US - Russian compromise

So we all hope that Trump and Putin can improve relations by finding areas to compromise and come to an understanding.

So this thread will be about what possible situations we can come to an agreement on.

So for example, I had an area in which we can find compromise.

Russia wants Syria and Crimea and the US wants a deescalation of Russia military activity. So how about this...

The US will suspend all operations/shipments of FSA in Syria and cut off support for anti-Assad factions. Although, the US will continue to carry out operations against ISIS in Iraq, Syria ect... Which could also be under joint taskforce between the US and Russia to eliminate ISIS from. The planet.

Crimea will be allowed to stay under Russian control, under the terms that all rebel operations will cease in Ukraine, and Russia will stop it's support of rebel factions within Ukraine.

>Inb4 all sorts of autistic screeching

Both the US and Russia have to be open to negotiate and come to some form of agreement on issues. Without being able to compromise, tensions will just continue to increase. Also, the willingness to want to improve relations is a must. Putin and Trump must be genuine in their interest for better relations or else this will all be for nothing.

I think the offers/demands I listed seemed to be a pretty reasonable place to start from.

Perhaps after several years of better relations, we will be able to move towards more detailed agreements and deescalation of military flexing from both nations.

we can agree that putin's pick of tillerson will allow exxon and putin to liberate 500 billion $ worth of oil for the profit of both

trump is just a sideshow for the proles.

why pol is never curious just how trump 'picked' tillerson is pretty amusing

>why pol is never curious just how trump 'picked' tillerson is pretty amusing

Enlighten me.

Tell me


why is XOM crashing on me tho

give russia what they want in eastern europe. what the fuck do we care? let germany and turkey handle it

>US wants a deescalation of Russia military activity.
Why? Who are Russians fighting? Saudi proxies?

I don't think regular Americans want Russians to stop killing terrorists. That's Saudi interests, not American.

Just bomb the shit out them sand niggers, hohol niggers and nigger niggers. That's the true common interest of burger and vodka people.

No one ever talks about right sectoror or azov or the connectionsti chechen rebels

Truth is trump and putinare not as in control as we believe

Peace agreements are for show

haha finally both US and RUS presidents are badasses
lets see