Russian diplomats are dying left and right

>Sept 7
Putin's personal driver killed in suspicious car accident
>Dec 19
Andrei Karlov, ambassador to Turkey, assassinated by police officer
>Dec 19
Petr Polshikov, senior Latin America diplomat, found with gunshot wound to the head in his Moscow home
>Feb 20
Vitaly Churkin, UN ambassador, "died suddenly"

Is this merely coincidence or (((coincidence)))?

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This has been bugging me too, wtf? Are those Putin's friends?

senpai. cite ur shit. or im going back to mpc forever.

>because I have to go back
latest case

Presumably. The killing of diplomats is almost invariably a prelude to war. It's not looking great Finnbro.

Trump will be good for Russian-American relations, I'm in my inner citadel because of that.

It's not Trump I'm worried about, it's the deep-state Soros crowd.

Remember, if America goes to war, you're all fucked.

> 4 people in over 5 months
> left and right

It's the Deep State faggots doing this shit. They don't want friendly relations between America and Russia.