All of the shilling on this board is driving me insane. It's gotten so bad with this Milo incident, not sure how much more I can take.
All of the shilling on this board is driving me insane. It's gotten so bad with this Milo incident...
just dont bump their shitty threads, sage with tuck
they are fully aware of Sup Forums now, expect 24/7 heavy professional round the clock shilling from now on, never trust a (((Milo)))
so long as they don't get access to layer 2
Well, we know it's shilling, and if it didn't work during the election it sure as fuck won't work now.
No worries, just enjoy the ride. Once you're redpilled there is literally no chance in going back.
Its become really busy since the days of /new/ and with it came a lot of static.
Im well versed with probably close to two decades of reading alternative media and even im finding it hard to cut through the bullshit and sliding.
Why do you care about it(unless you shill yourself)? it's pretty obvious and transparent.
1) going against the 14 words
2) purity testing / divide and conquer
3) defeatist attitudes
all can be safely ignored for optimal user experience
This is leftists way of doing things they make poopys everywhere.
You just got to ride out the shillstorm.
Sage and hide all Milo threads