Defend this, Sup Forums

Defend this, Sup Forums.

If Trump legalizes marijuana then degeneracy wins. How do we stump him?

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That quote flat out says he's not legalizing it.

trump really can't defend this

>legalize marijuana
>get rid of welfare
Literally nothing wrong with this.

Leaving it to the state is not the same as legalizing.

>degeneracy wins
Boo hoo faggot. Our country will be fine.

No it won't you fucking stoner faggot.

i really feel kind of bad for people like you
everyones got their thing i guess

Ever had a bowl of mashed apples?

Marijuana is better for you than alcohol prove me wrong

Good argument my enlightened straight edge friend!

>degeneracy wins
No it doesn't.
Fuck a duck.

>getting triggered by weed

yes stoner culture is annoying but plenty of well adjusted adults use weed and they are completely fine. Weed is too well distrubuted at this point to have hope of removing it. Best thing we can do is legalize it, receive tax shekles, cuck the cartels, and legalizing it wont make it "cool" anymore, especially if Trump is ok with it.

This, imagine how ass ravaged lefties will be if Trump is the one who legalizes it for them.

Of all the degenerate things already legal in the western world, such as gay marriage and women suffrage, some stoners in California destroying their lives and being useless to society shouldn't be considered the winning move of degeneracy.

While I hate degeneracy, I'm also a hypocrite and a degenerate. State by State is not legalizing. State by state is Trump's answer to everything by the way and it's a correct one because it's called federalism.

We should have the freedom to smoke weed and the common sense not to.

>tfw you live in one of the states that will legalize last
>tfw your land is perfect for growing
>tfw your state is poor but still refuses to fix itself by taxing weed

Fucking Indiana. At least we have corn for ethanol.

See how well prohibition worked out for you. I'll give you a hint. A couple of major events happened directly correlated.
1. Record numbers of police officers were killed and maimed.
2. Thus began the golden age for the mafia earning money for trafficking and bootlegging.
3. The great depression struck america causing mass unemployment and suicide. Could used some of them taxes eh?

Also people still drank regardless. They just broke the law and funded crime to do it.

Now imagine what would happen if marijuana were not prohibited?

Locking up millions of adults for petty crimes, to the tune of billions of dollars, is an even greater degeneracy and must be stopped.

if you legalize it, it will pay for the wall easily

Yeah but then who would you use for slave labour?

Reminder that we all know and still abide it because we like cheap american made shit.

>trump legalizes weed

Defederalization is a good thing. If California wants to be a degenerate hellhole let it, and if Kansas doesn't want same-sex marriage it doesn't have to have it.

Degenerate pot smoker here

Nothing would please me more than to see the Trump Administration do a rollback on marijuana legalization. Seeing as how his AG would rather have the KKK roam the streets than a bunch of stoners.

Why? Cause it'll stymie the effect of corporatism of the drug, which, as a grower I despise and loathe to see the day where my profits get slashed by warehouse produced chronic.

So yeah I'm with you fags, as long as it isn't treated as Schedule I but still stigmatized by anti-marijuana advocates who don't know jack shit about the drug yet think their view should be enforced it's tight.

Let's keep it illegal whoooo!!

Op retarded.

Marijuana is not as bad as alkohol.

Try growing poppies.

He should. The amount of money and jobs that can be created is insane. Colorado alone just recently made 1 billion in marijuana sales. So imagine states like NY, Georgia, Texas etc. with major American cities.

Everyone would benefit, from engineers, botanists, trade workers, and especially small business owners.

If you disagree then you can't really say you are red-pilled because this is a free-market presenting itself ready to be exploited for the next big american business

Yeah you don't like stoner culture so Trump should destroy a burgeoning multi-billion dollar business that provides a brand new revenue stream. I guess the next time you pick a candidate you should do proper due diligence and proper vetting, lol.

I wouldn't say degeneracy wins really....If pot is legal

>AG loves Klan

Ummmm. Sessions had the head of the Alabama KKK executed. And also bankrupted them. But this is the dude weed thread so carry on.

Fuck weed. I used to smoke with my friends and have fun. But, I quit as soon as they all started getting ADDICTED, that's right ADDICTED to that bullshit. Now they can't go a day without smoking 3 times and can't make friends with anyone besides other stoner degenerates and their plug. I hate living and being around these losers. We used to do fun shit like fuck hot bitches and play outside. Fuck that plant. "The devil's lettuce" is no longer a joke but a truth to me.

Abolition of Prohibition was great mistake. Instead you should've asked Stalin for some law enforcement lessons and now you would be living with no degeneracy.

>people this dumb are browsing Sup Forums right now
I don't know whats worse. The idea that you are browsing this website or the idea that you are making posts.

Sometimes you gotta cut off a limb to save the body m8

fuck off retard

Legalizing it would be brilliant move from Trump. The left would go tilt mode.


Huge Trump fan, couldn't give a shit if he leaglizes it. We already have some states where it is legal so eventually it will happen. If Trump did it, the left wouldn't know what to do. They would start freaking out.


