Remember that time Salon promoted pedophillia? I do

Just a friendly reminder that Salon and the left have been pro pedophillia for several years now

Be a shame if this were more widespread...

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Oh yeah I member

What about that time Lena Dunham admitted to pedophilia ?

Hmmm perhaps we should see to that being brought out again

FUCKING YES Milo is good again

This article had hype behind it when it first came out. Then they deleted it a few months later on January 11th. Why then?

he goes in the oven with the rest of the kikes retard.

It is logical and well documented Judaism leads inexorably to child rape and cannibalism.

Just admit it. We got divided and conquered again. Always.

11 is the number of destruction

>implying every single human on the planet will not have forgotten about this by 8am EST tuesday feb 21st 2017.

thats six hours from now, or you know, the amount of time it takes mohammed to ejaculate inside you and your wifes asshole cuckold.

That isn't pro-paedophilia, it's pro-not punishing someone who hasn't harmed anyone.
The article is bascially saying "some of us pedos have self control and don't harm anyone, just let me have my loli hentai and fleshlight".

reported to the fbi

What for?


>oy vey goys its not a slippery slope just let us put the tip in
the ovens just got 10 degrees hotter you fucking degenerate

Everyone important is on the Oroville dam threads, milo is a Reddit and new fag filter

It says a lot about the collusion going on between the media and the left that they're taking down all these progressive pedophilia articles now that they're latching onto this "Milo's an evil pedophile" smear campaign.

Why are leafs never coherent?

Salon is pro pedo just like the Clinton dynasty

Sweden what the fuck is wrong with you , stop giving up when things get hard

for once can you fucken try ... your so fucken lazy cunt

Its so strange, they are going against their perverted homosexual beliefs just to attack a right winger. They divided themselves in a sense.

So Salon did what Milo did? Who cares?

Remember #pizzagate folks? Just some bait and switch. There are pedos out there, but Milo ain't one.

nobody is talking about that faggot and as i have already said, i hope he gets ashed in the oven.

this thread is mainly about spreading the cached version of the fucking article these degenerate perverts over at leftist salon made promoting acceptance of pedophillia.

remember that time the national review defended it

Well, can we stop falling for obvious character assassinations? Stop replying to ShariaBlue shills?

the only character assassination i have given 1/10ths of a single fuck about is mike enoch and hes come out practically unscathed. nobody cares about some faggot despite the raiding.

the left doesnt get to promote pederasty and then just delete their articles as the prevailing winds of social discourse change

fuck them and their jewish overlords

Of course we remember.

And if Salon could go on with their credibility intact, Milo and Breitbart certainly can.

Milo basically just admitted something that is the total norm in the gay world, by the way. Really, really hypocritical that so many undoubtedly gay leftists would attack him for his comments that they all know could just as easily describe their past.

It's a kind of overlooked policy in San Francisco, for instance, that gay bars don't card teenage looking boys - or anyone - because gays can do no wrong and the city turns a blind eye.

Most of all, though, you never respond to leftist attacks. Never answer for anything, never capitulate. Leftists have no honesty or shame so they do not deserve to be acknowledged.

Learn from Trump, who just keeps charging forward, no matter what kinds of mud and threats his cowardly enemies fling. Think of how many potential scandals and threats Trump has overcome or avoided, because he didn't respond where so many other people would have and caved in and apologized.

>Really, really hypocritical that so many undoubtedly gay leftists would attack him for his comments that they all know could just as easily describe their past.
it's GOPe attacking him bruh

remember when trump attacked the guac goblin?

so many good times were had. i kinda miss those days but every time i start to get depressed that they are behind us, i think to the future and that we have EIGHT MORE YEARS of it!


nobody is attacking him because nobody actually gives a fuck, its just shills shilling shills.

this shit will be forgotten within 6 hours.

hes literally a nobody

>Kermit's asshole

You guys are going after Salon but they're low hanging fruit. We need to find some articles by other news sites pushing this story

feel free to throw the ball there qb

Projection much? Is this to deflect from milo?

Just on that info graphic. You may not want to use it. There's a reason Trump didn't attack Bill for associating with jeff epstein. It would have been an easy target. So why didn't he?

you're talking to a man who gets paid to demotivate you

Remember that time Milo Yiannopolos promoted pedophilia? I do