Last Friday Trump makes a comment about Sweden. 3 days later a large riot occurs which the immigrants start. Is the 9D chess real? Can he see into the future?
Trump 9D Chess
No. Drumpf is finished coz he lied about Swedish terror attack. I wonder how drumpf cucks will spin it this time and call it "10D chess"
Council for National Policy stages false flags all the time to direct the attention of the right-leaning conspiracy movement. Look at their involvement in the Bundy Ranch thing for example.
Gimme vid swede bro
You know what to do....
This guy. Fucking KEK!
He is a true visionary. Legend says that he knew in advance about Stephen Hawkings "party for time travellers", but didnt bother going as he felt he would probably offend the professor with his impressions of the disabled.
Post this in every Sweden thread.