>all states eventually legalize

>Giving states more rights
Nothing wrong with this, anyone against this is just a feddie dickrider. This won't magically make drug tests go away, so those looking to better their careers will still avoid the drug.

>we're losing badly the war on drugs
holy shit he sounds the same

>degeneracy wins
Fuck off, i can make a million a year off of legal marijuana with just an acre of land. This is accounting for prices plummeting after legalization as well.

FOLKS, if you want an honest, non degenerate way of life, buy an acre of arable land RIGHT NOW. Get your soil ready for marijuana and in the meantime practice with easier crops.

Im in PA right now and theirs not been nearly any snow. You could probably germinate seeds right now with a huge growing season over the horizon. If your state already has legal weed GROW NOW. If it isnt practice with plants that die in frost.

Break your degenerate chains, become a farmer.

>If Trump did it, the left wouldn't know what to do. They would start freaking out.
This. The left acts like they own this issue, but when libertarians started looking Trumps way after Aleppo Johnson went full retard, this was one of the reasons I felt okay with voting for him. He was pragmatic about it. Face it, Trumps is pretty cool guy he trolls teh entire world and doesn't afraid of anything.

It's in the same category as the gay marriage thing, if he tries to push the issue it's just going to give the left even more "hurr durr he's a nazi" ammo to use. Better to just ignore it entirely and let the courts and the DEA hash it out with the states. It's not that important of an issue to me one way or the other anyway; I don't smoke, and even if I did it's not that hard to get hold of whether it's legal or not, so literally who cares?

>we're losing the war on drugs
>you have to legalize drugs to win that war
>cause drug czars

But the drug czars exist for the consumer

You must kill the consumer to win the war on drugs

so, don't kill the pot, kill the pothead? I could see myself getting behind this idea, actually.

I remember my grandpa saying when he was a kid they would hire migrant Mexicans come detassling and harvest time. Most thing they would ask for is a small plot to grow weed. Of course grandpa didn't know what it was until he went to school. No one thought it was a huge deal desu. This was in the late 30s.

>wasting billions of US dollars on a drug war against a benign plant that could be used to build the wall

yeah "degeneracy" lmfao

Only Nixon could go to china.

This is a good stance, anything that goes against big gov't is a good stance in my book.

Oh man that would be perfect.

All taxes from the herbal Jew go to the walls cost.


It's liberals that are overwhelmingly addicted to shit like marijuana.
If trump legalises it, 50% of the liberal voterbase will have no reason to vote every again.

>like, voting dude, huh huhuhuhhu pass the cheetos

That's no better than the left punching "nazis".

Maybe they can make a second wall

Then the solution is banning alcohol, not legalizing weed. Prove me wrong.

Ever heard of the 10th Amendment Dumbass Fuck the Public education system
>1 Post by this ID fucking baited

>Sup Forums is so stupid they want drug dealers to profit from A FUCKING LEAFz
>drain the swamp Mr. Trump, but no degeneracy! Gotta keep muh purity

How about decriminalizing it federally?

What's wrong with letting the states decide?


Gotta love how immense greed and hating your fellow man is OK, but they go red in the face as soon as you mention a plant that God made.

>Not wanting to cuck the timber industry
>Not wanting more sustainable agriculture
>Not growing hemp for practical use and recreation
>Not growing the crop of the Founding Fathers

Marijuana was banned because of big-industry pressure and cheap scare tactics.

That didn't work worth a fuck, it created a huge black market. Make a law, make a business is an old proverb. One group prohibits and another group profits, you legislate morality. Reason is king in America and anti-legalization proponents are only focused on weed because the government told them too. I can legally grow an entire garden full of arsenic and the precursor for ricin (castor beans) but some slightly psychoactive, non toxic, annual, everlasting flowers gets the brunt of violent federal law enforcement power? Yeah, something is seriously skewed there.

>Ever heard of the 10th Amendment Dumbass Fuck the Public education system
I second this. Hear! Hear!

If the feds allow the states to decide, but never federally legalizes it, the can still maintain ultimate control over the whole industry by threatening to crush them out of business if they don't act responsibly.


>1 post by this id

Wew lads

Fuck off, statist retard

>commie scum
>calling me degenerate

OK vlad

Holy shit will you faggots stop shitting all over the one ray of hope this nation has had in 50 years? Can you go 5 minutes without nitpicking this shit to death? Can we just have one step towards a conservative America without you niggers complaining that he hasn't walked 10 miles towards conservatism in the 2 months he's been i office? Jesus Christ, Sup Forums. You got the man elected. Let him do his fucking thing.

Also stop fucking concern trolling, you goddamn shill.

just checking in again,
>1post by this id

lol @ ray of hope

It sure as shit wasn't We President Now

>implying the war on "drugs" was ever successful

They could just reschedule it to the same level as cough syrup and other mild hallucinogens.

I wish i could smoke weed via my peepee