
>pedophilia stuff was made in January 2016 on Drunken Peasants - not a tiny podcast
>only comes to light now
Really makes my neurons fire


Well he's a (((Jew)))

>I-I totally didn't mean what you think I meant!

Stahp it, shareblue. get a real job

>it's okay to shill for kiddie diddling if I out other pedos.
Drop the proxy, Milo.

it was clearly a planned attack. but that doesn't make milo less of a faggot.

>keeps making fun of people who pretend to be victims
>be a stupid pedo faggot
>pretend to be a victim
Now, just look at it. At this rate he'll start a patreon to help him get away from those oppressors!


He was talking about his own experience when he was himself underage. He wasn't advocating for pedos.
But nice spinning, shareblue. Don't have podesta's threads to defend?

>jewish media
Milo is a jew, you do realize that?