As a woman, I cannot stand that ugly, misogynist fucker and never could

He's just a phony who attaches himself to whatever movement he thinks will make him more money from promoting. The alt right has no place for him and he is not representative of who we are as a movement.

Fuck Milo he rode Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the way to his 15 minutes of fame. He never really believed any of the shit we believe; he just saw it as an opportunity to put shekels in his pocket because nobody else was doing so at the time. He literally came along at the right time and like the kike he is, attached himself to it at the perfect time.

For God's sake Sup Forums, he's the embodiment of everything this board stands against: A degenerate, Jewish, miscegenation practicing faggot.

The irony is that he used us to gain a modicum of fame, but by doing so he also flew too close to the sun (Sup Forumsand the redpills that we continuously drop and believe) and (((they))) finally got their opportunity to burn him for it. Fucking pottery.

Other urls found in this thread:


Faggots cant mescegenate.

and the Sup Forumscucks fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Far right is exactly the same as the far left. Echo chamber, safe space faggots.

I'm not following this story at all and don't care and it's obvous from here it's some shitty hatchet job.

It's probably leftists pretending to be right wing all concern trolling at eachother while nobody with skin in the game really cares.

Don't forget to sage.

you know the rules

tits or gtfo

>As a women
Remember to sage slide threads folk!


>plaster an irrelevant faggot on every front page for weeks
>hurrhurrr we got the faggot!!!!! drumpf btfo!!!!!
Fucking lying press shills just die already.

Sage you cunt

Tits or gtfo