Well Sup Forums...it looks like The Elite are attempting to move the Overton Window on pedophilia, except this time—they're trying to make you do the dirty work for them.
If you defend Milo's pedophilia related statements with arguments like "ayckchually it's hebephilia so...". you are effectively shifting the Overton window on Pedophilia. We are the last bastion of morality, oddly enough. If we go, who is going to fight the left? There is no greater consolidated voice of reason than this forefront. We simply cannot allow ourselves to violate core, altruistic values solely to defend someone because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." We can't be normalizing pedophilia defenses. Even people talking about it at all shifts the window.
For example, gay rights were "talked about" for a long time until they started to become a national, hot button issue, and if we defend it at all, we are only adding more precedent for forgiveness, which will most certainly be utilized by the marching steps of "progress" inevitably climbing the stairs of moral bankruptcy. If we start openly defending pedophilic statements—so will they. And they're fucking crazy, so before you know it they'll be quickly defending actions as well, and using OUR support of Milo as precedent and apology.
The Elite are making another big push at normalizing pedophilia, so you should do your part and allow this to be what it is—a casualty of war. Milo fought some good battles, at times, and was an interesting chaos element, but he is beyond the pale now. It was already difficult to support him before, but now...
Don't do the Elite's work for them. Please.
This has been a Sup ForumsSA.