Why did the powers that be allowed Trump to be elected? What's their end goal?

Why did the powers that be allowed Trump to be elected? What's their end goal?

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At the moment, Trump can be likened to cartoonish ‘bad guy’, a racist, irrational, egocentric, intolerant, capitalist, patriarchal, misogynistic, incompetent tyrant who needs to be removed from power right away. Trump is the common enemy around which the nation’s youth can be rallied against. It is almost as if Trump is playing a role to “make the elite’s agenda cool again”. The elite’s motto is “Order after chaos”. Trump is the “chaos”. The elite’s agenda is the “order” to fix it.

Believe it or not, Trump’s election was the best thing that could happen to the elite’s agenda and the entire mass media system supporting it. In the past years, traditional media (including news and entertainment) was growing stale and losing influence. Trump’s election deeply re-energized this entire system by giving it a new sense of purpose. The elite’s agenda can now be presented as the solution to defeat Trump who is #notmypresident.

It can now be associated with revolt and rebellion, two things that young people find appealing. The Agenda is now “fighting the power” and its message to the youth this year is “resist”.

We are in an interesting time in History. Revolutionary vocabulary is used against Trump, a temporary visitor of the White House and is threatened with riots. Meanwhile, the true elite, which remains in power no matter who is President, is untouched. It is the invisible puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes.

I agree and I might add that most people who supported Trump online were "born yesterday" as far as their knowledge of current politics goes -- applies to most angsty teens who look to Sup Forums as a means of bonding, and identifying with "a cause", and whose cries against a "leftist agenda" is the means of justification for the fact they still can't get laid.

this really made me think

that's rich coming from a faux nation state still controlled by the crown

>Why did the powers that be allowed Trump to be elected?

They didn't.

Hes a buffoon who adding fuel to the fire of leftist authoritarianism which is itself adding fuel to the fire of right wing authoritarianism.

We are looking at the early days of the Weimar Republic.

>le we pushed back a 200 year old entrenched elite by posting memees online and pressing a button in a voting boot

Yeah, ''le''. Because reddit.

You're not giving trump enough credit here.

He really is a genius at manipulating media and the public.

What advantages did the powers give Trump? It's pretty retarded to think that Hillarty was the candidate that wasn't pushed as fuck.