natural end was they tried to make it as efficient as possible which evolved finally into gas chambers at a handful of sites

i wasnt referring to anything specific, like i said i got all my holocaust arguing out of my system years ago
i was just noting how you made me feel nostalgic with your writing style and general attitude

Hitler didn't kill Jews.

ah ok. Well I did a little reading on the Holocaust so I know the official narrative but I get annoyed that people denying the Holocaust clearly haven't even read the official narrative before trying to dispute it.

Why is it illegal to deny the holocaust if it happened? I can deny WWII happened, but who gives a shit... I can deny the armenian genocide happen, but who gives a shit, I can deny the genocides in russia and china, but Muh Jews it happened goy and you're going to prison you fucking nazi... So sick of that bullshit

They all got food poisoning at this wedding's reception

Didn't check your math.

But quality post. Rare for /pol

prob like 90% of the deaths were from dehydration/starvation, being worked to death






Because after WW2 the new governments that succeeded from the Nazis went through a process of deNazification, basically ridding their populations of the ideology and support for the Nazis so they had to attack the atrocities of the Nazis to the core, which meant not giving the sympathizers room to argue back. It's probably an outdated law now but it made more sense into the 50's when they were still trying to stamp out the beliefs of a generation raised by the Nazi government. It's basically an outdated law inherited from back then.


>holocaust deniel includes denying the number of deaths
guess that makes it illegal to question huh?
also its been pointed out over and over they didnt have the crematories to do but a fraction of the cremations that are claimed to have happen. so where are the graves? the only photographic evidence is handful of starving and buried. where are the millions of unaccounted bodies?
it may be one of the most studied events in history but 99% of that is school kids being indoctrinated or "studying"



>it's legal to investigate it, but only if your investigation comes to the right conclusion
sure thing Chaim, also howcome the only "holocaust" camps that were are the ones inspected by the Soviets? Surely you wouldn't trust communists not to falsify the historical record?

>takes 1 hour
Cremation times depend on body mass. Using the average American of 195.5 pounds and the starvation weight of 100 pounds, it would take half an hour.

>assuming all Jews were cremated and ignoring the mass graves

>4 million at Auschwitz
Estimate on Wikipedia says 1 million.

Fake post/10



So they lied, that's what you're saying.


More than likely most of the deaths are attributed to starvation and disease with the ovens used in an attempt to remove the bodies fairly quickly and prevent further disease. Not to mention digging graves is not easy work.



nothing to see here, everyone! just relax and watch some TV!



>The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone

no it's fucking not. it only said this in some old newspaper people still quote everyday for some reason


>Also giant electric chairs that killed 10,000 at a time
The fuck am I reading?





Jews were killed different ways. Also, if you weren't si obsessed with denying the holocaust (even if that wasn't your intention) maybe your political movement would be seen a little bit more serious

Something like that existed and was called the Hunger Plan. It starved mainly Russian slavs but the ethnic Jews there as well.

It didn't happen I'm German because it takes about three weeks for a well fed person to starve. They'd have to keep building enormous camps to hold all of the Jews. A rotation of quickly dying Jews would save a lot in labor costs.

Gas chambers were also very safe. In-between the air tight chambers and gas masks no Germans were killed.



My grandpa was a POW in Ausch and had a tattoo.

Read oridinary men to get a grasp of what happpened

The Jews that were gassed were done so right away, and were still healthy from civilian life.

Read a fucking book.



idk how it is in australia.. but in america we have the right to free speech and free thought and we can question whatever the fuck we want... but continue to believe fairy tales.. just don't come complaining to us if you question those fairy tales and the boogie man comes after you.


50 million non jews died in WWII as well.

Never underestimate humanity's ability to destroy.


They didn't lie about anything. The Holocaust happened. Perhaps it's not ethical to make it illegal to deny the Holocaust but that's another issue. Not many constitutions have freedom of speech protected so a lot of governments can get away with pulling this shit. I think it would surprise a lot of Australians to learn we actually dont have freedom of speech protection


Gas, guns, experiments. It wasn't all gas, so yes they lied and exaggerated about the Auschwitz number, but to think that bullets and experiments weren't used is silly. Mostly bullets.

>t. someone that obsessively wrote about and studied many of the experiments for half a decade.


It's true user, you're not a holocaust denier are you?


Topkek leaf. Ty


So what you're saying is, MAGA!

this is so retarded

around 6 million jews lived in eastern europe in the russian pale of settlement, of course it will appear a lot in the news in the decades before ww2.

We don't have freedom of speech in our constitution and neither do a lot of European countries. The Germans banned holocaust denial because of denazification, the USA didn't need to do this because Americans already hated Nazis for declaring war on the USA and being an ally of Japan. Banning Holocaust denial wasn't about protecting Jews, it was about denazification. It was a law introduced in another era


That really doesn't explain the lack of remains of the gorillion. The narrative is that the remains were completely destroyed. Follow the bodies.

>air tight chambers
Sure, sure. So you should have no trouble showing me one of these air tight chambers.


Who tats numbers for Death camps. Regardless too many good men died in that War. Lets not have another.

What about the ones killed as the SS moved from town to town? I don't think the 6 million only applies to camps

Also what about the fact that the Russians and the Chinese killed more poeple? No one ever talks about that.


only one way to find out

mythbusters when?



Lol this would be good for the next season


tbqh i could accept 4 million as total of all that dies in WW2, but really no more than that. I honestly doubt there were even gas chambers.



At Triplinka they just threw them in a mass grave. Don't see why they wouldn't do the same at auschwitz. Prove me wrong plz.



Do they actually claim they were all cremated? Were there massive graveyards?


I definitely believe the holocaust is exaggerated however if you're going to deny it, at least understand the Zionist narrative first
