He argues with women, what an hero right g-g-guys? We must forgive his pedophilia r-right?
He argues with women, what an hero right g-g-guys? We must forgive his pedophilia r-right?
This is fucking bullshit Sup Forums! All of you backstabbing traitors should be fucking shot!
If we are not able to speak freely and openly about the positive nature of perfectly natural consensual relationships between grown men and mature 13 year olds then what have we become?
Don't let the shills make you quit your coaching jobs! I worked too fucking hard for this shit!
I've yet to find a solid argument for how he's significantly different than Lena Dunham.
>She hates Trump, what an hero right g-g-guys? We must forgive her incest-rape-pedophilia r-right?
Same fucking thing and people here act like we should want this faggot at CPAC
gtfo shill faggots
>saged and hidden
So we defend some faggot arguing with women? Who the fuck cares?? They are just some pathetic women they are not a challenge for anyone. Milo is nothing special. The feminist will never quit. They live off of hatred
We should meme that Milo is the first "pizzagate exposure - more celebrities to come!"
Let's use this oppurtunity to redpill his cuckservative followers and normie republicans on homosexuality, start a hashtag "gay love" and pot his quotes regarding adult child relations
Yeah you can just leave already leaf
OP is clearly satire and the leaf is a cuckservative (SHOCKED.png)