>Go to a college for three years >get a useless piece of paper >stuck with a job you hate
When I ask them what the "job you hate is" it's usually some generic desk job. I don't understand this. The alternative is:
>being jobless >leeching off welfare >having a job with no concern for safety (i.e. you can die and no one will take accountability)
Why have these people given up on the most average fulfilling lifestyle? Is it because it's "boring" or "too average"?
Ryan Allen
why would anyone not want to be a NEET on welfare?
>in control of your life >never have to do anything you don't want to do >entire day is free time to do whatever you want, every single day
how brainwashed must you be to think your life is somehow better because you're a wageslave instead of a welfare leech?
Robert Reed
Dunno. I'm a filthy Zhang so I was taught to believe there is a formula for a successful life and through self discipline and hard work you can achieve it. There was also family and peer pressure as all your relatives lead successful and fulfilling lives and it inspired you to do well. It's just expectations. Behave as a kid, do well in school, do well in uni, do well at work, make friends, get married, have kids etc
Anthony Brooks
There are more alternatives than that, stupid wagecuck bitch. Like being self-employed, becoming a farmer. But keep on being a cubicle bitch since you're obvious so much smarter than the rest of us.
Jaxon Roberts
>Like being self-employed, that's already fulfilling, The point I'm trying to get across is being able to stand on your two feet. The types of people who say that stuff are usually subsidised in some way and are degenerate
Dominic Nelson
>a fucking chink
Wow, no surprise. Obsession with money and career is 3rd world mentality because you chinks and streetshitters died if you didnt. You live in the white man's land chinkboy, we have moved past such thinking since becoming post-scarcity economies.
Ayden Reyes
Ayden Allen
what's the matter landlord raised your rent again?
Julian Barnes
Whatever, go back to the motherland chinkboy. But your sister and mother may stay (I'm open to making some hapa babies with them).
Brandon Carter
Calm your tits, it ain't our fault we have to actually work hard to live the comfy life you live, and maybe that's why you cucknada is so cucks by us