First of all I would like to apologize for not making the threads like I said I was going to. I was actually informed to only make a few posts per week, maybe once on Monday, once on Friday.
Again, sorry for not informing anyone. As you saw everything I stated in my first post did come true, so I hope that it gained me a bit of credibility here on Sup Forums
Let me get down to business.
Within the next 48 hours, a announcement will be made, these announcements will be science and technology based. No decision has been made as to how we are going to do it, but it will be made by midweek. This deals directly with President Trump, the future, and plans moving forward.
Also, in other news concerning science, we have also been in contact with a few NASA heads the past few days, I think they may be planning to make a announcement soon, not sure of their time frame however, only "soon". So look forward to that.
In other news not related directly with President Trump, be looking for FBI / DoJ announcements before weeks end, probably Friday as it will be bigger news that President Trumps announcement. This will be a highly televised and discussed.
As always, I will not be answering questions. Its boring.
>NASA said they will show some discovery soon >poor autist thinks we dont know and tries to act as an government agent
Kill your self, Carlyle
Grayson Sanders
Better have to deal with space, gubmint user. And maybe some scientific proof to trigger lefties that there are far more important things out there than their feelings.
Blake Sanchez
Screen cap me goys.
We deepstate nao
Isaac Perry
Michael Walker
Don't expect you to respond but I suggest you start posting with a trip code in order to keep shills off
Alexander Martinez
whats post 1?
Caleb Williams
Bump. Op if you want these to gain traction you have to answer questions and let the thread bump a little
Nolan Bell
Mason Garcia
I cannot keep up with a bunch of questions, its a few after 11, and I'm still slammed. I was reminded to make a post so I went ahead and typed it up really quick.
Samuel Garcia
So...we mars now?
Cameron Brown
NASA already said they are doing the announcement on the 22nd you dipshit.
Andrew Cook
Id love to believe you- any particular asks?
Wouldn't want us getting false-flagged. People are teaming this stuff with various hashtag campaigns
Hunter Morales
its super vague and you come off as larping. Unless someone is planning to unveil fusion energy I dont see what the big deal could possibly be.
Jayden Watson
When are we going to start seeing people put in jail? It's time to purge the traitors in the midst.
Elijah Martinez
Original thread? Any legitimacy of this? Or larping faggot?
Alexander Kelly
Bump to keep this alive.
Jackson Flores
If you actually are for real, I apologize for shitposting. Next time you make a thread, in the name section write "##". That will uniquely identify you so that you can't be impersonated.
Carter Brown
Damn I glad I caught the thread this time.
Not to steal thunder but I feel as many people should check out the following as possible, since this thread might be looked up in the future:
Get ready for a brain meltdown, hours of truth here just ripe for the picking. Info you probably wont find anywhere else, prime stuff. Spread it like free beer, as he says.
Drake Bailey first show revealing the layers of the onion that make up the globalists, and the role that xeno operations play in government schemes. Aired March 28 2012 in an interview with David Wilcock
the spiciest redpill you'll ever get... Cosmic Voice, Drake Bailey & Thomas Williams June 28 2015 show "The Future Choice Of Humanity" Synopsis: Former groomed globalist dubbed "The Ruiner" reveals who is at the topmost branch of the evil pyramid.
Cosmic Voice Sept 15 2015 show Special Guest Shane "The Ruiner" comes on the radio to explain more details.
And ill go ahead and throw in the Joe Rogan 911th episode with Alex Jones just in case for Some Reason you havent listened to it yet. Truth radio with a bong hit spin
Daniel Lopez
Michael Baker
>I dont really know anything >look out for announcements >annoucements which are likely to happen anyway >no questions because I cant larp that well
Kayden Richardson
>be looking for FBI / DoJ announcements before weeks end, probably Friday as it will be bigger news that President Trumps announcement
My theory is that Trump knew about the Milo scandal, which opens the discussion for pedo scum, which provides the platform for Pizzagate arrests.
