Can some German user translate this judge's decision?

Breitbart claims it says that a Judge has ruled that a 14-yo is legally married under their host country. I just want to make sure that's what it says because machine translation sucks.

Article that links to the decision above:

Danke in advance

the breitbart article is correct.

Really? Thanks... I want to use it as ammo against cucks on Twatter, but I see (((Snopes))) has an article denying that child brides are permitted in Germany.

Main part is

> Eine in Syrien nach syrischem Eheschließungsrecht wirksam geschlossene Ehe einer zum Eheschließungszeitpunkt 14-Jährigen mit einem Volljährigen ist als wirksam anzuerkennen, wenn die Ehegatten der sunnitischen Glaubensrichtung angehören und die Ehe bereits vollzogen ist.

which translatest o

> A Syrian marriage following Syrian marriage laws with a 14-yo at time of marriage is to be acknowledged as a legal marriage [in Germany] if both spouses are Sunni and they already consummated the marriage

They will just go for the "14 isn't really a kid by German law" thing.

JUST heard it recently that some judges don't want to overrule the laws (in this case marriage) of other countrys

Except they literally just got done shitting themselves over Milo and his 13 year old thing. They can't say a word about this being okay.

Thanks m8

As someone who sometimes works with refugees and other ilk this is correct. The reasoning is that the german government doesn't want to destroy marriages that have legally happened in other countries. In essence child marriage is legal in germany as long as the marriage happened in another country and according to their law.

This is why I hate the right. We get hung up on this child abuse stuff… this arbitrary and oppressive view of consent, which totally destroys the understanding that many of us have of the complexities and subtleties. In the Muslim world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger girls and older men — the sort of ‘coming of age’ relationship — those relationships in which those older men help those young girls discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can’t speak to their parents.

Dubious apologia aside, it's not just the right/conservatives concerned about this. The left has some of the most prudish (progressives call it "sex negative") people on earth.

Another reason for this is that instead of leaving a child refugee to the hands of an adult guardian she does not know, you might rather have an her husband take care of her.

The husband in these cases is both husband and legal guardian of the child wives.

That might be viewed as a better option for her sake.
But of course, that might be worsening her situation just as much as well - especially since the husband now has even more control over her.

Normally I'd called you Achmed and tell you to fuck off, and honestly, fuck off if you are achmed, but I've been slowly moving RP on this, and I hate myself so much for it.

kek, what I wrote is copy pasta. These are the exact same words Milo used in the video which has recently surfaced in which he defended pedophilia.


So nothing. It came across as if it wasn't clear to you and the burger that what I wrote was copy pasta.

End your life

No, I didn't know it was pasta. I'm not fully up with the Milo thing, but we knew he was degenerate.

ruff translation of the guiding principles

>Dem einem minderjährigen Verheirateten bestellten Vormund kommt wegen §§ 1800, 1633 BGB keine Entscheidungsbefugnis für den Aufenthalt des Mündels zu.
The legal guardian of a underage married child has no authority over it place of residency.

>Dies gilt auch hinsichtlich wirksam verheirateter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge, wenn nach dem Recht des Herkunftsstaates insoweit ebenfalls keine elterliche Sorge besteht (Art. 15, 16, 20 KSÜ). (amtlicher Leitsatz)
This also applies to married refugees, if by the law of the home country parents have no guardianship over the child any longer.

>Eine in Syrien nach syrischem Eheschließungsrecht wirksam geschlossene Ehe einer zum Eheschließungszeitpunkt 14-Jährigen mit einem Volljährigen ist als wirksam anzuerkennen, wenn die Ehegatten der sunnitischen Glaubensrichtung angehören und die Ehe bereits vollzogen ist. (amtlicher Leitsatz)
A marriage in Syria by Syrian Law of a 14 year old and a of age person will be considered legal if the spouses are of the sunni faith and the marriage was already consummated.

>Die Unterschreitung des Ehemündigkeitsalters des § 1303 BGB bei einer Eheschließung im Ausland führt selbst bei Unterstellung eines Verstoßes gegen den ordre public (Art. 6 EGBGB) nicht zur Nichtigkeit der Ehe, wenn nach dem für die Eheschließung gem. Art. 11, 13 EGBGB anzuwendenden ausländischen Recht die Ehe bei Unterschreitung des dort geregelten Ehemündigkeitsalters nicht unwirksam, sondern nur anfechtbar oder aufhebbar wäre. (amtlicher Leitsatz)
Undercutting of the legal-age in a marriage in a foreign country does not lead to annulation if the law of the foreign county would not void the marriage.

>Sup Forums is too stupid to get his joke and real pedos come out in support of it
oh my

t. ahmed

>14-yo at time of marriage is to be acknowledged as a legal marriage [in Germany] if both spouses are Sunni and they already consummated the marriage
>age of consent is 14 or below in germany
i might emigrate after all

They absolutely can. They're leftists. 14 is not 13.

Nah, cause they tried to say it was wrong when he adjusted to say he was 15.