Uhh who are these guys?

uhh who are these guys?

Other urls found in this thread:


Never Trumpers

Controlled opposition.

like the knights of ren

Bump I too want to know. Gonna do some research. Bumping for awareness



I hate how they use Reagan's name like they assume he wouldn't support Trump. I summoned Reagan's spirit back in December and he was cool with Trump

Front for McMullin and whatever remains of the "Never Trump"/cuckservative movement. They see taking down Milo as step one to eventually destroying Bannon.

Reagan wouldn't have supported Trump but Reagan was owned by all of the financial groups that owned Hillary except a few decades earlier. He was hardcore anti-gun, and fucking ruined California for the Republican party while paving the way for the Republican political establishment that has ruined the good name of conservatism for the last 40 years. Trump is going to blow Reagan the fuck out.
They're fucking idiots but Milo still sounds like that faggot from the Salon article about pedophiles not being monsters. I will defend them both equally as much which is to say not at all.