Angel Reed
Bump to keep this alive. Please keep doing these at the very least. I will be on the lookout and with all of the media/liberal onslaught going on it will be nice to have some intel to fight off being demoralized
Sebastian Gonzalez
>In other news not related directly with President Trump, be looking for FBI / DoJ announcements before weeks end, probably Friday as it will be bigger news that President Trumps announcement. This will be a highly televised and discussed. Pizza Holocaust confirmed?
Also get a Tripcode man
Austin Ross
Is the GLOBE onto something?
Huma Rats Out Hillary! Top aide saves own skin with plea deal to bury Clinton
Hillary Clinton’s hench-woman Huma Abedin has turned grand jury stool pidgeon – and is spilling the beans about the dirty Democrat’s criminal acts of fraud and bribery, insiders say!
Now, with Huma and hubby Bill Clinton ratting her out to federal prosecutors, fearful Hillary, 69, sees a guilty verdict looming. She is desperately begging for a four-year prison deal so she wouldn’t end up dying in the clink.
But prosecutors are insisting the ailing former first lady spend at least a decade behind bars!
“Hillary’s in deep trouble and she knows there’s no way out for her!” a source tells GLOBE.
“Even a 10-year stretch would be a death sentence at her age and with all her illnesses.”
As GLOBE previously reported, a secret federal grand jury in Brooklyn, N.Y., has been hearing testimony about Hillary’s corrupt use of her email server while working as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 – and the shady “pay-for-play” deals with her Clinton Foundation charity.
But in an exclusive bombshell, sources tell GLOBE her closest confidante, Huma, is throwing crooked Hillary under the bus and cooperating with the federal investigators.
Funny how somebody who supposedly has "insider knowledge" of the government writes like a highschool freshman.
Lucas Adams
Wonder whether it's related to the rumors about a secret grand jury for HRC...
Bentley Morales
I love these kinds of threads.
James Wright
All of these Trump Administration haters and Anti-Trumpers will have a change of opinion soon.
Don't be suprised if in 4 years, President Trump turns every state red. We have many things to announce, many things will come to light soon, things that have been locked away for a very long time. These things can change the World.
But before any of that can take place, we have certain people that need to be removed, but it should not take long. April at the latest for HUGE announcements. this weeks announcements will only be a taste of whats to come. Be ready for the ride.
Juan Adams
digits. >aliens announcement
Evan Davis
I used to work for Goldman Sachs. The emails by the most senior people literally were written at an 8 year old level. Combination of being busy and not giving a fuck.
Chase Perez
>the World with a capital W Spicer did his post already, yours is more LARPy.
Cameron Phillips
Is it space elevator related? Just say yes or no
Daniel Williams
hillary is about dead anyway, its time to throw her under the bus, its the only logical choice > and the clinton foundation is toast, as well
Ayden Baker
What was in Post 1??
Tyler James
That's how you spot the C-level exec. Looks like it was written by a retard. no punctuation, no cohesive thought, spelling tragic.
seems familiar...
Joshua Williams
Hey, I never said I was the best speller.
Gavin Cook
I feel kinda like i'm witnessing history here. last week I doubted you, but then it all happened just like you said.
Tyler Richardson
The point is /pol is ripe for false-flagging.
no one gets a pass on here, especially people who show up offering something but without dropping the hook yet.
Asher Myers
Also worked for a top 5 financial firm
Can confirm
Robert Adams
You said absolutely nothing and then that you won't answer questions.
Dumbest fucking thread I've seen in ages.
Carson White
Seriously get a trip or someone will impersonate you.
Jack Sullivan
I thought we only hired The Best?
Hudson Morales
Ty for post
Aiden Bailey
Jaxson Howard
Luis Rogers
What was the reasoning behind picking McMaster as natsec head?
Grayson Morris
What did he say? Did not witness. Screencaps?
Henry Myers
Bitcoin dump ala wikileaks maybe?
Luke Green
Im sure Spicer (or the white house cameraman- the clues were vague) knows what that means.
Noah Anderson
somebody link me to "last week's thread" where user supposedly made predictions that actually came true
Logan Rogers
>Seriously get a trip or someone will impersonate you.
Jonathan Hall
I'll ruin the fun - Trump is teaming up with Musk to go to Mars.
