Drunk dane here Someone explain in one sentence what the fuck happened with milo? What did he say exactly

Drunk dane here Someone explain in one sentence what the fuck happened with milo? What did he say exactly

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Who cares. Milo has been with us since the beginning. You newfags don't know that Milo was the only journalist that defended us in the early gamergate days. This was even before the rise of infinity-chan and the great purge of Sup Forums. (Which is now nu-Sup Forums).

He was battling overweight feminists on all these different shows and now that they are smearing him you guys want to jump ship. Look, the media has no idea what they are doing trying to smear him as a pedo. They do NOT want Milo to start redpilling people about the link between young bi-curious men and older gay men. Milo doesn't give a shit, he'll do it.

Endorsed pedophilia unironically. Absolute degenerate.

you forgot your proxy

He triggered ameriburgers who think a 13 y.o. can't have sex.

Uh, kindly pull your head out of your ass.

Milo is out. There is nothing to defend. Out. Bye Milo! We won't miss him either.

Don't be a liberal. Do the research yourself. It's not like it's really tough homework or something.

Had a quote taken out of context to make it seems like he full-on endorses pedophilia, media attacked him like they always do, shills shilling like they always do.
Nothing to see here

I found the shill guys

Milo represented a unique threat to the Cathedral because of his progressive stack bona fides. They're trying to take him out using a miscontextualized quote from an old interview.

Lol learn to fucking read you mong