Psy ops

If we spread memes saying that sexualizing minorities is oppression we can manipulate the the sjw's to forcibly shut down all the propaganda for miscegenation.

For example, the "mix it up" racemixing program that happened in europe. Or yellow fever, or blacked, or even the bbc meme. We can easily turn them against it by saying that it sexually objectifies minorities.

We can do this by spreading memes in general and by trying to get big feminist accounts on facebook and twitter to spread em.

itt psyops


Amazing, this thread has no replies, but b8 threads have 100's, don't go changing Sup Forums


Bump for interest

Bump for just cocked my meme gun

wow thats a nice pic man


first we need to target white woman fetishizing white men, and of course how, etc promotes this minority fetishizing. We will pose as black women for credibility and minority card and spread this through the female black twittersphere first. This will work. There's no way it won't. We just need some news or movement to tie this into so it seems organic

That's sounds pretty good. I recommend you to keep the idea up, with all the milo stuff going currently it's gonna be difficult to get it off the ground.

the hope being this will incite black women to attack white women who are dating black guys and accusing them of being minority fetishists. and sexual appropriation.

Kek wills it

This is a good idea.

On a related note, does anyone know which shows were popular with current 14-18 years olds growing up? Like spongebob but for 2000s kids instead of 90s kids


is Hotep versed in meme craft? Perhaps this will be our first alliance.

"Fetishizing kids is just as wrong as fetishizing minorities" seems of the moment and about as insane as regular feminist drivel

This is good

but it's 1am and I'm going to sleep


Spongebob will work. It came out in '98, it's practically a 00's toon.

Nice. planting the seeds now, and hitting with a second wave later. I like it

At uni I will join the liberals and shill for this.

Gotta be honest, this has my neurons operating at peak efficiency

The real psy op you guys should push for is the following : SJW are really vocal about social justice and minorities. Well, you could start a campaign to get virgin nerds to be a minority that is currently discriminated by the white male society. Hence it should be feminists duty to fuck them .
Use meme magic to actually solve Sup Forums problem. If done correctly I assure you this would work.

Came here to post this

Well in Sweden they do seem to have difficulty telling the difference between immigrants and children, so just count them all as children.

Fucking leafs

Youre going to make it seem even more forbidden and the whores are gonna fuck even more niggers

Gas yourself with a rake please

Maybe make infographics and false references that show the influence of patriarchy or other feminist loved buzzwords in the current situation of virgin and sexually frustrated people. Also make memes that somehow make nerds "cute" and worth to fuck to somehow fight this social injustice.

Well throw some implants on and call me Bailey, this is a brilliant idea


make the left reject the term "women" as is a derivation of the word "men", just with a pejorative prefix. (i know its bullshit)
So "women" should now be referred officially everywhere as, fems, or feminas

Hate to break it to you but SJWs already say that and blacked is frequented by conservatives.

Yes pls

You fags all talk like shills

False flag OP here abort thread


Posting like this

Is hip on the Reddit

Get with the times gramps

Plz.. you and that stupid facebook bird meme die.. just die.

Is Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends still relevant?

Good post leaf.

>the the

They already took care of that with the term "womyn".