Cooper Adams
I could care less about being impersonated, go for it. Also to the guy who asked if I was Spicer last thread, the answer is no, but he is close.
John Long
You earned those delegates
Wyatt Lopez
And you base this on?
Grayson Martin
Jose Reed
No No, I know who posted that, and it was not me.
This was my original thread.
Carter Wright
Bad larp is bad larp.
Wyatt Hall
Are you the Publius Flight 93 guy? If not that was great article and everyone should read it anyway.
Justin Gutierrez
Kevin Scott
White house photographer
Bentley Lopez
Zachary White
This was the only post I have made on Sup Forums
The other posts are from other people, my posts will always have the JFK image.
Logan Garcia
if this anyone, its Stephen Miller
Christian Morales
Who else but Bannon would post here?
Jack Morris
>As always, I will not be answering questions. Its boring.
You're a dick. Tell us. Are we going """back""" to the moon?
Owen Martinez
Cmon, tell us goy. Is Trump going with the space elevator?
Ethan Sanders
Find me when you want to actually operationalize this to some degree. Youll know me by tj no?
Jace Morales
Any LARP that doesn't address today's elephant as to whether or not McMaster is on our side or not is a waste.
Trump seemed noticeably unenthusiastic in both his announcement and the little sit down on the couch. Why would he pick someone so aligned with the "let's-antagonize-Russia" neocon crowd?
Kayden Rodriguez
Jaxson Davis
Why is it taking so long to purge the traitors and rats?
also what is the probability that we someone hanged for treason in the next three years?
Alexander Gray
What stock should I invest in?
James Moore
Why the hell would anyone want to go to mars?
I had my robots go up there and clean the fucking place out, including all the slaves, and all the shiny toys the black ops were hiding there (its being held for safe keeping).
Pretty lame place to go in my opinion.
Charles Ward
Two separate insiders at the same time? Unlikely but i will give you the benefit of the doubt.
Jonathan Peterson
I honestly cannot give my name on here or the media will blow it way out of control, associated with "nazis" , I do like you guys, but I can never give my name, only hints. Im going bald, so sad.
Caleb Barnes
Space elevators are decades away though, I highly doubt that will be the push. I got my money on Mars with Musk/asteroid mining op/new space station as a package type thing
Levi Peterson
OP don't lose sight of MILABS child murderer Pence. God i hope you guys shut down those nasty hell holes.
Dylan Jackson
What the hell did you predict in this thread that proves you have insider knowledge in any way?
Kayden Taylor
Ryan Edwards
happy to just take this without asking questions... its specific enough, and thus testable. If something like this happens, he's legit. if not, he's not.
see you in a week, Legit Internal Happenings guy.
Kevin Butler
"I will not be answering questions. Its boring."
>answers questions
Parker Green
We will be going back to Space, yes. But its bigger than just that. Look into Skunk Works. That is all I will say on that subject.
Jack Thomas
No one expects you to give your name. If you really want to get people to believe you you should post a photo no one else could take (non-identifying; and stripping all metadata beforehand--Sup Forums won't strip it for you).
Christian Allen
holy shit its david duke
James Cook
Of course McMaster is on our side, that is a very stupid stupid question.
Carter Rodriguez
he was forced bruh. i just don't know how much control trump has at this point. His small inner circle is keeping the cogs going i just hope he has enough based people around him.
Joshua Foster
It's fucking miller.
Levi Carter
I'm hoping it's about the meme drive.
Anthony Perry
I know it's you.
Aaron Collins
Well in all honesty, many of the removals are not made public, because they technically do not exist.
Jayden Cruz
Nathan Cruz
Is it possible you wouldn't confirm this because you can't "without releasing information that would illegal for me to release," since grand jury proceedings are secret?
Adrian Ortiz
Carter Murphy
Yes, that was me.
Alexander Taylor
If this was miller he already gave more than enough info for the media to blow it out of control.
Jose Morales
>LARPING on a Taiwanese puppet theatre board
Caleb Rodriguez
Not like facts ever stopped the media regardless...