What about Mussolini?

I've often wondered pol why do you admire hitler and not other strong leaders? Mussolini was the father of Fascism. And I never see him mentioned around here.

The focus on hitler/nazis just makes me think pol is filled with a bunch of autistic edgelords. Why doesn't pol ever give time to other authoritarian leaders and regimes?

Because he got cucked hard by Hitler.


Go back to plebbit and wonder there you utter faggot

Because Hitler killed the jews. But Sup Forums likes the Jews, and aspire to become like them. See the love for Trump and Israel. Which goes on to say Sup Forums likes ISIS. So idk.

italy got absolutely BTFO by everyone they encountered to the point where germany had to come defend critical points for them.

italians just like every mediterranean nation is full of fucking lazy people who just wanna sit on a beach, smoke cigs and drink wine.

noone cares about mussolini because his nation couldn't fucking fight worth shit

Alright, fair enough. What about Stalin? People here seem to love russia. And he killed a lot more people than hitler.

The media just thinks Sup Forums (pol) is filled with autistic neo-nazi neckbeards. And with the love for trump and hitler, I'm wondering if this board is just a bunch of edgelords following whatever is controversial, or if it's more serious than that. I figured if it was more serious there would be discussions of other strong leaders outside of hitler and nazism.

He nailed many things, till he got screwed by the league of the nation and adolf.
He wasn't that intelligent either...he had the quality of being stuborn and straight forward. He also made good speeches...Italians are made to follow strong rulers,we are unfit for democracy

Shitler betrayed Italy be declaring war earlier than planned. They were not prepared for it.


Stalin was the main reason why germans almost reached Moscow in the first place.
He was not just bad and vicious under a political point of view, but he was also a huge piece of shit in terms of human being...what kind of man celebrate the death of his own son?